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Neutral Citation No:=


Paritosh Mathur Vs. State of Haryana & Anr.

Present:- Mr. Arshdeep Singh Cheema, Advocate for the Petitioner.


The Counsel for the petitoner contends that an identically

situated co-accused has approached this Court by filing CRM-M-41263-

2023 titled as Arijit Sanyal Vs. State of Haryana & Anr. and this Court has

passed the following order:-

“ The learned Senior counsel for the petitioner inter alia

contends that the petitioner is a non-executive Director and
cannot be affixed the liability under Section 141 of the
Negotiable Instruments Act. Reliance is placed on the judgments
in Chintalapati Srinivasa Raju Versus Securities and Exchange
Board of India (2018) 7 SCC 443 and Pooja Ravinder
Devidasani Versus State of Maharashtra & another, 2014(14)
Notice of motion for 06.11.2023.
In the meantime, further proceedings qua the petitioner
alone shall remain stayed. The proceedings may continue
against the other accused.”

Notice of motion for 06.11.2023.

In the meantime, further proceedings qua the petitioner alone

shall remain stayed. The proceedings may continue against the other


To be heard with CRM-M-41263-2023.


September 04, 2023

Neutral Citation No:=

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