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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the benefits of paying chess;
b. Demonstrate the function of each chess pieces; and
c. Execute proper and acceptable behavior in playing chess.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Chess
Instructional materials: Visual aids, PowerPoint presentation
References: Physical Education and Health Learner’s module
III. Teaching Procedures
Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Agreement
B. Developmental Activities
I. Motivation
Today, we are going to play a game called “Guess Who”
1.Pass the box around, as the music play
2.When the music stops, the image will be posted and the
Student who still holds the box will have the chance to






2. Lesson Proper
According to the game we played, what do you think is our lesson for
this morning?
Very well!
When you heard the word chess, what is the first thing that comes into your
Brief discussion about the background of chess
Chess- A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six
kinds of chess pieces, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.
Was originated in India in 15th century.
London Tourney- was the first international chess tournament.
Adolf Anderssen- became unofficial best chess player
Unofficial because he never received any award or title.
Paul Morphy- beat all the challengers including Adolf Anderssen.
1866- The first official Chess championship tournament played in London.
Wilheim Steinitz-Won the game and became the first official chess
Did you understand class?
So let’s proceed!
For our next activity, I need 16 volunteers, 8 from group 1 and 8 from group 2.
*On table B is a box divided into 16 squares. (shaded box and white box)
*On table A are benefits and proper behavior when participating the game.
*Group 1 will pick all the benefits in playing chess and write only the number
on the shaded box.
*Group 2 will pick all the proper behavior and write also the number on the
white box.

Box A
1. It develops a sense of confidence 2.It gives lesson of hard work and
and self-worth. commitment.
3.Never boast over a game 4. It improves communication skills.
5. Always show sportsmanship. 6. It increase mathematical and
scientific skills.
7. It keeps the mind healthy. 8. Don’t show bad behavior over a
9. It strengthen family relationship. 10. Don’t distract the other player.
11. It provides entertainment. 12. Do not make it obvious if you
make a mistake.
13. Never blame others of something 14. It provides relaxation.
they do not do.
15. Minimize talking while playing. 16. If you do not agree with what
your opponent has done, raise your
hand and ask for help.

Box B Answer Key

Shaded box White box
1 3
2 5
4 8
6 10
7 12
9 13
11 15
14 16

Well done class!

Now, can you share your experiences about one of these benefits and proper
Great class
Now that you know the benefits and proper behavior in playing chess. Let’s
move to the function of the different chess pieces.
The most important chess piece and it is also considered one
Of the weakest. The king only moves one square in any direction-up-down,
To the sides and diagonally.

The most powerful piece. It moves in any one straight direction,
Forward, backward sideways or diagonal.

May move to any square but only forward and backward and to the

Move as far as it wants, but only diagonally. Each bishop starts on one
(WHITE/BLACK) and must always stay on that color.

Moves by going two squares in one direction and then one more move
Just like “L” shape. Knights are the only piece that can move over the
other piece.

Moves forward, but captures diagonally. It can never move backwards. On
its first move, the pawn can advance two squares at a time.

The pawn also had special ability wherein if it reaches the last row of the other
side of the board, it will become any other chess piece except the king.
It is called promotion.
Did you copy class?
We will have another activity THE HUMAN CHESS GAME
The aim for this activity is for you to apply what you have learned from our

Able to use knowledge in game 30%
Demonstrate and execute the game 40%
with confidence.
Disciplined and able to demonstrate 30%
appropriate behavior towards the
game and the players.
TOTAL 100%

*Group 1 vs Group 2 16 members in each group.
*Each group will have a representative as a player 1/2.
*Each member will represent as different chess pieces.
1 king 1 Queen 2 Rooks 2 Bishops 2 knights 8 pawns
*The player will instruct the member of which piece he/she wants to move.

1. What do you feel after playing chess?
2. When does checkmate occur?
By capturing the king
3.How you are going to capture an opponent’s piece?
By landing on the square of the opponent’s piece and then replacing it.
4.Do you think chess can promote health, fitness and wellness? why?
IV. Evaluation
I. Multiple choice
1.The most important piece but it is also one of the weakest.
a. Queen b. King c. Rook d. knight
2. This piece can move to any square but only forward, backward and to the
a. Rook b. Queen c. King d. Bishop
3.It is a board game played by two players, each beginning with 16 pieces
Of six kinds of chess pieces.
a. Domino b. chess c. scrabble d. snake and ladder
4.He became an official chess player.
a. Adolf Anderssen b. Morphy C.Steinitz d. Paul
5.Who became the world’s first official chess player?
a. Wilheim Steinitz b. Anderssen c. Morphy d.Tourney
6.This piece can move just like the “L” shape.
a. knight b. rook c. bishop d. king
7.What chess piece that can move forward but captures diagonally?
a. pawn b. rook c. queen d. bishop
8.What is the most powerful chess piece?
a. queen b. king c. knight d. rook
9.How you are going to captures an opponent’s piece? kicking it out landing on the square of the opponent piece and
then replacing it.
c. just like the domino d. none of these
10.When does checkmate occur? capturing the king b. by capturing the rook
c. by capturing the queen d. by capturing the pawn

1.B 6.A
2.A 7.A
3.B 8.A
4.A 9.B
5.A 10.A

V. Assignment
Study in advance the domino game page 136-148 Physical and health
learner’s module.

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