TV Shows & Expressions - SusanaLopez

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By: Susana Elizabeth Lopez Gonzalez 2049987

The name of the movie is:

The Secret of Moonacre

The main characters are:

Maria Merryweather, Sir Benjamin, Loveday, Miss Heliotrope,
Sir William De Noir

The movie’s genre is:

Adventure and romance
Movie Picture

I [liked/didn’t like] this movie because:

I really liked all the magic in the house and how Maria Merryweather had to look for clues
to find the pearls so that the world would not leave with them, but what I didn't like was
that at the end the magic left with the pearls and there was no more magic.

What was the movie about (5 sentences): My favorite person is

Maria Merryweather
It is about two families who live in dispute over pearls. A woman named
, because
Loveday even abandoned her family because she fell in love with someone
from the other family and didn't want there to be any more problems. Maria She is a very brave girl and
Merryweather arrived at her uncle's house and realized all the magic that tries and does everything to
existed in the house. He didn't let her go out much because her uncle knew
stop the families from
about the dangers outside, but she would go out. In the end they gave the
pearls to the sea so that all the magic would go away and the world would fighting.
not go with her.

I would recommend this movie to:

My friend: Joseline Azenet Castillo
How does the
Reason: movie make you
It shows how people can be united in Very happy and
spite of adversity and how there are worried about
misunderstandings between people. what's to come

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