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Instructor: Michael John V. Dayondon

IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer on your blue booklet.

1. Is the process, both behavioral and result expectations have been set.
2. It is the beginning of the performance management cycle; It is important to review with
employees their performance expectations.
3. It is simply a recap of what has occurred throughout the rating period.
4. It is both the most challenging and the most important part of developing an effective
performance management system.
5. A key competency of employee that would actively demonstrate care and concern for and
appropriate management of the organization’s financial resources.
6. Sharing and receiving information in a straightforward and considerate manner.
7. This has been used effectively in many organizations.
8. In this performance management system, both behavioral and result expectation are set.

ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following.

1. Performance Management Process in chronological order.
2. Cornerstone of successful implementation.

TRUE OR FALSE. Write JEANROSE if the statement is true and write WAYNE if the statement is
1. The type of performance evaluation to be used in special situations.
2. In order to provide feedback effectively, focus on what the person did or did not do,
personal characteristics.
3. Developing employee capabilities to their fullest extent through effective feedback and
coaching is one of the possible outcomes for effective performance management.
4. Both behavioral and result expectations should have been set under the performance
management process.
5. To the extent possible, goals should have been a direct and obvious link to
organizational success factors or goals.
6. Performance review should simply be a recap of what has occurred throughout the
rating period.
7. Performance Management System, which typically include the performance appraisal
and employee development, are the “ Achilles heel” of operations management.
8. Implementation is both the most challenging and the most important part of developing
an effective Performance management system
9. Managers should discuss with the employees their rating, narratives and rationale for the
evaluation given.
10. The first step of performance management process is performance planning.

Sometimes, it is hard to say yes especially if you don’t know where it is heading. But, when you
will be given additional points for it, why not. Stand, stretch and sing “ I won’t give up” while
submitting your test questionnaire for 3 points. First 3 persons only

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