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Scenario: A recently bought a computer at B’s shop that

doesn’t work properly. A is bringing the laptop to the shop to
return it.

1. B: Good morning, how are you today? What can I do for you?
2. A: Oh, good morning, I’m doing well, thank you. I have some
problems with the product I bought here yesterday, I think it’s faulty
and I’m wondering if I can get a refund.
3. B: I’m sorry to hear that. Can I see what you bought from our store?
4. A: I bought a laptop and I’m having it here. It’s the fifth model over
there., on aisle number 2.
5. B: Alright I have remembered it. So, what seems to be the problem
with it?
6. A: Actually, there are quite a lot. After using the laptop for a couple
hours, I figured out something was wrong with the laptop. First, it
was hard to type on keyboard, it felt like something was stuck under
it. Second, the picture quality didn’t really meet my expectations,
everything was blurry and sometimes I could not even see what was
on the screen. Third, the charger was not working properly, at first it
would for 5 minutes but after that it stopped. I had to borrow a
different charger, but it also did not work on this laptop. I feel a little
bit disappointed to be honest.
7. B: I understand how you are feeling again I’m so sorry to hear that.
Can I see your receipt please? Just to check the date and some
addiitional information.
8. A: I bought the laptop here yesterday afternoon, at about 3 or 3:30
pm. Here’s the receipt.
9. B: Thank you. So, in this case I think there are two options I can do
for you. The first one is: I can give you a one-by-one exchange, we
will make sure that you get the latest model with absolutely no
problem like a faulty charger or a low-quality screen. The second
option is: you can leave the laptop here for our technician to fix, we
won’t charge you for this. The process would take about 3 to 4 days
and after that we will send the product directly to your house. How
does that sound to you?
10. A: I don’t think any of these options would work for me. Your store
has brought a faulty product here for the customers and I don’t think
that’s a good thing to do. I want a full refund as compensation for
11. B: I totally agree with you that it was our fault that the product did
not meet your expectations and we just want to fix the problems. I
can confirm that our technicians are the best in the country,
everything will be improved and become good as new.
12. A: I understand but I’m sorry to say that I don’t really need that, I
will take my stand and I want a full refund.
13. B: I see what you mean, I will give you a full refund. My apologies
for your bad experience here at our store, we will make sure that this
will never happen again.
14. A: Thank you for being dedicated to me, have a good day.
15. B: Thank you for visiting our store, we hope to see you again soon.
II. Scenario: Meeting a new coworker in the office.

1. Good morning, how are you doing today?

2. Good morning, I’m doing fine, thank you for asking. Are you doing
3. Yes, thank you. I’m Mary from the Event Department, I haven’t seen
you here, are you the new person from the Media Department?
4. Yes, I’m Anna from the Media Department. I’m still new to
everything here and this is my first week doing an internship. I hope
to be friends with more people in the company and to learn more
about my major.
5. That’s great. How long have you been here?
6. This is my first week here, to be more specific then it’s the third day.
Everyone is so friendly and willing to help a new person like me, I
really appreciate that.
7. Good to hear that. I can see my younger self in you, always so
enthusiastic and willing to learn more. Oh, by the way, me and some
other coworkers will get lunch at McDonalds at 11pm, there’s a new
discount today. It would be delightful if you joined us.
8. Oh, I would love to but unfortunately, I have a date with my
boyfriend, it’s our anniversary today and we have planned this for a
month. Thank you for inviting me, I will join you another day.
9. We will be having a BBQ party next weekend, it’s for my birthday. I
will be happy if you and other coworkers come to the party, there
will be a pool party too.
10. That sounds really fun, I will spread the words with others, thanks
for the invitation.
11. That’s great. I have to get back to work now, thank you for spending
time with me, it was fun talking to you.
12. Thank you for being friendly too, have a good day, goodbye.
III. Scenario: Restaurant, sending back the food (raw/cold/wrong

1. Good evening, welcome to our restaurant. How are you feeling

2. Good evening, I’m doing totally fine, thank you.
3. That’s great to hear. What can I serve you today? Today our special
treats are buttered cookies, freshly baked 5 minutes ago.
4. That sounds nice, I’ll go with one medium sized spaghetti with
meatballs, one diet coke, 3 squid rings and 2 butterred cookies.
That would be all for today.
5. Okay so let me confirm your order, you ordered one medium sized
spaghetti with meatballs, one diet coke, 3 squid rings and 2 butterred
cookies. Your order will be served in a few minutes, so please wait.

