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Project Name: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System for a Small Business

1. Introduction
In this section, provide an overview of the project, its objectives, and the contents of the

2. Project Life Cycle

Discuss the project in each phase and the processes involved. Include details about key
project documents such as the project charter, business case, and others.

2.1 Initiation

 Overview of the project initiation phase.

 Key documents: Project charter, business case, etc.

2.2 Planning

 Details on project planning.

 Key documents: Project plan, WBS, etc.

2.3 Execution

 Execution phase activities.

 Any challenges faced during execution.

2.4 Monitoring and Controlling

 Discuss how the project was monitored and controlled.

 Key documents: Progress reports, change requests, etc.

2.5 Closing

 Overview of the project closing phase.

 Key documents: Project closure report, lessons learned, etc.

3. Project Knowledge Areas

3.1 Project Scope

 Define the scope of the CRM system.

 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
3.2 Time Management

 Duration of each activity.

 Tools used for time management.
 Challenges faced and how they were addressed.

3.3 Cost Management

 Cost of resources.
 Challenges encountered during cost management.
 Tools utilized for cost management.
 Updated WBS.

3.4 Resources

 Identify the resources required for the project.

 Discuss the associated costs.
 Updated WBS.


1. Introduction
In this section, you want to provide an overview of the project. Clearly state the objectives and purpose
of the CRM System development for a Small Business. Also, give the reader an idea of what they can
expect in the report.

2. Project Life Cycle

This section breaks down the project into its life cycle phases. Each phase involves specific activities and
processes. Mention key documents associated with each phase, such as the project charter, which
outlines the project's objectives and stakeholders. Other documents, like the business case, justify the

2.1 Initiation
Explain how the project was initiated. What were the key decisions and considerations? Discuss the
importance of the project charter and business case in guiding the project from the beginning.
2.2 Planning
Detail the planning phase, which involves creating a roadmap for the project. Key documents here
include the project plan and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which breaks the project into
manageable tasks.

2.3 Execution
Describe the execution phase, where the actual work on the CRM System takes place. Include any
challenges faced during this phase and how they were addressed.

2.4 Monitoring and Controlling

Explain how the project was monitored and controlled to ensure it stayed on track. Discuss the
importance of progress reports, change requests, and other control mechanisms.

2.5 Closing
Summarize the closing phase, where the project is completed, and its success is evaluated. Key
documents here include the project closure report and lessons learned.

3. Project Knowledge Areas

3.1 Project Scope
Define the scope of the CRM System. What functionalities are included, and what is excluded? Use a
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to visually represent the project's scope.

3.2 Time Management

Discuss how time was managed throughout the project. Include the duration of each activity, tools used
for time management, and any challenges faced.

3.3 Cost Management

Detail the cost management aspect of the project. Include the cost of resources, challenges
encountered, tools utilized for cost management, and an updated WBS reflecting the costs.
3.4 Resources
Identify the resources needed for the project, both human and material. Discuss the associated costs
and provide an updated WBS.

4. Software and Analysis Report

Discuss any software tools used for project management and analysis. This section could include project
management software, data analysis tools, and other relevant software.

5. Conclusion
Summarize the key findings of the project, lessons learned, and the overall success of the CRM system

Note: Use the following screenshot in your report

GANTT chart: Use, excel sheet or lucid or Microsoft Project etc.
WBS sample: You can use excel, Lucid template, Microsoft Project etc
Resource allocation: You can use Jira, asana trello or basecamp etc
Communication, Resource allocation: Slack, Discord, Skype, Google meet etc.

Configuration, version controlling: Git, Bitbucket etc

Cost Estimation: Show the screenshot from exelsheet

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