Pet Cat Big Cat

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Pet Cat, | ‘AY Aw Mt ‘colline BIGCAT Published by Collins An imprint of HorperCollins?ublishers The News Building 1 London Bridge Steet London Sel 9GF ‘Browse the complet lis etepue at (© HarperCollinsPublihers 2005 Series editor: Kay Hiatt ‘Author: Alison Hawes n ISBN-13- 978-0-00-723567.-2 ISBN-10. 0-00-723587.9 Alison Hawes asserts her moral right tobe identified as the author of this work. Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retteval system, or transmitted in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or etherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher fr'a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issed by the Copyright Licensing Agency Li, $0 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT 4LP, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data {A catalogue recor or this publication i available from the British Library. Designer: Sarah Elworthy Reading ideas author: Kelley Taylor Acknowledgements Photography: front cover, lef: Alamy/Picture Partners; font cover, right: Cobis/¥ann, ‘Arthus-Berttand; back cover, 3: Alamy/funiors Bildarchiv; 1,10, 11, Str, 15br: Corbis! ‘Tom Brokefield: 1 (inst), 4, Idbe: Alamy/Manor Photography; 2: Alamy/Gabe Palmer, 2 (nse), §, 8, 14 Warren Photographic; 6, 14: Alamy/Arco Images; 7: Corbis/Roy ‘Morsch; 8 (nse), 151: Corbis Renee Lynn; 9, 13: Corbiszefa/Theo Alloy; 12; Corbis! Paul A. Souders Collins woul like to thank the teachers and children at the following schools who 100k part in the development of Collins Big Cat Phonics: Anthony Bek Primary Schoo! Earlswood Infant School Englefield Greon Infant School Melcombe Primary Schoo! Merton Abbey Primary School Riverview Primary School Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS. ‘et he et Cline gat ews Mix Paper rom respensbia sources FSC C007454 Pet Cat, Big Cat Written by Alison Hawes Collins Tama cat. 1 ama pet. 2 I can run and jump. oP wa I sit in the sun a lot. 4 Thiss and spit if I am cross. T hunt in the grass. 6 m~ T I drink milk. I lap it up. Iam a big cat. I am not a pet. 8 I can run fast. I sit in the sun a lot. 10 T hunt in the grass. 12 w °o < 4 = cm sco c oO Q y << +2 Ss a € 3 To ey Big cats @* Ideas for reading Written by Kelley Taylor Educational Consultant Learning objectives: Extend vocabulary, _Look closely at similarities and differences, exploring the meanings and sounds ofnew _patterns and change. ‘words; Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur; Understanding Focus phonemes: i (sit how information can be found in non- cross), h (hunt, hiss), | (lot, lap) fiction texts to answer question; Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, Other new phonemes: s, , t, p,n, k, 0,1, ideas, feelings, events. m,d,9, u,b, f,b Curriculum links: Knowledge and Fast words: |, a, the understanding of the world: find out about, and identify some features of living things; Word Count: 83 Getting started © Do some fast-reading using a small whiteboard. Write the words that feature the focus phonemes i, c, h and on the whiteboard and ask the group to read them, blending aloud if they need to. @ Write up the words hiss and spit on a whiteboard. If necessary, demonstrate blending the words and then ask the children: Which animals do you know that hiss and spit when they are cross? Invite children to act out this behaviour and then ask them to show how cats behave when they are happy. @ Read the title of the book together, blending along the words. Looking at the front cover only, ask: What is the same about these two cats? What could be different? Ask the group to say what they think this book is going to teach them. Reading and responding Hand out copies of the book for the children to read independently. Listen in as individuals read. Where necessary, discuss the words hunt, drink, milk and lap. Allow time as you move round the children to discuss the similarities and differences the text and pictures reveal. Returning to the book ‘* Point to pictures on pp14-15 to prompt children to recall key facts about cats. * Ask some questions about cats and check that the children can use the text to find answers, e.g. What does the book say about where big cats hunt? © Talk about what cats do. Write the ideas on a whiteboard with help from the children, e.g. What sound do I need to start the word “run"? Checking and moving on # Use pastels to draw a picture of a cross cat (it could be a pet cat or a big cat). Encourage the children to write their ‘own caption. Use a stick or spatula to scratch fur into the pastel and attach sharp, pointy teeth and claws using white paper. @ Use small world toys to make homes/habi- tats for a pet cat or a big cat. Use a digital camera to take photos, then add captions €.g.: Pet cats hunt in the grass. # Look through magazines to find pictures of cats. Make a zig-zag book with sentences I hiss and spit if I am cross. under each picture saying: This is a pet cat. or This is a big cat. Reading more © Cat and Dog in a Mess (Red A/Band 2A) is a story about a cat who tries to clean up a very messy dog BIG.CAT = Pet Cat, Big Cat Tam a pet cat. ry ) T can run and jump. \ ° i 235872 > \ e8 e @ @ Pep

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