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Colegio Técnico Superior Dámaso Zapata

Teachers: Camila Camargo, Laura Sissa

Grade: 11th - 06
Media Anlysis Activity

Name: Date:

Media Analysis
Choose a fictional character from a movie, TV show, book, series, or video game, and answer
the following questions to analyze their representation:

Identity and Background

What is the name of the character?

(Put a picture of the

character here)
What racial or ethnic identity does the character belong to?

What is the character's background or cultural heritage?

Physical Description
Describe the character's appearance, including skin color, clothes, hair, and facial features.

Does the character's appearance conform to or challenge stereotypes about their race?

Role and Representation

How are they portrayed in terms of personality traits, behaviors, and relationships with
other characters?
What role does the character play in the story?

Do you perceive any stereotypes or clichés with the character's racial or ethnic identity?

Character Development
Does the character experience any significant development or growth in the story?

How does their racial or ethnic identity influence the story?

Has this character been controversial? What do the critics think of this character?

Your opinion

Can you identify any similarities or differences between the character's experiences and
real-life experiences of individuals from their racial or ethnic group?

Do you believe the character contributes positively or negatively to the representatioin of

their racial or ethnic group? Why or why not?

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