TA1 - K59 - Speaking Gi A Kì 160 Câu

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1. How often do you eat out in restaurants/ take public transport/check your phone for
messages/go on holiday/ check your emails/ play board games?
2. How often are you stressed at work?
3. Do you often do the housework? How often do you do the ironing?
4. Do you often cook dinner? How often do you eat Indian/ Chinese/ Italian food?
5. Do you often do exercise/ do sport/ watch football live or on TV? How often do you go to
the gym?
6. What time do you start school?
7. Do you do exercises in the morning?
8. Where do you usually have breakfast/lunch/ dinner?
9. Who do you have breakfast/lunch/ dinner with?
10. What do you do in the morning/afternoon/ evening?
1. Who is the oldest person you know? How old is he or she? How healthy is their lifestyle?
2. How do you keep yourself healthy?
3. Do you have any unhealthy habits?
4. How do you usually spend your free time?
5. Do you think people in your country pay enough attention to their health today?
6. What do you think is more important, eating healthy or doing exercise?
7. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
8. Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?
9. Do you think it is important for people to have regular medical check-ups?
10. What would you like to change about your lifestyle?
1. Do you like rainy days?
2. Does weather affect your mood?
3. What is the climate like in Vietnam?
4. What is your favourite kind of weather?
5. What is the weather like today?
6. What do you do to protect environment?
7. Did you learn about environmental protection in school?
8. Would you like to spend time outdoors or indoors in your free time?
9. What do most people often do when visiting national parks?
10. Should children study about planting trees at school?
1. Have you ever had any medical problems in the past?
2. Do you usually go to the doctor when you feel unwell?
3. Have you ever had a serious illness or injury? Can you tell me about it?
4. What do you do to stay healthy and prevent medical problems?
5. Are there any common medical problems in your family history?
6. How often do you get a check-up with a doctor or dentist?
7. Have you ever had to take medication for a medical issue? What was it for?
8. Do you follow a specific diet or exercise routine to maintain your health?
9. Have you ever had a bad reaction to a medication or treatment?
10. Do you think it's important for people to have health insurance? Why or why not?
1. Do you like sports?
2. What was your favorite sport when you were a child?
3. What kind of sports would you like to try in the future?
4. What is the most popular sport in your country?
5. Are boys and girls interested in the same types of sports?
6. Do you think competition is good in sports?
7. Are sports competitions necessary in schools?
8. Do you think children get enough exercise these days?
9. What are the advantages of playing sports?
10. Should schools encourage young students to take more physical exercise?
1. Do you play any sports?
2. Have you ever participated in a school team?
3. What sports do you love watching/playing?
4. Do you enjoy playing/watching football?
5. What sports are you good at?
6. What sport would you like to try?
7. What sports do you like to watch live?
8. What sports do you like to watch on TV?
9. What are some sports you dislike watching? Why?
10. How often do you read sport news?
1. Have you ever watched a boxing or wrestling match on TV?
2. Do you think boxing and wrestling are dangerous sports? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever tried boxing or wrestling as a hobby or sport?
4. Who is your favorite boxer or wrestler, and why do you like them?
5. Do you think boxing and wrestling require a lot of physical strength?
6. What do you think about the rules and regulations in boxing and wrestling?
7. Would you encourage young people to take up boxing or wrestling as a sport? Why or why
8. Have you ever attended a live boxing or wrestling event? How was the experience?
9. What are some of the differences between boxing and wrestling in terms of rules and
10. Do you think boxing and wrestling are more popular among men or women? Why do you
think that is?
