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1Q) Lithium salts are mostly hydrated. Why?

Ans:- Lithium ion has maximum degree of hydration due to its small size. As a result most of lithium salts
are hydrated
Ex:- LiCl. 2H 2O
2Q) Lithium reacts with water less vigorously than sodium. Why?
Ans:- Because Lithium has small in size and hydration energy is very high.
3Q) What are the characteristic colour’s imparted by IIA group elements?
Ans:- Be and Mg do not impart flame colouration due to electrons of these elements are strongly bounded
to excite by the flame.
Ca-Brick Red, Sr-Crimson Red, Ba-Apple Green.
4Q) What happens when magnesium metal is burnt in air?
Ans:- Mg is more electro positive and burns with dazzling brilliance in air to give MgO & Mg3 N 2 .
2Mg+ O2  2MgO, 3Mg  N 2  Mg3 N 2
5Q) why is gypsum added to cement?
Ans:- The purpose of adding gypsum is only to slow down the process of setting of the cement so that it
gets sufficiently hardened.
6Q) Write the important uses of caustic soda( NaOH ).
Ans:- It is used in 1) The manufacture of soaps, paper , artificial silk and number of chemicals
2) In petroleum refining
3) In the purification of bauxite
4) In the textile industries for mercitising cotton fabrics
7Q) Write the important uses of sodium carbonate ( Na2CO3 )
Ans:- It is used in 1) Water softening , cleaning and laundries
2) Used in the manufacture of glass, soap, borox, NaOH, paper, paints & textile industry
3) It is an important laboratory reagent.
8Q) Write the important uses of plaster of paris & how is it prepared?
Ans:- 1) The largest uses of plaster of paris is in the building industry as well as plasters
2) It is also used in dentistry
3) Used in ornamental work and for making casts of statues and busts
4) It is used for immobilizing the affected part of organ where there is a bone fracture or sp rain. It is
1 3
prepared by gypsum at 393K. CaSO4 .2 H 2O 
393 K
 CaSO4 . H 2O  H 2O
2 2
9Q) Write the properties of washing soda.
Ans:- Sodium carbonate is white crystalline solid which exists as Na2CO3 10H₂0 this is also called washing
soda. It is readily soluble in H₂0 . On heating the deca hydrate loses Its water of crystallization to

form mono hydrate . Above 373K the mono hydrate becomes completely anhydrous and changes to
a white powder called soda ash.
Na2CO3.10H 2O 373 K Na2CO3. H 2O  9H 2O
Na2CO3. H 2O  373K Na2CO3.  H 2O
10Q) Write any two biological importance of 1) Na  2) K  3) Mg 2 4) Ca 2

1) Sodium( Na  ) ion:-
a) Sodium ions help in the transmission of nerve signals
b) They help in the regulating the how of water across the cell membrane
c) They also help in transporting sugars and amino acids in to the cells
2) Potassium( K  ) ion:-
a) K  ions help in activating many enzymes
b) Help in transmitting nerve signals
c) They also participate in oxidizing glucose to produce ATP.
3) Magnesium ( Mg 2 ) ion:-
a) All enzymes that utilize ATP in phosphate transfer require magnesium as the cofactor
b) The main pigment for the absorption of light in plants in chlorophyll which contain
4) Calcium ( Ca ) ion :-
a) About 99% of the body calcium present in bones and teeth
b) It is maintained by two hormones: calcitonim & parathyroid hormone.
c) Important role in neuromuscular function, interneuronal transmission blood coagulation.


1Q) Write hybridization of carbon in a) CO32 b) Diamond c) Graphite d) CO2 e) Fullerene.

Ans:- a) SP2 b) SP3 c) SP2 d) SP e) SP2
2Q) Why is CO poisonous?
Ans:- The CO forms a stable complex with haemoglobin called car boxy haemoglobin. Due to this supply of
o2 into cells decreases ultimately resulting in death. So it is highly poisonous.
3Q) What is allotropy? Give the crystalline allotropes of carbon.
Ans:- The phenomenon of existence of an element in different physical forms with same chemical
properties is called allotropy.
Ex:- Carbon Crystalline allotropes are diamond and graphite
4Q) Name any two man-made silicates
Ans:- Two important man-made silicates are glass & cement.
5Q) How does graphite function as a lubricant?
Ans:- In graphite each carbon atom undergoes sp2 hybridization and has layer like structure which are
held by Weak Vander Waals forces. The layers can easily slide over each other. Hence it has slippery
nature and used as lubricant.
6Q) Graphite is a good conductor – Explain.
Ans:- In graphite all carbon atoms show sp2 hybridization each carbon atom in graphite has one free
“P”electron. Due to presence of these free electrons, graphite act as a good conductor of heat &

