Gas Detector

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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.

College of Engineering and Digital Technology

[Methods of Research]
ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.
[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]


Deploying an Enhanced Workplace Safety Solution: The Integration of an

Intelligent Gas Detection and Alert System via Mobile SMS

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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.
[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Literature Survey

III. Research Goal

IV. Methodology

V. Evaluation of Results

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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.
[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

I. Introduction

A gas leak refers to a leak of natural gas or another gaseous product from a pipeline
or other containment into any area where the gas should not be present. Gas leak can
be hazardous to health as well as the environment. Gas leakages pose significant risks
and can lead to dangerous situations, such as fire explosions. This becomes particularly
unsafe when exposed to open circuits or small flames. There are factors of having a gas
leakage this includes: Malfunction or damage to gas-related equipment such as
pipelines, valves, connectors, or appliances. Improperly fitted or connected pipes,
valves, or appliances can result in gas escaping from the system. Human error, such as
improper handling of gas equipment, not following safety protocols, or accidental
damage to gas lines during construction or renovation work, can result in gas leaks.
Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or storms can cause damage to gas
infrastructure, leading to leaks. Ground movement, fallen trees, or debris can rupture
gas lines and cause gas to escape. Lack of Maintenance: Inadequate or irregular
maintenance of gas systems can increase the risk of leaks. Regular inspections, testing,
and maintenance are essential to identify and address potential issues before they
escalate into leaks. The main objective of our research is to leverage the capabilities of
mobile technology and intelligent sensors to establish a comprehensive safety network
in industrial environments. By utilizing a mobile app as the central interface, employees
and relevant personnel can access real-time information and receive immediate alerts
regarding potential gas leaks or hazardous gas levels. The integration of an intelligent
gas detection system with a mobile app brings numerous advantages. Firstly, it provides
a convenient and user-friendly platform for employees to stay informed about the safety
status of their surroundings. The mobile app delivers instant notifications, enabling swift
evacuation and the implementation of appropriate safety measures in the event of gas-
related incidents. Furthermore, the mobile app facilitates seamless communication
between employees and safety personnel. It empowers workers to report gas-related
concerns or anomalies directly through the app, ensuring a prompt response from the
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[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

appropriate authorities. This streamlined communication enhances overall workplace

safety and fosters a proactive safety culture. Additionally, our research focuses on
evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility of this integrated system. Through rigorous
testing and analysis, we aim to assess the system's accuracy, reliability, and
responsiveness. Moreover, we will gather feedback from users to identify areas for
improvement and enhance the user experience. By implementing this advanced
workplace safety solution, our ultimate goal is to create a work environment that is safer
and more secure. The integration of an intelligent gas detection and alert system via a
mobile app empowers employees with real-time information, encourages proactive
safety practices, and improves overall safety protocols in industrial settings.

II. Literature Survey

Gas Leakage is a major problem within the industrial sector, residential premises,
and gas-powered vehicles like CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) buses and cars where
the use of gas has become an important source of energy to the afore mention area in
this era. The issue of Liquefied Petroleum Gas leakage has been so disastrous that it
has resulted in serious harm, including the loss of life and property worth millions of
dollars around the world.
Gas is the most commonly used fuel in Nigerian homes and industry in which some
required measures have to be strategized in other to protect against incidents and
accidents such as suffocation and explosion associated with its usage. However, in a
situation of the minimum quantity of gas leakage, some people have a poor has to be
installed in homes, industries, and vehicles of LPG usage to avoid explosion. LPG
leakage refers to several factors such as leakage in the pipe, hose not properly fixed,
and hearing of whistling or hissing sound around the cylinder, valve not fitted properly. 1

According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Having gas leakage in

buildings and houses can have several detrimental effects, posing significant risks to

