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a Ox CAT Phonics: Anand Snail ¥ . TT mM VT 09 00 LL] Let OS Mix ©... ESC Tec cnoraes Published by Collins ‘epic magento eons Phe sig ‘An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers _\ialsinipmlry ttl messes yc on the Nowe balding fc mel ls nell ne Nes alae roel pees alco es London Fn outmost StL9GF ‘mrs. een ‘ows be compl Calis ag at © HarperCollinsPublishers 2006 Series editor: Kay Hiatt ‘Author: Poul Shipton 10 IS8N-13. 978.0-00-723584-1 ISBN-10 0.00-723586-4 Paul Shipton asserts his moral right tobe identified as the author of this work All rghts reserved. No pat of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo Copying, recording o otherwise, without the prior written permission ofthe Publisher foralicence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT ALP. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data {catalogue record for this publication is availabe from the British Library. ‘Mustrator: Jon stuart Designer: Niki Whitehorn, nlki@whitehomdesign Reading ideas author: ue Graves Acknowledgements Cains would lke to thank the teachers and children ot the following schools whe took part in the development of Collin Big Cat Phonics: Anthony Bek Primary School tarlwaod Infant School Englefetd Green Infant School Meleomise Primary School Merion Abbey Primary Schoo! Riverview Primary Schoot Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS, (Geter Canes at| Ant and Snail Written by Paul Shipton Illustrated by Jon Stuart Collins Ant and Snail had a run. 2 Ant was fit. Ant was fast. Snail was not fit. Snail was not fast. 4 Ant did not wait for Snail. He ran off fast. Ant ran past the big rock. He did not puff and he did not pant. 6 Snail got to the big rock and had a rest. Ant ran past the grass. He did not stop. 8 Ant hit a stick. He fell in a pit. Help! Help! (| P ] Ant was stuck in the pit. 10 Snail got to the top of the pit at last. ~~) so! Snail put the stick in the pit. Ant ran up it. 12 Ant and Snail sat on a rock and had a rest. ¢ Ideas for reading ¢ Written by Sue Graves cert. Ed (Distinction) Primary Literacy Consultant Learning objectives: Hear and say sounds Explore colour, texture, shape, form and in words in the order in which they occur; _ space in two and three dimensions. Extend vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words; Use their phonic knowledge to read simple regular words; Use talk to organise and sequence thinking, Other new phonemes: a, t,i, nc, €, 0, r, ideas, feelings, events; Attempt writing for ™, 4, 9, u, |, h, fb citron De reese, Fast words: was, the, to, he Curriculum links: Creative development: Wordcount nia Focus phonemes: n (run, not, ran, in), r (run, ran, rock, rest), f (fit, fast), ai (snail) Getting started © Write the words that include the focus phonemes nr, fand ai on a small whiteboard and ask the children to fast-read them, blending through any words that they have difficulty with. * Practise saying the ai phoneme together when blending snail and explain that when these two letters appear together they make a new, different sound. © Write up the following words ant, fast, snail, and on the whiteboard. They all contain consonant clusters. Model how to blend the “s” and “n” in snail and encourage children to attempt the other words you have written up. © Ask the children to fast-read the irregular fast words listed above in preparation for encountering them in the book. © Read the blurb on the back cover together. Does it remind them of another story (the fable The Hare and the Tortoise)? What do they think might happen? Reading and responding Give the children copies of the book to read independently. Move round the group to check that children are attempting to blend along the words that contain consonant clusters. © When the children have finished reading, tum to p11 together. How does Ant feel stuck in the pit? Have the children ever got stuck anywhere and needed help to get out? Invite them to share their experiences. Tum to pp14-15. Ask the children to talk about each stage of the race, using the labels as cues. Returning to the book © Ask the children to read the story again as a group. Ask them which words they found difficult. How did they work them out? © Re-examine the difficult words identified by the children and make sure they are blending along the word when necessary. Checking and moving on © Model how to write simple instructions for Ant and Snail to follow during the race. Write children’s suggestions on the board and invite a child to read the list at the end, e.g. 1. Go to the flag. 2. Run past rock. Encourage children to write their own instructions. # Create a textured picture of a snail, Help the children to draw the head and tail of snail on thin card and ask them to paste coiled, coloured string or thin paper to make : a the body. Encourage the A big snail children to label their snails. Reading more Run, Jump, Hop (Red A/Band 2A) is a non-fiction book about how animals move. BIG CAT Fe Ant and Snail Ant and Snail had a run. Ant was fast. Snail was not fast @ ‘rons be cal Cis clog at ‘ SBN 0-00-723584-4 0, °

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