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Matabagka The Epic of Nalandangan: Matabagka Searches for the Deity of the Wind" heroic song that has only recently been made available to students of Philippine literature is “Matabagka Searches for the Deity of the Wind,” collected froma the Talaandig people of Central Bukidnon, What immediately strikes the reader of this song is that it narrates the adventures of a heroine, Matabagka, a sister of the chief Bukidnon hero, Agyo. Attractive in person and character, full of high spirits, resourceful, and independent-minded, Matabagka may be said to anticipate the liberated Filipino woman of our present day. ‘The song, in ten parts, may be summarized as follows: Par I Matabagka (also called Pigsayo, Yugmukanon, Yambunganon) persuades Agyo to confide to her a warning that Agyo has received from his tamanod (guardian spirit) and which has plunged him into a state of gloom and restlessness, The warning isto the effect that Imbununga (also called Inhampang) is preparing to invade Nalandangan, Agyo's kingdom. If thishappens, Nalandangan and ts people will be wiped out, for Imbununga is the keeper of the taklubu, that “nurtures the powerful whirhwind” and of the baklaw, “in which dwells the strongest windstorm.” Notatall disturbed by this threat to their kingdom, Matabagka chuckles and assures Agyo that she will setile the problem right away. Part Il. Matabagka takes leave of Agyo and prepares for a journey. Then, taking her fidun (also called binulay), the Bukidnon maiden’s “handbag,” in which she carries betel chew; etc, she fies away, borne on her suinday (or sadok), a small hhat which Matabagka can transform into an air vessel. As soon as Agyo discovers the departure of his sister, he orders a search for her. Torulin, Agyo's nephew and chief of the warriors of Nalandangan, dispatches warriors to all directions to overtake Matabagka and ask her to return to Nalandangan. Parts IT and I Directed and propelled by a friendly wind, Matabagka finds Imbununga’s house and lands inthe middle ofits hal, right beside the stool where sits Imbununga, who is momentarily rendered speechless by the sudden appearance Beside him of a beautiful maiden, who seemed like “a dropped mana (betel chew)” or like “a ray of the sun,a beam of sunlight.” Pretending to be in search of the way to Nalandangan, Matabagka does not succeed in her ruse, for Imbunuunga de of the scond song in Corazon A. Manuel's “The Epic of Naladangen A Study of Teo Songs" (unpublished M.A. Thesis UP, 1976), a8 sung by Anasasyo Sawa forfour nights = 971 208 / Philippine Folk Literature: The Epics * Damiana Ein will not give any information until she consents to lime the betel chew for him (Le. be his wife.) Moreover, he tells he that she cannot float her sulinday without his consent because he controls the winds. So Matabagka is forced to stay in Imbununga’s house as his wife. Meanwhile, all the efforts of Agyo’s men to find her fail, adding to the torment of Agyo and to the anxiety of everyone in Nalandangan Part V' Though now the wife of Imbununga, Matabagka does not forget her mission, As soon as she discovers where Imbununga keeps the taklubu and the baldaw, she acts. She gives Imbununga drugged betel chew and when the potion takes effec, she seizes the taklubu and the baklaw from the steeping Imbununga and escapes on her sulinday. Part VI. When he wakes up and discovers the loss of his taklubu and baklaw, Imbununga orders his warriors to pursue the fleeing Matabagka. By his power, Imbununga causes Matabagka’ssulinday to descend at the seashore Part VIE. imbununga’s men now overtake Matabagka, who, however, fights back so effectively that she kills many of them. The warriors have a difficult time fighting with Matabagka, especially because Imbununga instructs them not 10 ‘wound her. After many days of fighting, Matabagka’s lair complexion darkens, Part VILL Fortunately, by this time, the sound of fighting reaches the ears of Agyo’s men who happen to be in the vicinity. Tomulin recognizes Matabagka and rushes to her rescue with his men, fighting off the pursuers, thus allowing Matabagka to escape to Nalandangaa, Part IX. Agyois glad and relieved to see Matabagka, who in her weariness can hardly limb the steep path Ieading to her house. She is quickly attended to, and while chewing the betel which her mother gives her to restore her strength, she narrates her adventures. She specially mentions Imbununga’s show of concern for her safety when he instructed his warriors not to harm her. Agyo then decides to end the war, realizing that winning to his side Imbununga, now Matabagka’s husband, will greatly strengthen the force of Nalandangan Pur X. Accordingly, Agyo and his father, Pamulavw, goto the scene of fighting and hola friendly dialogue with Imbununga, who agrees to end the fight provided he discovers the thief who stole his taklubu and baklaw, When told that itis Matabagka who stole them, he smiles and speaks fondly of her bravery: Nevertheless, he expresses sorrow over the loss of so many men. He is greatly relieved to know that Matabagka can bring them back to life. Since itis only by ‘means of the taklubu that the fighting can be stopped, Matabagka is summoned. ‘She returns the baklaw and taklubu to Imbununga, who then invokes the whirlwind and the windstorm to blow on the fighting men. ‘The strong winds so weaken the ren that they can no longer fight. The war over, Matabagka now revives all the

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