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This is the very first time for me doing an activity in which I shared some events that have

shaped who I am today, with people I have just met recently, and it was not easy for me. Even

preparing for this presentation took me back in time which reminded me of all those important

events and the memories that came with them, and it got a little tough for me. It made me a little

scared and nervous because I had never done an activity like this before. Usually, I take a long

time to get comfortable around new people, maybe a year or more, so this was a big step for me.

Even though I shared what I wanted to share, it was still hard and scary. It felt like I was showing

a part of myself to people I barely knew. After presenting my life pictorial to the group, I felt a

bit better because I shared my story, but I was also continuously wondering how the others felt

about it, hoping they would understand me. It felt weird because I was telling some very personal

stuff to people, I have only met some day ago. However, I also felt relieved and hopeful about

making new friends in the group. I felt like this was a big step for me and it will be a great

journey ahead this year and the coming year.

The response of my group made me feel very happy and welcomed, their reaction made me very

happy to be a part of the group. When they listened and nodded while I was presenting, it felt

like they accepted me. Their smiles and reactions showed they were interested in what I was

sharing. I also noticed their sad faces when I was sharing a hard part of my life. It made me feel a

little worried, but also touched that they cared. It felt good that they wanted to hear about my

life, even though we just met. Their reaction made me feel like I belonged. I really appreciate

having met such good people and glad to be already making new friends. Their positive response

also made me feel more confident about joining in group activities. I felt like I could share more

and participate without worrying too much.

The response of my group made me want to be more involved. Their reaction showed me that

being part of a group can be a supportive and welcoming experience, which made me feel happy

and grateful to be part of it. Now, I really get excited to be in this class and work on assignments

with my group members. I am thankful to have such a good group to work with.

This activity really changed how I see my group members. I never realized what they have been

through until they shared their stories with me. Hearing about their achievements made me

happy, almost like I achieved something too. Their success felt like mine. This activity helped

me understand them better and made us feel closer. Before this, I never thought they had such

experiences just by looking at them or talking to them. It was also surprising to find out that

we've had some similar experiences that shaped who we are today. This activity showed me that

we all have our own stories, and it made me appreciate our group even more, and this activity

made our relationship stronger.

I feel my strengths and my talents supported me well to be able to present my presentation and

complete this reflection. I am really thankful to the social skills I have earned in the past few

years which supported me when I stood in front of my group for the presentation. My

communication skills helped me to connect with groups and drive them through the events of my

life. Even though I was a little hesitant to present my personal event in front of my new friends,

my beliefs of giving a chance to everyone to see how they actually are, helped me to understand

the people in my group, which made me comfortable to present to them. I feel that my listening

skills also played an important role to help me understand the life and the story of the members
of my group. After listening to their similar struggles, I could see they are just like me and

sometimes it is really relieving to be heard and understood by someone.

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