7Q) Diamond has high melting point-Explain
Ans:- In diamond carbon atom shows sp3 hybridization. It has a three dimensional network structure
involving strong c-c bonds. Which are very difficult to break hence it has high melting point.
8Q) What are I) Synthesis gas II) Producer gas?
Ans:- i) The mixture of CO and H 2 is called water gas or synthesis or blue or syngas- Reaction
C(s)  H 2O( g ) 473 1273K CO  H 2 (Water gas)
II) CO and N 2 is called producer gas .( (2C( s )  O2( g )  4 N2( g )1273K 2CO( g )  4 N2( g )
9Q) Write the use of ZSM-5.
Ans:- ZSM-5(zeolite socony mobile -5, Atype of zeolite) used to convert alcohols directly into gasoline.
10Q) What is the use of dry ice?
Ans:- Solid CO2 is called “Dry ice”{ It is used as a refrigerant for ice-cream and frozen food. It is used as
fire extinguisher and used in manufacture of urea.
11Q) What is the effect of water on tin?
Ans:- Tin decomposes steam and liberates H 2 ( Sn  2 H 2O   SnO2  2 H 2 )
12Q) What are silicones?
Ans:- Silicones are organo silicon polymers containing si-o-si linkage. Silicones contain R2 si O repeating
unit. It is similar to ketone.
13Q) How does CO2 increase the greenhouse effect?
Ans:- A blanket of Co2 gas in the atmosphere traps and reflects the infra-red radiations. So atmosphere
gets heated up this is called greenhouse effect.
14Q) SiF62 is known while SiCl62 is not explain.
Ans:- Silicon can form SiF62  but not Sicl62 the main reasons are
1) Si 4 is smaller in size. Six large chloride icons cannot be accommodated around Si 4
2) The interaction b/w lone pair of chloride ion and Si is not very strong hence does not exists.
15Q) What is i) Inert pair effect II) catenation
Ans:- I) Inert pair effect:- The reluctance (dis like) of “ns” pair of electrons to take part in bond formation is
known as inert pair effect. Ex: Pb shows stable +2 oxidation state due to inert pair effect
II) Catenation:- The phenomenon of self-linkage of identical atoms to form long chains (or) rings are
called catenation.Ex:- Carbon shows highest catenation property among all elements.

CHAPTER – 3 :- Environmental Chemistry (2+2=4M)

1Q) What is (i) COD (II) BOD (III) TLV

Ans:- (i) COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand):
The amount of oxygen required to oxidise organic substances present in polluted water is called
chemical oxygen Demand.
(ii) BOD(Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand)
The amount of oxygen used by the suitable micro-organisms present in polluted water during 5
days at 20 0 C is called BOD.
(iii) TLV (Threshold Limit Value)
The permissible level of toxic substances or toxic pollutants in the atmosphere. Which does not
affects a person adversely when he is exposed to this for 8 hrs in a day is called threshold limit value.
2Q) Give the possible BOD values of (i) Clean (ii) Polluted (iii) Sewage Water .
Ans:- (i) The BOD value of clean water is about 1ppm
(ii) The BOD value for polluted water is greater than 17ppm

