This Is Me and This Is Pip

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i ° G his Is Pep ee Mx. ret heat ESC Fac coo74ss cotins BIGCAT 13Ci snp nein nit eed pte ‘goss mgr othe es re ese cgi Se Published by Collins [SiVretndendnly sfc ey ome om An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers fees ta a ranged ett sh Hloedon metige Seest Find ume abut Harris he creo it tendon Soon oe ee SELOGE ‘rouse compte Clie ctaogue st ‘ext and illustrations © 2013 Sally Symes Design © HarperCollins?ublishes Limited 2013 Author: Sally Symes Series editor: Kay Hiatt 109876543 ISBN 978-0-00-750795-5, Sally Symes asserts her moral right to be Identified asthe author of thls work All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tuansmited in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, Without the prior written permission ofthe Publisher or a licence permlting restricted copying In the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Lid, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT ALP. Brtsh Library Cataloguing in Publication Data 2 catalogue recor for this publication is available from the British Library fustrator: Sally symes Designer: Emma DeBanks, woew.ectdesign Design manager: Niki Merrett, Reading ideas author: Clare Dowdall, Acknowledgements Cover font: Shutterstock comiirali Collins would like to thank the teachers and children at Holbeton Primary School whe teck part in the ‘development of Collins Big Cat. Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS Get the ast Clins Bi Cat none t , ks ae Nts 5 Pry Written and illustrated by Sally Symes Collins This is me, and this is Pip. I like to jump. He likes to skip. Pip skips up. I jump down. Then we spin round and round. We run, we hop. He skips, I jump. It’s lots of fun.Thud, thump and bump! We see a swing up in the tree, Pip sits on it, and shouts out .. S) GZ @ belt eee Weeeeeeeeee! \) { ee es 10 S Cheep! Buzz! We look up in the tree. Pip sees a nest. I see a bee. ae oy n CO Ws ey fs \ \ < (o_? 4) ss Y y) —— SS We look and see a lot of bugs. Ants and snails and ugly slugs! We see the sand. We like to dig. Pip is teeny. I am big! The sun is hot, we see the pool. Splishy, splashy! It feels cool. We play at tag, and I am “it”. We run around, we must be fit! The wind is flapping at the sheet, I see Pip. I see his feet! A puff of wind, a rainy cloud. A flash, a crash! It’s very loud. Ideas for reading s¢ Written by Clare Dowdall, PhD Lecturer and Primary Literacy Consultant Learning objectives: read simple words by _to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, sounding out and blending the phonemes _ideas, feelings and events all through the word from left to right; Curriculum links: Understanding the World: read some high frequency words; read a Rona range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently; use phonic Focus phonemes: y, zz, sh, th (this, thump), knowledge to write simple regular words; ai, ee, 00 (boot, look), ou (round) extend their vocabulary, exploring the Peters Tieike live es meanings and sounds of new words; use talk Word count: 171 Getting started Revisit the focus phonemes using flash cards. © Write the words jump and skip on a whiteboard, Identify the phoneme for each grapheme. Rehearse blending the phonemes in each word to read the word fluently. « Look at the front cover and read the title aloud together. Discuss what is ‘happening in the picture and what might happen in the book. * Tum to the blurb. Model how to read the lines with expression, emphasising the rhythm and the rhyming words. Discuss which words rhyme. Ask children to suggest other words that would rhyme with Pip and skip, e.g. chip, nip. Reading and responding # Read pp2-3 as a group. Discuss what the children are doing and suggest what games they might be playing. # Look at the word round. Introduce the digraph ou and help children to add sound buttons to this word on a whiteboard. # Read pp4-5 together. Help children to sound out and blend the phonemes in longer words with digraphs and adjacent consonants, e.g. th-urm-p. Model rereading whole sentences and rhyming sections with fluency. ‘* Ask children to continue to read to p13. Support them to tackle longer words and to reread sentences fluently. Returning to the book Asa group, reread the whole poem from beginning to end, helping children to read with fluency and expression. © Tum to pp14-15. Ask children to describe what Pip and the little girl are doing in each picture. Support children to extend their vocabulary. © Look carefully at p2. Ask children to find words that rhyme. Help children to notice that Pip rhymes with skip. Challenge children to find pairs of rhyming words on other pages ‘Return to the focus phonemes. Give each child a flash card and ask them to find words containing their phonemes in the poem. Checking and moving on * Ask children to collect words in the poem with an ou phoneme, e.g. round, shouts, around. Challenge children to make new words with this digraph using magnetic letters, e.g. s-ou-n-d. ‘© Ask children to draw a picture of an activity that they like to do and write a caption using the writing frame | like to .. | like to swing. @es Reading more o We Are Not Fond of Rat (Red B/Band 28) is a rhyming story about Rat, who wants some friends. Collins - BIG CAT Ss 19 \s Me Po Is Pp This is me and this is Pip. | like to jump. He likes to skip. a6, @ Eos o ISBN 978-O-00-750795-5 v0 o% 9M7sooor! > @e 507955) e@ ~~ o

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