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coling BigGt pubtshedy Cotes Knipe aeolian se Pa tbe ond Tass London Wo 818 ‘Browse the comple Cain catsogue a (© HarperCollinsPublshes Limited 2013 Author: Fiona Macdonald Series editor. Kay Hiatt 198765432 ISBN 9780-00.75078-8 All rights reserved. No pat of this publication may be reproduced, stored ino retrieval system, oF transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photecopying, recording a ctherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying inthe United Kingdom isued by the Copyright Licensing Agency L1d, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT ALP. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ‘A catalogue record for this publication is available from the Beitsh Library. Designer: Niki Merrett Reading ideas author: Linda Pagett Picture researcher: Sophie Hartley Acknowledgements Front cover 2A Images/Getty Images; pl: Tim Draper/Getty Images; p2: KidStock/Getty Images p3, tp lef: Blond images/Superstockp3, top right Susan Trigg/Getty Images; p3, bottom: Ray Laskowitz/LPL/Getty Images; pa: © Loute Psthoyos/Coris: pS, top left: © Annie Owen/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corb\s 5, top right: © Corbls Super RF/Alamy; pS, botiom: © Ocean/Corbls;p7: © imagebroker/Alamy; p8: Holger Leue/LPt/Getty Images; p2: © Patrik Glardino/Alamy; pl0: Peter Pakvis/Redferns/Getty Images; pI, lef: Galushko Sergey/Shutterstock p11, right: © Martin Diebel/stop/Corbis; p12: © Sally and Richard Greenbill/ Alamy; p13: Medioimages/Photodise/Getty mages Collins would like to thank the teachers and children at Holbeton Primary School who took part inthe development of Collins Big Cat. Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS (ete ast Cas Bi Cat news at doom, Boom i Written by Fiona Macdonald <> Collins This is the drum in the band. It has a booming sound. 2 You hit the drum with big sticks. You can flick a drum or brush it or thump it. 4 The drum can sound loud or soft. You can hit it fast. 4 All drums are round, but not all drums are big. oo In a marching band you bang the drums as you march along. 6 XS The man sits on the ground to tap the tabla. with your hands. Pop stars hit drum kits. A kit has drums at the top and a big drum on the ground. 10 You hit the drum kit with sticks and tap it with feet. The band counts the sounds from the drum. The drum helps the band. 12 We clap and stomp to the drum in the band. @ Ideas for reading Written by Linda Pagett B.Ed(Hons), M.Ed Lecturer and Educational Consultant Getting started Review the focus phonemes using flash cards. Introduce the book by reading the title and blurb together, pointing to the words as you read. Introduce the digraph 00. Write the word boom on the whiteboard and ask children to add sound buttons. Ask children to discuss what sounds are made by drums and what type of drums children know already. Make a list of their thoughts on the whiteboard. Do they know anyone who plays drums or other musical instruments? Explain that this is an information book that explains facts about a specific topic. Reading and responding Read pp2-3 together and look at the word sound. Introduce the digraph ou and help children to add sound buttons on the whiteboard. Discuss the sounds that would be produced by each of the actions on p3 and which one the children think would be more appealing to hear. . Ask children to read to the end of the book independently. Move around the group and support children’s attempts to blend and read with fluency, pausing at the end of each sentence. Returning to the book © Tum to pp14-15 and ask children to recall each type of drum from the book, how it is played and what sort of sound it might make. ‘© Ask children to look through the book, collecting words that contain the ou and ng phonemes. Check that children copy words carefully and use phonic knowledge and strategies to spell them. Ask children to each tell the group one new fact that they have leamt from the book, and why they think it is interesting, Return to the list on the whiteboard. Were all the ideas included in the book? Are there any new ones that children could now add to the list? Checking and moving on ‘Investigate ways of making simple drums from boxes or paper cups with various materials stretched over the top and secured with rubber bands. Discuss the different sounds each drum makes, and practise drumming together in time. © Ask children to research different types of drums from around the world. © Ask children to draw a design for their own drum, based on their research. My drum Reading more | Found a Sound (Red B/Band 28) is a non-fiction recount about the sounds a boy hears through one day. £ Collins ae Big@t © Phonics Boom, Soom) 00% @« 0% @e All drums are round, but not all drums are big. Gy ee www. 1 9 Wn)

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