Notes For Lotes of Presisendtes in Our World

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Calvin Coolidge
➢ General Info
1. 6 years
2. Republican
3. 30th president
➢ Life Before Office
1. Was a lawyer
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Roaring economic growth
➢ World Issues
1. Not much...heroin act
➢ Major Policies
1. Immigration Act of 1924
2. Good economy
➢ Lasing Influence
1. Nothing (he was the “do nothing president”
John Adams
➢ General Info
1. 1 Term
2. Federalist Party
3. 2nd President
➢ Life Before Office
1. Founding Father
2. Leader of the American Revolution
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Independence from Britain
2. French revolution
➢ World Issues
1. French Revolution
➢ Major Policies
1. Purchase Indian territories (not annex them)
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Founding father
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
➢ General Info
1. 32nd president
2. Served 4 terms
3. Democrat
➢ Life before office
1. He had polio in 1921 but regained his legs via training and swimming
➢ U.S. Issues
1. He was president during the Great Depression.
2. World War 2
➢ U.S. Policies
1. The New Deal
2. Social Security Act
Thomas Jefferson
➢ General Info
1. 3rd president
2. 2 Terms
3. Democratic Republican
➢ Life Before Office
1. First secretary of state
2. Governor of Virginia for 2 years
3. Wrote declaration of independence
4. Lawyer
➢ Major Policies
1. Bought the Lousisiana terroritory
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Wrote the declaration of independence
George W. Bush
➢ General Info
1. 2 Terms
2. 43rd President
3. Republican
➢ Life Before Office
1. Master's degree in business
2. Governor of Texas
➢ Major Issues
1. 9/11
2. Department of Homeland Security
3. Went into Iraq
➢ Major World Issues
1. 2001: Destruction of the Twin Towers 9/11.
2. Congress allowed the U.S. to attack Iraq
➢ Lasting Influence
1. No child left behind act
John F Kennedy
➢ General Info
1. Served 1961-1963
2. 35th president
3. Democrat
➢ Life Before Office
1. Went to Harvard. Bachelor of Arts in Government
2. Lieutenant in the Navy during WW2
➢ Major Policies During Presidency
1. Founded Peace Crops
2. Cuban Missile Crisis quarantine.
3. Settled the conflict with Russia.
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Civil Rights
2. Beginning of the space race
3. The Cold War
4. Cuban Missile Crisis
5. Bay of Pigs
➢ World Issues
1. The Vietnam War.
2. Beatles were on the rise with rock and roll
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Assassination is a lasting memory
2. Peace Corps
Gerald R. Ford
➢ General Info
1. 38th president
2. 1974-1977
3. Republican
➢ Life Before President
1. Not important
➢ Issues During Presidency
1. Ford pardoned Nixon
2. Tax reduction act of 1975
3. Republicans and democrats did NOT like him
➢ Major Issues in World
1. Beatles broke up
➢ Lasting Influence
1. N/A
Millard Fillmore
➢ General Info
1. 13th President
2. 1850-1853
3. Whig Party
➢ Life Before Office
1. Vice President of Zarchary Taylor (hence the 3-year term)
➢ Major Policies
1. Fugitive Slave Bill
➢ Issues in the U.S.
1. Slaves!
➢ World Issues
1. N/A
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Slavery
2. Compromise of 1850
Herbet Hoover
➢ General Info
1. 31st President
2. 1929-1933
3. Republican Party
➢ Life Before Office
1. Secretary of Commerce
➢ Major Policies
1. N/A
➢ Major Issues in U.S.
1. Great Depression
➢ World Issues
1. Unrest in Asia and Africa
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Beliefs in Volunteering
Jimmy Carter
➢ General Info
1. 1 term
2. Democrat
3. 39th president
➢ Life Before Office
1. Governor of Georgia
2. Was in the Navy
➢ Major Policies
1. National energy policy
2. Created national parks
3. Nuclear weapons agreement with China
➢ Major Issues in U.S.