(iii) The BOD value for municipal sewage water is about 100 – 4000ppm
3Q) What is PAN? What effect is caused by it?
Ans:- PAN is Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate. Ozone reacts with un burnt hydrocarbons in the polluted air in the
presence of strong oxidizing agents like NO2 to produce chemicals such as formaldehyde, acrolien
and PAN.
(i) 3CH 4  2O3  3HCHO  3H 2O (ii) CH 2  CHCHO  NO2
 CH 3  CO  O  O  NO2
Effect:- PAN act as powerful eye irritant.
4Q) Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains .
Ans:- ( i ) It washes away nutrients needed for their growth of plants .
(ii) It causes respiratory problems in human beings and animals .
(iii) It corrodes water pipes resulting in leaching of heavy metals like i von .
( V ) It damages the life of buildings .
5Q) what is green house effect ? Give their gases .
Ans:- The process of increasing of temperature on the surface of earth due to blanketing effect is called
green house effect or global warming . Green house gases are (1 ) CO2 ( 2 ) CH 4 (3 ) O3 (4) CFC'S
(5) Water vapour
6Q) Define Receptor and Sink
Ans - Receptor : - The medium which is effected by a pollutant is called receptor . Ex- Eye irritation caused
by smoke . Sink : The medium which retains and interacts with a pollutant .
Ex:- Oceans are Sinks for CO₂ .
7Q) What are Smoke and mist ?
Ams:- Smoke : Smoke particles consist of solid or mixture of solid and liquid particles formed during
combustion of organic matter . Ex: Cigarette smoke, Oil smoke. Mist - mists are produced by
particles of spray liquid & by condensation of vapours in air Ex: - Sulphuric acid mist.
8Q) Which oxides cause acid rain ? and what is its pH value ?
Ans :- Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide after oxidation and reduction with water forms acid rain . The
P H of acid rain is less than 5.6.
2 S0₂ + O2 + 2H₂0 → H 2 SO4
4NO₂ + 0₂ + 2H₂0→4HNO3
9Q) what are ( 1 ) Pollutant ( ii ) Contaminant ( iii ) Speciation
Ans:- (i) Pollutant : - The substance which is present in nature and pollutant causes the pollution is called
as Pollutant.
(ii ) Contaminant : - The substance does not occur in nature but releases due to haman activity and
causes the pollution is called.
(iii) Speciation - The detection of different chemical forms of in organic , or organo - metallic
compounds present in the environment causing pollution is known as speciation. The different
chemical forms causing environmental pollution.
10Q) Name three Industrial chemicals. That pollute water.
Ans:- i) poly chlorinated biphenyls , detergent and fertilizers .
ii) Agrochemical are a) sodium chlorate b ) sodium arsinate c ) Aldrin & Di aldrin are responsible for
water pollution .

CHAPTER – 4 :- General Organic Chemistry (2M)

1Q) Write the IUPAC names of


2Q) Write the structures of : 1) Trichloro ethomoic Acid 2) Neo pentame 3) P - nitro benzaldehyde
4) 2-Butanone
Ans : 1) Trichloroethomoic Acid → Cl3C - COOH 2) Neo pentane

3Q) Write IUPAC names of the following compounds .


4Q) Write IUPAC names of the following compounds


5Q:- Explain (i) Positional Isomerism (ii) Functional group Isomerism

Ans:- (i) The isomerism due to the difference in the substituent , ( or ) Functional group ( or ) multiple
bonds but same molecular formula called positional Isomerism.
(ii) Functional group isomerism:- It arises due to difference in functional group but same molecular
formula is called functional isomerism.
Ex:- (i) CH 3CH 2CHO ( Aldehydes)
(ii) CH 3COCH 3 ( Ketones)
6Q) Explain (i) Wurtz Reaction (ii) Decarboxylation
Ans:- (1) Wurtz Reactions - Alkyl halides react with sodium metal in the presence of Dry ether to form
alkanes .
R  X  2 Na  X  R 
 R  R  2 NaX
dry ether
Ex:- CH 3  Cl  2 Na  Cl  CH 3  CH 3  CH 3  2 NaCl
(ii) Decarboxylation:- Sodium acetate reacts with soda line(NaOH+CaO) give methane called
CH 3COONa  NaOH 

 CH 4  Na2CO3

7Q) What is polymerisation ?
Ans:- Simple molecules combined together to form large molecule without elimination of any molecule .
i) ethene polymerises to form polythene ii) Acetylene polymerises to form benzene

8Q) How is Nitrobenzene prepared ?

When benzene is heated with a mixture of concentrated Nitric Acid and concentrated Sulphuric Acid
(Nitration mixture) gives Nitro benzene.
C6 H 6  HNO3 
Con H 2 SO4
600 c
 C6 H 5 NO2  H 2O
9Q) Discuss Lassaigne's test .
Ans:- This test is used to detect nitrogen , sulphur , halogen & phosphorus in given O.C.
10Q) Explain ( 1 ) crystallisation ( ii ) Distillation ( iii ) Sublimation .
Ans:- (i) crystallisation : The impure O.C is dissolved in solvent . It is heated to get a saturated solution,
while cooling pure O.C crystal separated by filtration ,
ii) It is the process of repeated heating & cooling of an impure liquide
iii) This process is applicable to purify sublimable solids containg non sublimable impurities.
(Solid directly converts into gas)

CHAPTER – 5 :- States of Matter (2M)

