Unit 2 - Class 6

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Edmundo Vidal Cárdenas School 12th Grade

English Class Mr. Ricardo Contreras

English Worksheet
Unit II - Class 6
Student Name: Date: Monday 6th - June

Grammar Focus and Practice.

1. Pay attention to the Question Word (QW) Box, then create a question for each sentence.

What Where When Why Who How

¿Qué? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Por qué? ¿Quién? ¿Cómo?

How to make a question using Simple Past?

QW + did (did) + pronoun + verb (present form) + complement + ?

Example: What did you study yesterday ?
Where did she arrive when she got to Vicuña?
Why did they want to eat sushi last night?

2. Write a question for the following statements.

A. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
Because they wanted to play soccer in Vicuña.

B. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
We prepared rice with roasted chicken last night.

C. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
I played computer games with my friends during the weekend.

D. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
We traveled to La Serena during the summer with my family.

E. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
I studied with Arol for my math exam.

F. _____________________________________________________________________________ ?
Last Friday morning.

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