Questionnaire For Hike in Fuel Price

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Dear respondent,
I am an undergraduate student of the above-named institution. I am conducting a research study
on the Fuel Price Hike and Survival challenges of Small-Scale Businesses in Alimosho LGA,
Lagos State. Kindly spare your time to help fill the questions as your honest answers will be
highly appreciated and be kept confidential.


1. What is your gender? (1) Male (2) Female

2. How old were you as at your last birthday? _______________
3. What is your marital status? (1) Single (2) Married (3) Divorced (4) Widowed
4. Which ethnic group are you from? (1) Hausa (2) Igbo (3) Yoruba (4) Others specify
5. Religious affiliation? (1) Christianity (2) Islam (3) Traditional (4) Others ____________
6. Occupational Status? (1) Trader (2) Street Vendor (3) Artisans (4) Local Craftsman (5)
Food Vendor (6) Beauty and Grooming Salon (7) others Specify___________________

OBJECTIVE 1: Effects Of Fuel Price Hikes On The Operational Cost Of Small Scale

7. How does increase in fuel price affects the operational cost of doing your business?
Positively ( ) Negatively ( ) Indifferently ( ) Not Sure ( )
8. What areas of business operational cost has been mostly affected by the fuel price hike ?
Transportation cost ( ) Cost of fueling generator ( ) Increase in menial expenses ( )
Increase cost of materials ( ) Employees remuneration ( ) others specify ( )
9. Considering the current trend of rising fuel prices, how well is your business coping with
the increase ? Managing Efficiently ( ) Coping with trend ( ) Struggling with the rising
cost ( )
10. Have you had to modify your business strategies due to the rise in fuel prices? Yes ( ) No
( )
11. If yes, how? Changed suppliers to reduce cost ( ) Cut down on some cost ( ) Increase
product prices ( ) Reduced product quality/size ( ) others specify______________
OBJECTIVE 2: Investigate The Extent to which Fuel Price Hike Affects The Revenue
Streams Of Small Scale Business

12. What was your approximate revenue of your business brfore the increase in fuel price?
13. What is your approximate revenue of your business after the increase in fuel price?
14. Have you had to adjust product or service pricing due to the rise in fuel prices? Yes ( )
No ( )
15. If yes, how has this impacted customer demand? Decrease in customers demand ( )
Increase in customers demand ( ) Customers demand remains unchanged ( )
16. How do you intend maintaining revenue levels if fuel prices continue to rise over the next
year? Implement strategies to reduce cost ( ) Adjust operational costs ( ) Not sure as
business solely depends on fuel ( ) others specify________________

OBJECTIVE 3: Strategies Employed By Small Scale Business In Coping With Fuel Price

17. What strategies has your small-scale business implemented to cope with the increasing
cost of fuel? Adjusted the prices of products or services ( ) Reduced Frequency of
transportation cost ( ) Seek alternative suppliers ( ) Change the nature/cost of raw
materials ( )
18. Have you renegotiated contracts or agreements with suppliers or vendors to
counterbalance the impact of rising fuel prices? Yes ( ) No ( )

19. How has your business adapted its operational processes to become more energy-efficient
and reduce dependency on fuel? Implemented energy-saving technologies or equipment (
) Optimized production processes to reduce energy consumption ( )No specific changes
made to enhance energy efficiency ( )
20. What financial or cost-cutting measures has your business adopted to offset the impact of
higher fuel prices on overall expenses? Reduced non-essential expenditures to reallocate
funds for fuel expenses ( ) Implemented stricter budgeting ( ) Implemented cost-control
measures ( )No specific financial or cost-cutting measures adopted ( )

OBJECTIVE 4: Possible Ways Government Can Help Alleviate The Challenges Faced By
Small Scale Businesses in The Wake Of Fuel Price Increase

22. Do you believe government intervention is necessary to support small-scale businesses

affected by fuel price hikes? Yes ( ) No ( )
23. If yes, in what areas do you think the government could provide assistance? Provision of
Financial subsidies ( ) tax breaks to offset increased operational costs ( ) Funding or
grants for adopting renewable energy ( ) Policy changes to regulate fuel prices ( ) others
24. How effective do you think government-initiated training programs or workshops
focusing on energy conservation and cost-saving strategies could be for small-scale
businesses? Very effective ( ) Moderately effective ( ) Not effective ( )
25. What additional support or initiatives do you think the government could provide to assist
small-scale businesses in mitigating the impact of fuel price increases?

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