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[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

both occupants and the property itself. Here are some of the potential effects of gas
1. Health Hazards: Gas leaks, especially those involving combustible gases like natural
gas or propane, can lead to serious health hazards. Inhaling these gases can cause
symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, difficulty breathing, and in extreme
cases, even loss of consciousness or death. Prolonged exposure to gas leaks can have
long-term health consequences.
2. Fire and Explosion Risks: Gas leaks create a highly flammable environment,
increasing the risk of fire and explosions. A small spark or ignition source can lead to a
catastrophic incident if gas has accumulated in an enclosed space. The resulting fire or
explosion can cause extensive property damage, injuries, and fatalities.
3. Asphyxiation: Certain gases, such as carbon monoxide, are odorless and colorless,
making them difficult to detect without proper gas detection systems. Carbon monoxide
is particularly dangerous as it can displace oxygen in the air, leading to asphyxiation.
This is why it is often referred to as the "silent killer."
4. Environmental Impact: Gas leaks contribute to environmental pollution. Methane, a
potent greenhouse gas, is a common component of natural gas. When leaked into the
atmosphere, it contributes to climate change and global warming. Additionally, gas
leaks can contaminate soil, water sources, and harm local ecosystems.
5. Property Damage: Gas leaks can lead to property damage, especially if left
undetected or unaddressed. The presence of gas can corrode pipes and fittings, leading
to leaks or even pipe bursts. Gas leaks can also damage appliances, furnishings, and
structural components of buildings.
To mitigate the risks associated with gas leaks, it is crucial to have proper gas
detection systems in place. Regular maintenance of gas appliances, ensuring proper
ventilation, and promptly addressing any suspected leaks are essential for maintaining a
safe and healthy living or working environment. In the event of a gas leak, it is important
to evacuate the premises immediately, avoid using any potential ignition sources, and
contact the appropriate authorities or gas utility company for assistance. Please note
that this information is for general awareness, and it is important to refer to specific

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[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

safety guidelines and regulations in your local area for comprehensive guidance on gas
leak prevention and response.2

A powerful gas explosion occurred at a Korean restaurant in Calapan, a city in

the Philippines, on Thursday morning, injuring 15 people and damaging several nearby
establishments and vehicles, officials said.

The explosion was believed to have been caused by a leak in a cooking gas tank
at Mr. Won’s Samgyeopsal Korean restaurant, which is located on the ground floor of a
shopping mall. The blast shattered the glass windows and doors of the restaurant and
two adjacent food outlets, and also damaged 12 cars that were parked outside. 3

The injured included four restaurant workers and a delivery man who were
getting ready to open the restaurant for the day, as well as 10 bystanders who were hit
by flying debris. They were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment, officials said.

A gas explosion rocked a business district area in Taguig City, the Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP) said on Wednesday, August 11. The explosion happened at 20th
Drive, Bonifacio Global City on Wednesday night, according to the BFP. Based on a
separate report of the Philippine National Police Southern Police District (SPD), the
explosion was caused by a gas leak. The SPD added that the incident occurred at MJ
Fort Construction at around 6:03 pm. The explosion was followed by a fire that could be
seen even from distant residences. One person was injured during the incident
identified by the BFP as Melchor Dela Cruz, 35, a safety officer at the construction site.
The victim suffered 3rd degree burns in his face and upper and lower extremities.4



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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.
[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

III. Research Goal

The goals of deploying an enhanced workplace safety solution through the
integration of an intelligent gas detection and alert system via a mobile app are as

1. The primary goal is to improve workplace safety by implementing an advanced

system that can detect gas leaks and alert employees in real-time. This helps prevent
accidents, injuries, and potential hazards associated with gas leakage.

2. The integration of an intelligent gas detection system with a mobile app allows for
continuous monitoring of gas levels in the workplace. The goal is to provide real-time
information to employees and relevant personnel, enabling them to take immediate
action in case of gas leaks or abnormal gas levels.

3. The mobile app-based system aims to facilitate quick and efficient response to gas-
related incidents. The goal is to ensure that employees receive immediate alerts,
allowing them to evacuate the area and implement appropriate safety measures

4. By empowering employees with real-time information and alerts, the goal is to

promote proactive safety practices. The mobile app-based system encourages workers
to stay informed about the safety status of their surroundings and take necessary
precautions to prevent accidents.