Here come the food, one medium sized spaghetti with meatballs, one
diet coke, 3 squid rings and 2 butterred cookies. Enjoy your meal.
6. Excuse me, this is not what I ordered, I think you brought me the
wrong one. I ordered squid rings, not onion rings, and it’s 2 cookies,
not 5.
7. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, the chef might have mistaken
your order. Let me get this changed for you, it will be ready in 5
minutes so please be patient.
8. Okay, I’m not in a hurry so don’t rush.
9. To compensate for this our restaurant will give you a 50% discount
next time you come here, and this small sized ice cream as a little
treat for you. Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.
10. It’s okay, people make mistakes sometimes. Thank you for the ice
cream and the discount, I will enjoy it.
11. We are delighted to have you here, thank you.
12. Here’s your order, thank you for being patient. Please tell me if I can
do anything else for you.
13. Thank you but I’m good.
14. Okay, bon appétit!
IV. Scenario: Asking a friend to help you move into a new

1. Good morning! Nice weather today, isn’t it?

2. Good morning. Yes, the sun is shining, it’s truly a nice day.
3. How are you doing lately? You look a bit pale.
4. Am I? I did not notice that. I’m moving into a new apartment. My
old one was too far from my company, so I had to find a new place,
luckily, I found this one.
5. I feel so exhausted, I have too much stuff: my furniture, my books,
my documents from work, and none of my friends can come because
they are too busy. I don’t know if I can move all these things by
6. That’s sad. Maybe I can help, I have just finished my big project, so I
have a lot of free time now.
7. Really, that’s so nice of you. It’s my lucky day to meet you.
8. B: When will you be free then?
A: How about Friday, I can go with you both in the morning and the
9. Unfortunately, I have a meeting both in the morning and the
afternoon with my boss. Are you free at another time?
10. How about the weekend, I haven’t planned anything for the
11. That would be great, we will start at 9 pm on Saturday morning.
Thank you for giving me a hand, I really appreciate that. I will bake
some cookies for you.
12. That sounds delicious, I’ll be looking forward to the cookies.
13. I have to go now, see you on Saturday morning!
14. Okay, goodbye.

V. Scenario: The school has a club fair, and a new freshman is

trying to join your university’s English Club.

1. Good morning, nice weather today, isn’t it?

2. Oh, good morning, yes, the weather is truly nice. My name is Mary,
and I’m from Boston. Currently I’m majoring in Automation Control
Engineering. I’m still a freshman so I hope that I can learn more
from the seniors, especially in English.
3. That’s really great. My name is Anna and I’m from California. My
major is Computer Science and this is my third year at this
university. I’m also a member in the English Club of this university,
and my mission today is to assist freshmen who are interested in
English, like you.
4. Really, I’m thinking about joining a club, and I want to learn
English, so English club does sound good to me.
5. Can I ask about the activities that English club members will take
part in?
6. We actually have a large number of activities, but I will introduce to
you our three popular ones. The first one is conversation circles;
participants will engage in informal discussions on various topics to
practice speaking English and improve fluency. The second one is
language games; we do this a lot because playing word games,
puzzles, or language-based boardgames can make learning English
enjoyable and interactive. The third one is writing workshops; club
members will participate in writing exercises, share their work, and
receive feedback to improve writing skills. We used to conduct a
themed workshop about academic writing and not only did our
members enrolled in the workshop but also there were a lot of other
students in the university.
7. Wow, what an interesting club. I think this club will be my
destination. Can you please tell me about how to join the club, I’m
really excited about this.
8. Of course. We usually recruit new members in October, there are two
rounds and if you pass all of them you will become our official
member. The first round is all about filling in the form and
conducting short answers to our questions, we want to know about
your language ability, other questions will be a secret because it will
not be fun anymore if I let you know right now. The second round is
interviewing, we will ask you questtions based on the department
that you chose in the first round. A little hint for you is that there will
be questions about problem solving.
9. That’s nice of you to answer my question. I really appreciated that.
10.You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure to do that. Do you have any
problem, I can answer all of them.
11. I don’t have any at the moment, but I will research myself later.
12. It feels so good that I met an enthusiastic person like you today. I
can see my younger self in you.
13. Thank you for coming to day, hope to see you soon as a club
member. Goodbye.
14. Thank you, hope to see you soon too. Goodbye.