1Q) state (i) Boyle's law ( ii ) Charles law ( iii ) Avogadro's law
Ans:- (i) At constant temperature , the volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to its
1 K
pressure is called Boyle's law V  (const T , n)  V   PV  K
(ii) charles law : - At constant pressure , the volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its
1 V
absolute temperature. V  T (at constP, n)  V  KT   K ( K  cons tan t )
(iii) Avogadro's law:- At constant temperature and pressure , equal volumes of all gases contain equal
number molecules (or) moles V  T (at const T , P)  V  Kn   K ( K  cons tan t )
2Q) What is an Ideal gas ?
Ans:- The gas that obeys all gas laws at all conditions of temperature and pressure is called an Ideal gas
3Q) State Graham's law of diffusion.
Ans:- At constant temperature and pressure , the rate of diffusion of a given mass of a gas is inversely
proportional to the square root of its density . This is called Graham's law of diffution. r
4Q):- Which of the gases diffuse faster among N₂ , 0₂ and CH 4 why ?
Ans:- CH4 diffuses faster among N2, 0₂ and CH 4 due to lower molecular mass
5Q) How many times methane diffuses faster than sulphur dioxide?
rCH 4 M SO 64 4 2
Ans:-  2
   2
rSO2 M CH 4 16 1 1
Therefore CH4 diffuses two times faster than S0₂
6Q) State Dalton's law of partial pressures.

Ans:- At constant temp and volume , the total pressure exerted by the mixture of non - reacting gases is
equal to the sum of the partial pressures of all individual gases. Ptotal =P1+P2+P3+……..(At const T,V)
7Q): What is Boltzmann's constant ? Give its value.
K  , K  1.38 X 1016 erg K 1. mole 1

 1.38 X 1023 J K 1. mole1

Ans : The gas constant per molecule of the gas is called Boltzmann's constant (K).
8Q):- What is ( i ) R.M.S Speed ( ii ) Average Speed ( iii ) Most probable speed .
Ans:- (i) The Square root of the mean of the squares of speeds of gas molecules is called R.M.S Speed . It is
given by Urms 
(ii) The Simple average of speeds of all the molecules of the gas is called average speed . It is given by
Uav 
iii) The speed possessed by maximum number of molecules present in a gas is called most probable
speed. It is given by
Ump 
9Q) what is compressibility factor?
Ans:- It is the ratio of actual molar volume of gas ( real ) to the molar Volume ( ideal ) of it . It is called
PV Vreal
compressibility factor. It is indicated by Z= Z  or Z 
nRT Videal
10Q) What is critical temperature? Give its value for CO₂
Ans:- The temperature above if any gas cannot be liquified even by applying high pressure is called critical
temperature (Tc) of the gas. Tc of CO2 is 30. 98

12Q) Why pressure cooker is used for cooking food on hills?

0Ans:- At high altitudes atmospheric pressure is low. So Liquids boil at lower temperature. Hence the
pressure cooker is used to increase the boiling point of water by increasing the pressure in the
13Q) Calculate kinetic energy of 5 moles of Nitrogen at 27 ° C.
Ans:- kinetic energy ( KE ) = 3 /2 nRT
Where n = 5 moles, R = 8.314 J/mole /K
T= 27 ° C + 273 = 300K.
Kinetic energy (EK) = 3/2x 5mol x8.314 X300K =
EK = 18706.50J
N=5mole, R=2cal, T=300K,
K.E = 3/2 nRT
K.E=4500 cal
CHAPTER – 6 :- Stoichiometry (2m)

1Q):- How many number of moles of glucose are present in 540grms of glucose ?
Ans:- wt of glucose = 540 grams , GMW wt of glucose = 180gms
Given Wt 540
number of moles (n) = n  n  3moles
Gram Wt 180
2Q):- Calculate the weight of 0.1 mole of sodium carbonate.
Ans:- n = 0.1 mole , Mwt of Na2Co3 = 106 grams
n=  wt = n x G.Mwt  wt = 0.1 106  wt = 10.6 grams.
3Q):- The empirical formula is CH₂0 . Its molecular wt is 90. Calculate M.F.
Ans:_ E.F = CH 2O , E.F. wt = C+2(H) +0 =12+2(1)+16 = 30, M.wt = 90.
M .wt 90
n   n  3, Molecular Formula  ( E.F ) n  (CH 2O)3  C3 H 6O3
E.F .wt 30
M .F  C3 H 6O3
4Q):- what is a redox concept? Give an example.
Ans:- A chemical reaction in which both oxidation and reduction. takes place Simultaneously is called
redox - reaction.
0 2 2 0
Ex:- Zn CuSO4  ZnSO4  Cu