1. Stagflation (bad time)
2. Energy crisis
3. Recession before presidency.
➢ World Issues
1. Iranian Revolution
2. Iranian Militants took 52 Americans hostages
3. Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
4. Cold War was a big threat
➢ Lasting Influence
1. National Parks
2. Department of Energy
➢ Fun Facts
1. Lost reelections to Ronald Reagan
2. Legacy grew over time
3. Oldest president still alive.
John Tyler
➢ General Info
1. 10th president
2. 1 term 1841-1845
3. Whig Party (became independent)
➢ Life Before Office
1. Virginia State legislator
2. Governor
3. U.S. representative
4. U.S. senator
➢ Policies
1. Established United States Weather bureau
2. Brought an end to the second Seminole War
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Entire Cabinet Resigned except for 1
2. Tensions for the Civil War
➢ Major Issues
1. N/A
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Weather Bureau
2. He was boring af
➢ Fun Facts
1. President because William Henry Harrison died 31 days (about 1 month) after
2. John Tyler supported the Confederate States.
Andrew Johnson
➢ General Info
1. 17th President
2. Democrat
3. 1 Term
➢ Life Before Office
1. N/A
➢ Major Issues
1. He didn’t support racism even though it was a major problem
➢ World Issue
1. N/A
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Worst person for president at the time
2. He was a racist
3. First person to ever get impeached
George H. W. Bush
➢ General Info
1. 41st President
2. 1 term
3. Republican
➢ Life Before Office
1. Served in the Navy
➢ Major Policies
1. N/A
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Exxon Valdez oil spill
2. Troops invade Panama
➢ World Issues
1. He worked with the Soviet Union?
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Americans with Disabilities Act
Richard Nixon
➢ General Info
1. 37th President
2. 5 years as President
3. Republican
➢ Life Before Office
1. Attended Whittier college and Duke for Law
2. Joined Navy
3. Elected to the House of Representatives
4. Highly opposed to communism
➢ Major Policies
1. Controls against inflation
2. Lowered inflation a lot
➢ U.S. Issues
1. Vietnam War
2. A recession which HE started
➢ Major World Issues
1. Soviet Union and Cold War
2. Tensions from Great Powers
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Opened trade to China
2. Resigned because of Watergate
James Madison
1. General Info
1. 4th President
2. Democratic-Republican Party
3. 2 terms
2. Life Before Office
1. College at Princeton and got degree in history, government, and law.
2. Framing of the Virginia Constitution
3. Served in the Continental Congress
4. Took part in the constitutional convention
3. Major Policies
1. N/A
4. Major Issues in U.S.
1. War against British (burned down Washington dc)
2. Battles with Indians
5. World Issues
1. N/A
6. Lasting Influence
1. Founding Father
Ronald Reagan
➢ General Info
1. President #40
2. 2 terms
3. Republican
➢ Life Before Office
1. Actor for Hollywood
2. Governor of California
➢ Major Policies
1. Reaganomics: cut inflation by increasing federal revenue at lower tax rates
2. Foreign policy for peace with Soviet Union
3. Helped with the fall of the Berlin Wall
➢ Major Issues in U.S.
1. Inflation was very high
➢ Major Issues in World
1. Negotiations with Soviet Union to remove nukes in Europe
2. Suicide bombers in Lebanon
3. Fall of the Berlin Wall
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Almost assassinated
Ulysses S. Grant
➢ General Info
1. Republican
2. 2 Terms
3. 18th President
➢ Before Office
1. Commanding General for the Civil War in the North
➢ Major Policies
1. Gave black men the right to vote
➢ Major U.S. Issues
1. Civil war had just ended...racism was at a high
➢ World Issues
1. Battle of the Little Bighorn
2. Franco-Prussian war begins
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Known as a hero for winning civil war
2. Known for work in Civil Rights.
William Howard Taft
➢ General Info
1. President #27
2. Republican
3. 1 term served
➢ Life before Office
1. Lawyer and a Judge,
2. Secretary of war to President Roosevelt
➢ Major Policies
1. Dollar Diplomacy
➢ Major Issues in U.S.
1. n/a
➢ Major World Issues
1. The Titanic sinks after colliding with an iceberg
➢ Lasting Influence
1. Generous and Charitable
2. Only president to serve as chief justice
➢ Fun Facts
1. Heaviest president (needed a custom bathtub)

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