VI. A person is calling a limousine service to book a car for their

friend trip to Ha Long. B is the limousine agent answering the

1. (calling)
2. Hello?
3. Hello, is this the Swede Limousine Company?
4. Yes, you’ve reached Swede Limousine Company. How can I assist
you today?
5. Where are you planning to go madam?
6. I’m looking to book a limousine for my friend’s trip to Ha Long. We
planned to depart on May 26th but it might be changed in a few
7. Got it, so what day are you thinking about?
8. After consideration, we decided to change the date to May 30th,
because I still have to work until May 28th.
9. That’s great. What time would you prefer to depart? We have three
different options to choose from: 6 am, 9 am and 3 pm.
10. Let’s go with 9 am, we will still have time to prepare for ourselves.
11. Great! Now, let me confirm a few details. The total cost per person
for the limousine is 400k vnd. Is that acceptabble?
12. Yes, that sounds good.
13. Perfect. I will go through the details one more time. The departure
will be from Hai Ba Trung district, on May 30th at 9 am. Is that
14. Yes, that’s correct.
15. Great, may I have your contact information so our driver can reach
out to you?
16. Okay, my phone number is 500550
17. Thank you. Our driver will call you on the day you plan to leave. It’s
our comapny pleasure to assist you.
18. Thank you, I appreciate your help.
19. If you have any other questions, feel free to call. Have a great day!
20. You too, goodbye!
21. Goodbye!

VII. A new customer walks into a gym and is interested in getting

a gym membership there. A is the customer, B is the gym

1. Hello and welcome to Parkinson Gym. How can I assist you today?
2. Oh hi, I’m planning about joining a gym.
3. That’s great! How can I help you with that?
4. I’m looking for information about your gym memberships. Do you
have a website or a catalogue?
5. I can tell you the information right now, no need to do that. Our gym
offers various membership options. We have monthly plans, different
classes, and excellent facilities. Would you like to learn more?
6. Yes, I’m totally interested in this. Could you tell me more about the
monthly prices, available classes, and facilities?
7. Of course! Our monthly prices start at 300k vnd, and we offer a
variety of classes such as yoga, pilates, cardio, aerobics classes, etc.
Our facilties include sauna, changing room, charging station, and we
even have a pool on the top floor. Are you considering joining?
8. Yes, definitely interested. How do I sign up for membership?
9. Perfect! To sign up, we’ll need some basic information about you,
and you will need to fill out a form. We’ll also need your contact
details and the payment method you prefer.
10. Sounds good. I’m ready to join.
11. Let me guide you through the paperwork. Could you please provide
your personal details.
12. Sure, here are my full name, phone numbers, address, personal
email and some small additional information.
13.Great, you are all set. Also, this week we have some exciting classes
going on. Would you be interested in checking them out, it will help
you to gain more knowledge about how to design a perfect diet for
14. I will definitely join. Can I get more information about the classes?
15. Thanks for joining! If you have any more questions or any problems
just text or call me.
16. I don’t have any questions at the moment, but thanks for the offer. I
appreciate your help.
17. You’re welcome. Have a great day!
18. You too, goodbye!

VIII. Scenario: Giving a lost foreigner reccommendations in Hanoi

1. Goodmorning. How are you today? You don’t look familiar in this
2. Oh goodmorning, I’m doing well, thanks for asking. Yes I’m not
coming from around here, I’m from Australia actually.
3. No wonder, it seems like you are being lost, I can help you.
4. That would be wonderful. I just landed at Hanoi 2 hours ago, and
after finishing my personal business I haven’t had lunch, so I’m
looking for something to eat.
5. I have just the right thing for you. There are three specialties in
Hanoi that I would definitely recommend for foreingers like you.
The first one is Pho, this dish includes beef broth, rice noodles and
sliced beef. This dish was born in the 1900s I believe and many
Vietnamese people enjoy it. The second one is banh mi, don’t
mistake it with bread because banh mi is on another level compared
to bread. It’s like a sandwich but contains different ingredients such
as pork, lettuce, liver paste, sausages, or anything you want. Banh mi
can be served as any meal in the day because it is really tasty. The
third one is sticky rice, this dish contains different ingredients such
as pork, liver paste, sausages, egg, fish paste and others. Sticky rice
is a big portion of rice, and it can provide you energy for a whole day
so you might want to consider before getting one.
6. Wow, that was impressive, thank you. I’m not really into beef and I
don’t want to eat too much. What should I have then?
7. Well, I think banh mi would be a great idea, it’s delicious.
8. Okay, I will try banh mi.
9. Do you suggest any place that sell good banh mi?
10. Yes, there’s one place near here and it’s my favorite place. You will
go straight down this road, take the first right turn at 119 ABC Street
and continue to go until you see a place called Miss Peregrine’s banh
mi, that’s my favorite place.
11. Okay so I will go straight down this road, take the first right turn at
119 ABC Street and continue until I see the store. Am I correct?
12. Yes, good memory!
13. Do you nedd my help with anything else?
14. I’m good for now, I can go by my own, I really appreciate your help.
15. You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure to help people around me. Have a
good time in Vietnam!
16. Thank you, hope to see you around.

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