5Q):- What is disproportionation reaction? Give example

Ans:- The same element undergoing both oxidation and reduction . In a chemical reaction is called
disproportionation reaction.
Ex:- 2 H 2O2 ( 1)  2 H 2O ( 2)  O2(0)
6Q):- What is comproportionation reaction? Give example.
Ans:- The same element undergoes different oxidation states . and form single product.
Ex:- Ag  Ag(aq2 )  2 Ag(aq )
7Q):- Calculate molar mass of Glucose.
Ans:- Glu cos e Formula (C6 H12O6 )  6(C )  12( H )  6(O)
6(12)  12(1)  6(16) = 180 grms.
8Q) Calculate the oxidation number of underlined element in the . following.
( i ) KMnO4 (ii) MnO4 ( iii ) K 2Cr2O7 (iv) Cr2O7 2 (v) K I3
(vi) H 2 S4O6 ( vii ) Fe2O3 (viii) NaBH 4 (x) OF ₂ (x) H 2O2
Ans:- ( i ) KMnO4  K + Mn + 4 ( 0 ) = 0 => ( +1 ) + x + 4 ( -2 ) = 0 => 1 + x – 8=0 => x = + 7
( ii ) MnO4  Mn + 4 ( 0 ) = -1 => x-8 = -1 => x = -1 + 8 => x = + 7
iii ) K 2Cr2O7  2(k) +2 ( cr ) +7 ( 0 ) = 0 => 2 ( +1 ) +2 ( x ) +7 ( -2 ) = 0 => 2 + 2x - 14 = 0
= > 2x -12 = 0 => 2x = 12 => x = + 6
( iv ) Cr2O7 2  2(r) +7 ( 0 ) = -2 => 2 ( x ) +7 ( -2 ) = -2 => 2x - 14 = -2
=> 2x = -2 + 14 => 2x = 12 => x = +6
(v) KI 3  K+ 3 ( I ) = 0 => ( +1 ) + 3 ( x ) = 0 => 1 + 3x = 0 => 1 = -3x=> x= -1/3.
(vi) H 2 S4O6  2(H ) + 4 ( s ) +6 ( 0 ) = 0 => 2 ( +1 ) + 4( x ) + 6 (- 2 ) = 0

=> 2+4x1 - 12 = 0 => 4x – 10 = 0 => x 10/4 => x = +5/2 => x = -1
( vii ) Fe3O4  3 ( Fe ) +4 ( 0 ) 0 => 3 ( x ) + 4 ( -2 ) = 0 => 3x-8 = 0 => x = +8/3
( viii ) NaBH 4  Na + B + 4 ( H ) = 0 = > ( +1 ) + x + 4 ( -1 ) = 0 => 1 + x - 4 = 0
=> x - 3 = 0 => x = +3
( ix ) OF ₂  0 + 2 ( F ) = 0 => x + 2 ( -1 ) = 0 => x - 2 = 0 => x = +2
( X ) H₂O₂ → 2 ( H ) + 2 ( 0 ) = 0 => 2 ( +1 ) + 2 ( x ) = 0 => 2x + 2 = 0 => x = - 1
9Q):- What volume of CO₂ is obtained at STP by heating 4 grams of CaCO3 ?
100gm of CaCO3  22.4 Lit of CO₂, 4gms  ?
4 x 22.4 89.6
= =  0.896 Litres
100 100
10Q):- i) Calculate the mass % of 2 grms of substance A dissolved in 18gms of water .
ii) calculate molarity of 4 gms of NaoH dissolved in 250ml of given solution .
Mass of Solute 2 2
Ans:- (i) Mass%  100  100  100  10%
Mass of Solution 2  18 20
Wt 1000 4 1000 4
( ii ) Molarity ( M )  M   M   0.4M
G.MWt Vin ml 40 250 10
Molarity ( M ) = 0.4 moles / litre
CHAPTER – 7 :- Chemical Equilibrium - Acids Bases (2m)
1Q):- What is homogeneous equilibrium ? write two homogeneous reactions .
Ams:- At equilibrium , physical states of reactants and products are same . That equilibrium is called
Homogeneous equilibrium .
Ex:- (i) N 2( g )  3H 2( g ) 2 NH 3( g ) (ii) 2SO2( g )  O2( g ) 2SO3( g )
2Q):- What is heterogeneous equilibrium ? Write two heterogeneous reactions.
Ans:- At equilibrium , physical states of reactants and products are different that equilibrium is called
Heterogeneous equilibrium.
Ex:- (i) CaCO3( s )

