B2 - U2 - Writing

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Telf: 940196177

Student: ___________________________ Date _______________ Unit 02: Best of Friends SCORE

Task: Choose one of the topics to write an advice article for a website. (250-320 words)

❖ What to do if your friends pressure you to do something you don’t want to


❖ How to make a good first impression on new people?

❖ How to handle shyness.

I. STRUCTURE (2 points)

1. Introduction (Showing understanding) Hi new friends on internet! Today, I, your host, in this topic I will be
talking about one of the principal problems on people nowadays: How to make a good first impression on new
As far as I’m concerned, many of us have social anxiety or maybe some problems, and we can’t talk well, or behave
correctly in front of new mates.
If I’m no mistaken, making a positive impression on others is essential in various situations, whether it’s a job
interview, a first date, or a chance encounter. Here are some practical tips to help you leave a lasting and favorable
impression. :D

2. Concrete tips and their benefits (3 -4)

3. Concluding paragraph.


( )Modal verbs of deduction: can’t, could

( ) Noun prefixes and suffixes: yourself, personally, generally, professionalism thoughtful

( ) Phrasal verbs: hook up with

( ) linkers: Firstly/for instance/consequently/therefore/due to/meanwhile/eventually/however

( ) Expressions Another way is to.... / In my view… /As far as I’m concerned…/I would say that…/ If I am no

mistaken… / It seems likely…/Personally / It is obvious that…

III. DRAFTING (10 points)

Hi new friends on internet! Today, I, your host, in this topic I will be talking about one of the principal problems on
people nowadays: How to make a good first impression on new people?
As far as I’m concerned, many of us have social anxiety or maybe some problems, and we can’t talk well, or behave
correctly in front of new mates.
If I’m no mistaken, making a positive impression on others is essential in various situations, whether it’s a job
interview, a first date, or a chance encounter. Here are some practical tips to help you leave a lasting and favorable
impression. :D

1) Reflect on People Who Impressed You: Firstly, think about individuals who left a strong impression on you.
Consider their talents, charms, or unique qualities. What made them likable and memorable? Use these examples as
a starting point for self-improvement
2) Know Your Unique Qualities: Everyone has something special to offer. Identify your best traits—whether
you’re funny, smart, charming, or fashionable—and emphasize them. The most memorable people are often known
for just one or two standout qualities. Focus on showcasing those bold traits. You might hit it off with someone as
3) See Things from Their Perspective: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Understand their point of view.
Whether you know them personally or not, consider what they might be looking for. For instance, employers
generally value punctuality, politeness, and professionalism.

4) Set Clear Goals: Why do you want to make a good impression? Be specific about your intentions. If it’s a casual
acquaintance, surface charm may suffice. For deeper connections (if you want to hook up with a new romantic
partner), consider revealing your true self. Both approaches are valid. Consequently, it depends on your intent.

5) Be Empathetic: Show genuine interest in others. Active listening and understanding their feelings could help so
much. Empathy helps build rapport and leaves a positive mark.

6) Mind Your Body Language: Nonverbal cues matter. For instance: Maintain eye contact, smile sincerely, and
use positive body language. These signals reinforce the impression you want to create.

7) Dress Appropriately: The first impression dues to your attire contributes. Dress for the occasion, whether it’s
professional, casual, or social.
8) Choose Your Words Wisely: I would say that Thoughtful communication matters. Be articulate, polite, and
considerate. Avoid negativity or offensive language.

Remember, making a good impression isn’t about being someone you’re not—it’s about presenting the best version
of yourself while respecting the context and the other person’s perspective! 🌟

Don’t forget to like and share! This might be help many people! And for sure, me!
See ya on the next post! I might be talking about how to handle shyness!

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