Test 2 - E12

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. 1 ‘TRUNG HOC PHO THONG 2023 DE THAM KHAO BGD NAM 2023 Bui thi: NGOAI NGU: Moa thi: THENG ANIL DESO ee (Dé tt e6 wang) Ther gia km bi: 60 phi, Kh hé thin gia phi de Hp va tén thi sin: Sé bio dan! Mark the lerter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in romunciation in each of te following questions. Question 1. A. width B breathe C thrive D think ‘Question 2. A. income B design © dolphin D disease Mark the leter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A, equal B angry pleasant D afraid ‘Question 4. A. integrate B unify © diagnose D demolish Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. ‘Question 5. People smartphones have access to a wealth of information and entertainment at their fingertips A. owning Bare owned C-are owning, Downed Question 6 Exercising regularly than sitting for long periods of time in front of a sercen A. most beneficial Bas beneficial C.the most beneficial. more beneficial ‘Question 7. Janet will go to the US to continue her study A. when she finishes her English eourse B. as soon as she had finished her English course before she finished her English course D_ until she will finish her English course Question 8. Lama litle anxious them. wing home the new kitten because my parents don't like Ain Bon C.about D.with Question 9. Everyone ean hear the musi from his room sometimes, ? A. don’t they B can't they C.don'the D.can'the ‘Question 10, Although some German and British management styles are similar, there are differences between them, Aa B. the €.O (ooatticle) Dan Question 11. This research seems to give some validity to th that the drug might cause eancer A. theory B fame C reaction D lesson Question 12, The new CEO plans to the company and implement some major changes in the way it operates A pull out B getover take over D take off ‘Question 13. With a view to improving their standard of living, Mr. and Mrs. Smith decided 0 the city for Better job opportunites. A.tomove B. move Cos ne D. to moving ‘Question 14. The children are really getting in my Tell them to go and play out side. Achait B nerves C. mouth D. books ‘Question 15. Isaac Newton under an apple tree when he got hit om the head by a falling piece of suit, A.issitting B. was sitting Csat D.sits Question 16. They came hereto {heir lst respeets to poople who died inthe covid-19 pandemic. A join B hold C lend D. pay ‘Question 17, Peter is walking happily hoping that he to the party by his girlfriend. A invites B. will invite C. was inviting D. will be invited Question 18, They have attempted to chat the temperature variations over the last 140 years A. global B. globally C. globalize D. alobalization ‘Question 19. The company offered a £10,000 forthe information leading to the arest of the robbers A. award B. reward C. prize D. present Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 20. Phe howe receptionist is asking the customer his name. Receptionist: “Could you please say your name again please” = Customer: ” A. How ean you say so? B. Why do Ihave to? C.No, I don't remember. D. Sure, that’s Mike, Question 21. Nam and his tutor are talking about the entrance examination into high schools = Nam “I think itis not sensible to ask students to take four subjects inthis entrance examination” = Tutor: ‘This will put unnecessary pressure on them” A. Tam not so sure 1B. That's not true . You can say that again D.L completely disagree ‘Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22. At the moment, it ends to be managers or technology-related workers who have distance work i's seen as something of a privilege for trusted employees. A-advantage B flexibility C restriction D protection ‘Question 23. In the initial days and weeks, it was literally case of living from hand to mouth, A. saving lots of money BB. spending large amount of money sending al the money D. losing all the money Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in ‘each of the following questions. ‘Question 24, A study shows that obesity in school children has a number of complex determinants, deiven by the acquisition of habits A.types B. factors ideas D. ways ‘Question 25. Despite her extensive preparation and experience, she felt apprehensive before the important job interview. A.amxious B. passionate C.overconfident excited ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, oF D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following ‘questions. ‘Question 26. They ate not allowed to use our personal information for their own purposes. A. They don't have to use our personal information forth own purposes. B. They can use our personal information for their own purposes, C. They musta" use eur personsl information for their own purposes. D. They may use our personal information for their own purposes. ‘Question 27. Peter started learning how to ride a motorbike when he was 19. A. Peter has learned how to ride @ motorbike sinee he was 19. B. Peter had 19 years to learn how to side « motorbike. C. The last time Peter learned how to ride a motorbike was when he was 19. D. Peter has learned how to ride @ motorbike for 19 years. Question 28. “How many books did you buy last weekend?” asked my mother. A. My mother asked me how many books had I bought the last weekend, B. My mother asked me how many books I bought the pr ced C. My mother asked me how many books did I buy the last weekend, D. My mother asked me how many books I had bought the previous weekend. Mark the letter A, B, Cor D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the {allowing questions. ‘Question 29. His benevolent temperature nel acquaintance of mine. 1 to rust him though he’s just a business A. temperature B. inclined trust D. acquaintance ‘Question 30. My brother usually asked me for help whenever he has difficulty doing his homework A. for B. asked C. whenever D. difficult ‘Question 31. Andy and Lucy always try her best to win a scholarship to a well-known university in the UK A.well-known B win scholarship, D-ber Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the {following questions. ‘Question 32. My futher wants to help me with the assignments. He is snowed under with work. A. If my father hadn’t been snowed under with work, he could help me with the assignments. B. Provided my father is snowed under with work, he cannot help me withthe assignments Cf my father weren't snowed under with work, he eould help me with the assignments, D. Ifonly my father were snowed under with