1. Do you join in any clubs at your school?
2. Why do some people hate taking part in extracurricular activities at school?
3. Do you have any hobbies?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
5. What equipment do you need to play your favourite sport?
6. Do you like listening to music?
7. Is it important to have a hobby?
8. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
9. What did you often do in free time when you were a kid?
10. What free-time activity is the most popular for Vietnamese young people?
1. How far do you travel to school?
2. Have you ever used the public transportation?
3. Which means of transportation is the most popular in Vietnam?
4. Did you ride a bike to school when you were a kid?
5. Can you ride a motorbike?
6. Why do some people hate using public transportation?
7. How can we encourage more people to take public transportation?
8. Would you like to ride a bike to work in the future?
9. What are the differences between traveling by plane and traveling by train?
10. Are there any transport problems in your city?
1. How do you usually get around in your hometown?
2. What is your preferred mode of transportation for short trips?
3. Have you ever taken public transportation like buses or trams? How was the experience?
4. Can you ride a bicycle? Do you use it for transportation?
5. What do you think are the benefits of walking as a means of transportation?
6. Have you ever used applications such as Grab and Be for ride-hailing and food delivery?
7. Do you think it's important for people to have a driver's license? Why or why not?
8. Have you ever traveled in a crowded subway or metro? What was it like?
9. How do you feel about the traffic in your city or town?
10. What improvements would you suggest for the transportation system in your area?
1. How do you usually go to school?
2. What is the most popular means of transport in your country?
3. Do you use public transport? Why/ Why not?
4. Is it convenient to take a bus/ taxi in your city?
5. How do most people commute where you live?
6. Are there any traffic problems in your area?
7. Do you have pedicabs in your country? Are they popular? Why/ Why not?
8. Do you prefer public transport or private transport?
9. Is a bicycle a good mean of transport in your country?
10. Is there anything that should be done to improve the public transport in your country?
1. Is there a bus stop near your house? Where do the buses go to?
2. Where can you get a taxi, a stop or a rank?
3. Is the money you pay for a journey “fare” or “price”?
4. Is the amount of money something costs “fare” or “price”?
5. What is the money you get back when you pay more than the price?
6. What is the piece of paper you receive to show you paid for something?
7. Where can you get on a plane, a gate or a platform?
8. Where can you get on a train, a gate or a platform?
9. Do you have a smartphone app to call a taxi?
10. Are there traffic jams where you live?
1. Do you enjoy taking risks in your life? Why or why not?
2. Can you recall a time when you took a big risk or faced a major challenge?
3. What kinds of challenges do people commonly encounter in their work or studies?
4. Is it important to take risks in order to achieve success?
5. How do you feel when you have to face a difficult or challenging situation?
6. Do you think taking risks can lead to personal growth? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever encouraged someone else to take a risk or face a challenge?
8. What strategies do you use to overcome challenges in your life?
9. Do you believe that taking risks in business is necessary for success?
10. Are there any risks you are hesitant to take in your future plans or goals?
1. What kinds of decision do you have to make in your life?
2. Are you easily influenced by others while making decisions?
3. Have you ever made any important decisions?
4. Should children make their own decisions?
5. Do you think it is difficult to accept advice?
6. Have you ever made any mistakes in your life?
7. What is the best decision you have ever made?
8. What is the worst decision you have ever made?
9. What should people do when making a hard decision?
10. Why do some young people don’t like to follow their parents’ advice?
1. Is there anything about your life that you regret?
2. What is your greatest fear?
3. What can you do to make your life better?
4. What do you think is the biggest challenge when learning English?
5. Do you like solving problems in English on your own or working with other learners?
6. What do you think is the best way to memorize new words in English?
7. When you study for a test or exam how do you do it?
8. What is the most difficult skill when you learn English?
9. Have you ever spoken to someone from England or the USA? How did you feel? Was it
easy to understand them?
10. Do you know any good websites to learn English? Which websites are they? Why do you
think they are good?
1. Do you ever go camping at weekends or on holiday? Why? Why not?
2. Do you ever have a bad journey/ good journey that you remember the most?
3. How do you spend your free day off study or work?
4. Do you like to travel alone or with companions?
5. Where did you spend your last vacation?
6. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?
7. Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?
8. Where would you recommend a foreigner to visit in your country?
9. When you travel to new places, what would you like to do?
10. What are some problems people might experience when going on a trip? What could be
done to avoid these problems?

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