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Domestic water heating

is the process of warming water for personal use, and it can consume a large amount
of energy.

Hot-Water Heating
Hot-water systems typically have a central boiler, in which water is
heated to a temperature of from 140 to 180 °F (60–83 °C), and then
circulated by means of pipes to some type of coil units, such as
radiators, located in the various rooms.
 Circulation of the hot water can be accomplished by pressure
and gravity, but forced circulation using a pump is more efficient
because it provides flexibility and control.
Electric water heaters are often used in domestic settings to supply hot water to small
residential and commercial buildings. A common -and generally older- alternative to an
electric water heater, is a gas water heater, which uses gas for generating heat instead
of electricity. Water heaters are often installed in the basement/cellar of a building. They
heat water for use in kitchen sinks, bathroom showers, and any other place where hot
water is desired.

Water Heating Methods

Storage Tank Water Heaters

 are the most commonly used type of water heater for homes. In these systems, heated
water is held in a tank so that a certain quantity of hot water is available at any time.
 Thermostats are used on the burner to maintain the temperature of the water
Tankless Water Heaters
 are heaters that heat flowing water and thus do not require a storage tank.
 several tankless gas-fired heaters can delivery enough water to supply most houses.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

 Heat pump water heaters or HPWHs use electricity and take heat from the air and move
it to the water instead of converting electricity directly to heat. Air from the room
containing the heater has the heat removed from it and transferred to a tank of water.
 Ground source heat pumps can be used to provide water heating in addition to space
heating and cooling. They use the temperature of the Earth or groundwater as a heat

Solar Water Heaters

 Can provide about 60% of the hot water requirements of the home.
 These systems make use of solar collectors, a circulating pump, as well as
storage tanks. These are usually used to preheat water, using a conventional
heater after.

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