work, he couldn’ help me withthe assignments. Question 33. Women aren't allowed to wear short skirts when entering this temple. There's no exception whatsoever A. Under no circumstances are women permitted to wear short skirts when entering this temple B. Atno time are women forbidden to wear short skirts when entering this temple. ‘C-On no occasion were women allowed to wear short skirts when entering this temple D. By no means are women banned from wearing shart skirts when entering this temple Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. In a world with inereasing levels of carbon in the atmosphere, these new findings imply that warmer weather and longer growing seasons will not allow temperate deciduous trees to take up more carbon dioxide. The study's predictive model suggests that by 2100, when tree growing seasons are expected to ‘be between 22 and 34 days longer, leaves will fall from trees between three and six days earlier than they, do now. ‘This has significant implications for climate change modelling If we accept that the amount of carbon taken up by deciduous trees in temperature countries like the UK will remain the same each year regardless of the growing season, carbon dioxide levels will rise more quickly than was previously ‘expected. The only way to change this wil be to increase the capacity of trees to absorb carbon. Plants that aren’t limited by the amount of nitrogen available may be able to grow for longer in the warming climate. These are the trees which can take nitrogen from the air, such as alder. But these species will still lose their leaves at roughly the same time as always, thanks to less daylight and colder ‘temperatures But on the upside, with the prospect of some trees losing their leaves earlier and others losing th at the time they do now, there might be the prospect of prolonged autumnal colours ~ and more time for us to kick through the leaves. (Adapted from https:/theconversation.com/) Question 39. Which of the following can be the best ttle forthe passage? ‘A. Autumn and Growing Seasons B. Growing Season in the UK €. Earlier Autumn Colours D. Nitrogen From the Air Question 40. According to the passage, carbon and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere A. has been decreasing in the world BB. cannot be taken up more by temperate deciduous trees will rise more slowly than was previously expected DD. cannot be absorbed by increasing the capacity of trees ‘Question 41. The word they in paragraph I refers to A. leaves B. growing seasons C. trees D. six days ‘Question 42. The word prospest in paragraph 4 mostly means A. revolution B. responsibility elation D. possibility ‘Question 43. Which of the following is NOT tue according to the passage? A. Tree growing seasons may be 22 to 34 days longer. BB. Plants may grow for longer in the warming climate C. Alder will never lose their leaves. D. Some trees will lose leaves atthe time they do now. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. The concept of Ukraine as a country was bom from the state of Kievan Rus, a powerful state that ruled much of the territory that is modern Ukraine during the 9th to 13th centuries. The Ukrainian anguage evolved from the Old East Slavonic language that was spoken during the time of Kievan Rus. ‘The first documented use of the word Ukraine dates back to 1187, and the Ukrainian people maintained a strong sense of national identity through centuries of foreign rulership and occupation, during which time Ukrainian nationalists made several bids for independence - some successful, but all short-lived. Modern day Ukraine was established in 1991, when the USSR dissolved and Ukraine declared itself fan independent state, It still bears many sears from is time under Soviet rule, when the country endured two of its biggest tragedies: Holomodor, the great famine of 1932-33, which was brought on by Stalin’s agricultural policies and saw the death of an estimated three to five million people; and the Chernobyl Disaster, the explosion of a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl Today Ukraine is still struggling to come to terms with a market economy, although gonsistent ‘economic growth in the new millennium (after a decade of decline in the 1990s) bodes well. Ukraine's future depends greatly on its traditionally close ties with Russia, which it relies on for energy. However, Russian and Ukrainian relations are not as close as they ane were with the Kremlin even shutting off gos supplies in January of 2006 Partly because of souring relationships with Moscow, Ukraine has been looking West for trading partners and influences. It recently won the hosting rights to Euro 2012 Football Championships ina joint bid with Poland and is hoping to join the EU by 2015, (Adapted from huips:/en.wikipedia.org) ‘Question 44. Which of the following can be the best title forthe passage? A. Trading Partners and Influences from the West B. Sears from Its Time under Soviet Rule C. What Do You Know about Ukraine? D. So Interesting Is the Ukrainian Language! ‘Question 45. The word dissolved in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. disappeared B. integrated C-nourished D. succeeded ‘Question 46, According to paragraph I, the state of Kievan Rus ‘A. had its language that is not related to that of Ukraine B. made several bids for independence ‘C.was the country born from Ukraine D. ruled Ukraine territory during the 9th to 13th centuries. ‘Question 47. The word that in paragraph I refers to A. Ukrainian language B. use of the word Ukraine time of Kievan Rus D. Old East Slavonic language ‘Question 48. The word consistent in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A significant B steady ©. dramatic D. unstable ‘Question 49. Which ofthe following is NOT true aceording to the passage? A. The Chernobyl Disaster was the explosion of a nuclear power plant, B. Ukraine has been looking West for trading partners and influences, C. Ukraine relies on Russia for energy. 1D. Ukraine was established in 1991 when the USSR solidified its position, ‘Question $0. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Many sears from its time under Soviet rule prevented Ukraine from development B. A market economy was soon achieved in Ukraine long time ago. C. Ukraine eould have joined the EU earlier than 2015 without relationship with Russia D. Ukraine has long history of development with close but unstable relationship with Russia, THE END

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