CaO( s )  CO2( g ) (ii) Ni( s )  4CO( g )  Ni(CO)4 ( g )
3Q):- Write the relation between kp and kc.
Ans:- Kp = Kc ( RT ) ∆n ∆n = No of moles of gaseous products - No of moles of gaseous reactants
R = Universal gas constant , Kc = equilibrium constant at concentration Kp = equilibrium constant at
4Q):- Give the chemical equilibrium reaction for ( 1 ) kp = kc ( ii ) kp > kc ( iii ) kp<kc
Ans:- (i) H 2( g )  I 2( g ) 2 HI ( g ) n  0, Kp  Kc (ii) 2 NH 3 N 2  3H 2 , ∆n=2, kp<kc

(iii) N 2  3H 2 2 NH 3 , n  2, Kp  Kc
5Q):- : What is the effect of ( 1 ) pressure cii ) temperature on a gaseous equilibrium?
Ans:- (i) pressure has no effect on equilibrium when no of moles equal ( ∆n = 0 ) If no of moles are not
equal by applying pressure , decrease in volume ( vice versa)
(ii) Increase in temperature on equilibrium, favours endothermic reaction Decrease in temp of the
reaction at equilibrium , favours exothermic reaction .
6Q):- What is Ionic product of water? Give its value and Units .

Ans:- The product of molar concentrations of H  and OH  jons of water at a given temperature is
called Ionic product of water.
Kw   H   OH  

Kw  1.0 1014 mole2 / litre2 , Units : mole 2 / litre 2

7Q):- What are (i) Bronsted acid ( ii ) Bronsted base ? Give example each .
Ams:- (i) The species that have a tendency to donate a proton. Ex:- H₂0, NH 4 etc
(ii) The species that have a tendency to accept a proton . Ex:- Cl  HSO4 etc
8Q) What are(i) Lewis acid (ii) Lewis base ? Give example each .
Ans:- The species that have a tendency to accept a lone pair of electrons and form co - ordinate covalent
bond is called Lewis acid . Ex:- H , BF3, SO2etc
(ii) The species that have a tendency to donate a lone pair of electrons and form co - ordinate
covalent bond is called Lewis base. Ex:- NH3 , H 2O etc
9Q):- All Bronsted bases are Lewis bases. Explain.
Ans:- Because Bronsted base can accept proton and also donate pair of elections . to proton . so that it is a
lewis base . Ex : NH 3  H   NH 4 
In above reaction Ammonia can accept poton and also donate pair of electrons to proton. It is a
lewis base and Bronsted base.
10Q):- All Lewis auids are not Bronsted acids. Why?
Ans:- BF3 is a Lewis and since it can accept an election pair from other substances Since BF3 does not
contain proton , it cannot act as Bronsted acid . Hence all Lewis acids need not to be Bronsted acids
11Q):- what is conjugate acid base pair ? Give example .
Ans:- The acid - base pair that differs only by single proton that pair is called conjugated acid - base pair .
Ex:- (i) H 2O  HCl  H 3O   Cl  (ii) NH 3  H 2O  NH 4   OH 
12Q):- write the conjugate acid Conjugate base for the following species.
Ans:- i) H 2O  H 3O  (C. A)and OH  (C.B ) (ii) HCO3  H 2CO3 (C. A) and CO32 (C.B )
iii) OH   H 2O (C. A) and O 2 (C.B ) (iv) H 2O2  H 3O2 (C. A) and HO2 (C.B)
Define P . Calculate the P of (i) 0.001 M HCl (ii) 0.001M NaOH (iii) 108 M HCl (iv) 0.05 M Ba
(OH ) 2
Ans:- P H : - The nagative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration to the base 10 is called P H
P H =-log  H  
i)  H   = 0.001 = 10 M => pH = -log x 10
3 H

=> P = - 3log10
10  H H
=> P = +3 ( 1 ) => P =3
3 3
 3log  => P =3, P =14- P => P
ii) OH   = 10 M => P = -log 10 => 10
=14-3=> P = 11
7 8 7 H H
iii)  H   = 10 + 10 =1.1x 10 => P =7-log 1.1 = 7-0.0414 => P =6.9586.
iv) OH   = N = 2x0.05 = 0.1 => P = -log OH   => P = log10 = 1 => P = 14 -1 = 13
 


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