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Adia’s Revenge

It was a very tragic discovery. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Was this actually real? Was what she

was reading really indescribable? How could this ever come to such a conclusion? Adia's dreams

were down to the drain, and all her hard work, too, was no longer important. What she submitted the

other night was a total mess, according to the people who read her college resume. Adia kept reading

the letter from the college she tried applying to over and over and still couldn’t believe her eyes. Her

eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Adia really wanted to go to this college. She’s been trying her

hardest for the past two years to get into this college, but the people who wrote back to her in this

letter were being very impolite. The letter she was reading was really rude and ill-mannered. It had

many hurtful words. Now, she sees how the professors and the staff members are at the college. Adia

did not appreciate this, nor was she going to take this foulness disrespect. She did not want to

tolerate this act of disrespect, so she had to do something about it. These superior individuals at the

college she tried attending needed to show some discipline and respect to students who wanted to

attend this college. She knew she wasn’t the only one who was sent with these foul letters, so she

needed to get revenge. Therefore, Adia will get her revenge, she’ll send an anonymous letter. Her

anonymous letter had various types of threats and threats like… murderous threats. She even had a

bomb threat to bomb the whole college! What a horrible but most revengeful idea she had. Adia

wrote all night and was in delight when she finished the anonymous letter. She had many more ideas

to take on her revenge, but she couldn’t as she might get into big trouble. It could be possible that

she'll get caught and it’s most likely Adia will get in trouble. But how would the police know if she

was the one who sent the letter since it was anonymous? To find out, Adia was never caught with the

anonymous letter. Could she even believe herself not to be caught? It seems the college was on the
news one early morning. Adia was laughing cruelly and maliciously at the terrified professors and

staff members on the screen. They were all in front of the college talking with the news lady on how

they felt and wondering who sent the letter. She felt very relieved and highly proud of herself, and

she did such a nice job not getting caught. What a memorable and crucial day Adia did.

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