Data, Data Everywhere

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Data, Data Everywhere

Yeixuan vargas rivera

Research: Collect Numeric Data

Data Set 1:
The weather in Texas July 2023
100 87 84 80 84 91 89 91 93 80 86 91 91 91 87 87 80 80 86 84 87 87 75 84 78 87
75 78 80 80 80 80 84 84 84 84 87 87 87 87 87 87 91 91 91 91 91 93 100

Data Set 2
The weather in Puerto Rico July 2023
75 77 80 80 80 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 84 84

Research: Organize Numeric Data
Research: Source Information
Website link: http:

Writing: Find Five-Number Summary –
Five-number summary:
[Least Value] 78 and 100
[Q1] 58.5
[Median]80 and84
[Q3] 75
[Greatest Value] 87

Writing: Find Five-Number Summary –

Five-number summary:
[Least Value] 75 and 77
[Median] 87
[Greatest Value] 82
Writing: Construct Box Plots

Writing: Analyze Data Set 1

The minimum is 77
The maximum is 100
The q1 is 84k
The median 87
The q3 is 91
Writing: Analyze Data Set 2
The minimum is 75
The maximum is 84
The q1 is 80
The q2 is 82
The q3 is 83

Writing: Compare Data Sets

The 2 one was harder for i to make the box plot
The temperature in Puerto Rico is more consistent
The temperature stay slightly the same for example both
of them they’re least and most valued are either in the 70s
or 80s
Replace [Discussion] with a discussion that addresses the following with
respect to your analysis of the data sets:
•What did the graphs and statistics tell you about the data that was not
immediately apparent by looking at the data set?
•Which measure of center best described each data set?
•Were you surprised by the results of your analysis? Why or why not?
•Could your results be used to make any generalizations or predictions?

Reflection: What Does It All Mean?

In conclusion I have came to now that in Texas the
weather is hotter than Puerto Rico but in pr the weather is
more consistent that in Texas but at the end of the day
both of these places are hot

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