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a 23 Rae: vies ie } f r © coling BigGt ished by Coins Amp t HapeCalas tiers lines Mest vonmcamath London wesy8 ‘Bronco the comps Calis stogue st, ‘ © HarperCollinsPublshers Limited 2013 Author: Laura Hambleton Series editor: Kay Hiatt, 1098765432 ISBN 978-0-00-750796-2 ‘aura Hambleton asserts her moral right 0 be identified asthe author ofthis work Al rights reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduce, stored ina retrieval system, oF transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or atherwise, ‘without the prior written permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting Festiced copying inthe United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Koad, London WIT ALP. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this publication is available from the Bish Librory. Iustrator Laura Hambleton Designer: Emma DeBanks, wwwectdesign cok Design manager: Niki Meret, www Reading ideas author Clare Dowdall Acknowledgements Collins would ike to thank the teachers and children at Holbeton Primary School who took part inthe evelopment of Coins Big Cat. Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS Ge te est Calis Bg Cat news at Written and illustrated by Laura Hambleton <> Collins ( Rat has a red hat. It has zigzags on _ the rim. Rat’s hat is a wishing hat. Rat taps the hat. — ae Tap! Rat has a wish. -a-Tap- Rat Duck sees Rat’s wishing hat. Rat lets Duck tap the hat. You can wish, Duck. Rat-a-Tap-Tap! Duck taps and has I like this hat! Frog spots Rat, Duck and the hat. Rat lets Frog tap the hat. Rat-a-Tap-Tap! Frog has a wish. Tap! Cat has a wish. Tap Rat-a- Duck, Frog and Cat think Rat’s hat is good. Duck, Frog and Cat grab Rat’s hat. lem Stop! Do not grab Grab, tug, tap .. ZAP! Duck, Frog and Cat are lost. — a Po Rat is sad. Rat taps the wishing hat. Rat-a-Tap-Tap! Duck and Frog and Cat are found! Rat hugs them all. @e Ideas for reading s§ Written by Clare Dowdall BA(Ed), MA(Ed) Lecturer and Primary Literacy Consultant Learning objectives: read simple words by sounding out and blending the phonemes all through the word from left to right; read some high frequency words; read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently; extend their vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words; retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on the language patterns of stories; use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences; use Getting started @ Look at the focus phoneme sh. Write the words wish and wishing on a whiteboard and ask children to try to read them. Add sound buttons to each grapheme in wri-sh and w-i-sh-i-ng, Rehearse blending the phonemes in each word to read fluently. phonic knowledge to write simple regular words Curriculum links: Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Making relationships Focus phonemes: z, sh, th (think), ng, e¢, 00 (good), ou (found) @. Fast words: the, you, ike Word count: 154 # Discuss what a wish is. Ask children what they might like to wish for. Provide a talking frame to support contributions, e.g. / wish... Take turns to share ideas. © Look at the front cover and read the title aloud together, then read the blurb. Discuss what is happening in the pictures, and what Rat's wishing hat might do, Reading and responding Read pp2-3 to the group. Ask children to help you sound out and blend phonemes in unfamiliar words, e.g, zigzags. Model how to reread whole sentences with fluency. Reread the text on pp2~ repeating phrase Rat“ modelling how to read with expression. Rehearse the Tap-Tap! with the children. Discuss the speech bubble and exclamation mark, and ask children to suggest how Rat's voice should sound when he says “My hat is good!” Ask children to describe what Rat has wished for (a party with some friends) and what has happened so far in the story. # Ask children to continue reading the story aloud to find out what happens to Rat's wishing hat. Remind them to use special voices for the words in the speech bubbles. Returning to the book «Tum to pp14-15. Ask children to describe what is happening in each picture, and what each character is wishing for. Extend the children’s vocabulary by asking questions, e.g. Why did Duck wish for a puddle? © Ask children to write each character's name on a sticky note. Support them to segment and hear each phoneme, e.g. rat, d-u-ck, fr-o-g and c-a-t, before representing each sound. Checking and moving on # Look at the word wish. Ask children to say other words that end with the sh phoneme. Challenge children to make words with this digraph at the end, using magnetic letters, e.g. fish, c-a-sh, smash, © Ask children to draw a picture of another character who could be in the story, e.g. Dog. Discuss what Dog would wish for and help children to write a speech bubble based on the model provided in the text, e.g. "This stick is fab!” # Plan a performance of this story, with the children in role as each of the characters. Reading more Goat's Coat (Red B/Band 28) is another story written and illustrated by Laura Hambleton about a fox who wants to steal Goat's coat, LT] —< Collins ®@ @ ror Bs) BigCt 8 Phonics Ratic Wiching Hat Rat taps the hat. Rat-a-Tap-Tap. rows the comple Cline catalogue at 978-0-00-750796-2 1SBN HM | 9 ‘ = @ @,

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