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1. The 'Lady Vain' was shipwrecked.

2. The initial believed count of crew members who perished in the dingey was three.

3. Constans failed to reach the dingey because he couldn't swim.

4. The survivors spent a total of eight days drifting in the boat.

5. "Drawing Lots" signified the process of randomly selecting who would be sacrificed for food.

6. The sailor and Helmar found themselves thrown overboard due to the ship's sudden lurch.

7. The ship that initially came to Prendick's rescue at the beginning of the story was called the

8. The individual caring for Prendick on the ship that rescued him was Montgomery.

9. The ship captain who rescued Prendick was called Captain Davis.

10. The ship's captain was notorious for being a harsh disciplinarian.

11. Prendick characterizes the deformed individual as a "beast-man."

12. The ship was transporting a cargo of animals.

13. Prendick's social standing would be best described as a gentleman.

14. Upon arriving at the mysterious island, the captain abandons Prendick there.

15. Montgomery assists Prendick in reaching the mysterious island.

16. When reaching the island with Prendick, Montgomery sets a puma free.

17. Prendick rejects consuming raw meat.

18. Prendick is required to wait for another ship to arrive at the island for ten days.

19. Moreau departed from England due to a scandal involving unethical experiments.

20. Prendick realizes that Dr. Moreau is conducting experiments on animals, turning them into
human-like creatures.

21. The man drinking water from the stream had animal-like features and behavior.

22. Prendick observes that the individuals he encounters in the forest have a strange, bestial

23. Despite deciding to return to his quarters, Prendick senses a beast-man pursuing him in the

24. The man pursuing Prendick was unusual because he was a human who had been transformed
into a beast-like creature.

25. The cries of the pumas transform into human-like screams, indicating that they have been
subjected to Moreau's experiments.

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