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The Most Important Discovery of the Last Century

While technology has been important, the discovery of antibiotics has meant more to people
than anything else. People live longer and can, therefore, accomplish more. If there were no
antibiotics, we would not be able to enjoy the quality of life that we have today.

In the past, people did not live as long because they often died from bacterial infections, but
this is not true today. Even as recently as 100 years ago, bacterial infections were deadly.
Something as small as a simple cut on a finger could cause the person to die. The world
changed, however, in 1928 when penicillin was discovered. This new drug prevented many
common infections from getting worse. It was the first antibiotic, and since its discovery, people
have been able to live longer.

Because of antibiotics, people suddenly had longer lives and, therefore, time to accomplish
more things. In 1850, people lived to anaverage age of 38, but in 1950, people lived to an
average age of 58. This increase meant more time for people to focus on becoming presidents,
doctors, or inventors. In particular, penicillin was a very important discovery because people's
average life expectancy increased greatly in the decade(1920-30) when it was discovered.

If you ask someone about the most important discovery or invention in the last hundred years,
you wil hear many different answers. Some people might answer with some form of technology,
such as the video camera, the cel phone, or the Internet, because they have changed our lives
in big ways. However, in my opinion, antibiotics are the most important discovery because they
have allowed people to live longer.

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