5. The ultimate goal is to create a safer working environment by integrating an intelligent

gas detection and alert system via a mobile app. The system aims to improve safety
protocols, reduce the risks associated with gas leaks, and foster a proactive safety
culture within the workplace.

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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc.
[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

IV. Methodology
The block diagram of Mobile-based gas leakage detection and alert system is illustrated
in Fig. 1. The system design is achieved by using top-down approach. The hardware
module is designed first as indicated in the block diagram of fig.1. The software module
is developed using C-language. The design focuses mainly on module integration and
interfacing of the system. The system architecture has different five functional units and
each unit requires input to generates desired output.

Figure 1: The Block Diagram of the GSM Based Gas Leakage Security Alert System

MQ-9 Sensor unit: The most common gas leakage at homes/industries are carbon
monoxide and liquefied petroleum gas (flammable gases), MQ-9 gas sensor as shown
in fig.2. is deployed to detect any gas leakages and report to the control unit of the

Fig.2: MQ-9 Gas Sensor

MQ-9 is a Sensor designed to detect carbon monoxide/Combustible gas and it does

detection by the method of cycle high and low temperature. It can sensecarbon
monoxide when low temperature heated by 1.5V is supplied. The sensor’s conductivity
is higher along with the gas concentration rising at high temperature (heated by 5.0V). It

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[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

detects Methane, Propane combustible gas and cleans other gases adsorbed under low
temperature. The sensor could be used to detect anygases containing carbon monoxide
and combustible gases, at low cost and suitable for different applications.

PIC microcontrollers are popular processor developed by microchip technology with
built-in RAM, memory, internal bus and periph-erals that is used for many applications.
PIC originally stood for Programmable Intelligent Computer but is now generally known
as a Peripheral Interface Controller. The PIC microcontroller consists of inbuilt ADC in it.
The analog output from the gas sensor is con-verted to digital signal. The programmed
instructions are fed into the microcontroller. It’s connected to relay, GSM module,
buzzer and exhaust fan. When the gas leakage is detected, the exhaust fan is switched
on. The buzzer produces an alarm to indicate leak-age. Through the GSM module, an
SMS is send to the user for alerting. The PIC microcontroller performs the controlling
operation. PIC16F877A was used in the implementation of this project work. It has
totally 40 pins. Its memory size is 16 bits.

SIM900 GSM Modem Unit: SIM 900 is for frequency GPRS/GSM modem and an ultra-
compact and reliable wireless modem. It is a breakout board and sim900 quad band
GPRS/GSM modem as shown in fig.3. It can communicate with microcontroller via
MAX232 driver, activated using AT commands. This module supports software power
on and reset. The GPRS is configured and controlled via its universal asynchronous
receiver transmitter, UART using simple AT commands.

Fig.3: Sim900 GSM Modem

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[College of Engineering and Digital Technology]
[Methods of Research]

V. Evaluation of Results
The outcome of deploying an enhanced workplace safety solution that integrates an
intelligent gas detection and alert system via mobile SMS can have several positive
impacts on workplace safety. Here are some potential outcomes:

1. Improved Safety Monitoring: The integration of an intelligent gas detection system

with mobile SMS alerts allows for real-time monitoring of gas levels in the workplace.
This helps identify potential gas leaks or hazardous situations promptly, enabling quick
response and mitigation measures.

2. Faster Response Time: SMS alerts provide instant notifications to designated

recipients, such as safety officers or emergency response teams. This enables them to
respond quickly to gas detection alerts, initiate appropriate safety protocols, and
evacuate affected areas if necessary.

3. Enhanced Communication: The mobile SMS integration ensures that relevant

personnel receive timely and accurate information about gas detection events. This
improves communication during emergencies, enabling better coordination and
decision-making to ensure the safety of employees.

4. Minimized Health Risks: By promptly detecting and alerting about gas leaks or
hazardous gas levels, the integration helps minimize health risks to employees. Quick
evacuation and appropriate safety measures can be implemented to prevent health
issues or injuries caused by exposure to harmful gases.

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