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Part I. Profile of Convenience Store

Direction: Kindly fill in the blank and check the boxes that will correspond to your answer:
(Please do not leave any blank):

Name of Convenience store: _____________________

Year started to adopt e-payment: __________________
Estimated users per month:
5 – 15 users _____
16 – 25 users _____
26 – 35 users _____
36 – 40 users _____
Above 40 users _____

Part II. Behavioral Intention to adopt/use E-payment

Direction: Please refer to the following scale as frame of references and check the
appropriate column that correspond to your rating:
5 – Strongly Agree (SA)
4 – Agree (A)
3 – Neither agree nor disagree (N)
2 – Disagree (D)
1 – Strongly Disagree (SD)
2.1. Performance expectancy 5 4 3 2 1

2.1.1. The store adopted E-payment to easily access

payment services.

2.1.2. The adoption of E-money is in accordance with all

aspects of the store's work and work style.

2.1.3. The store believes that adopting E-payment brings

about the expected effect in payment transactions.
2.1.4. By adopting E-payment, it will increase the store’s
comfort in the payment transactions.

2.1.5. By adopting E-payment, it allows the store to do

payment transactions faster.

2.2. Effort expectancy 5 4 3 2 1

2.2.1. The use of E-payment can help the store to speed

up payment transactions.

2.2.2. The use of E-payment can help the store make the
payment transaction more secure.

2.2.3. E-payment is practical, and it helps the store

increase efficiency in the payment transaction.

2.2.4. The use of E-payment makes it easier to find

payment information.

2.2.5. The use of E-payment significantly improves the

quality of the store’s payment transaction results.

2.3. Social influence 5 4 3 2 1

2.3.1. Customers who are familiar with our store think that
we should adopt E-payment as an option in payment
2.3.2. The store adopted E-payment in the payment services
because our competitors use it.

2.3.3. Our customers support us adopting E-payment in the

payment services.
2.3.4. The trend helped me in adopting E-payment in the
payment services.

2.3.5. Many people advised us that we should use E-

payment in the payment services.
2.4. Facilitating conditions 5 4 3 2 1

2.4.1. The store has full control over the use of E-payment in
the payment transactions.

2.4.2. The adoption of E-payment in payment services

increases the store’s productivity.

2.4.3. The existence of evidence on each payment

transaction that is completed at the time of the payment is
clear proof of E-payment.
2.4.4. The store is certain that payment services guarantee
transaction conditions when the customer uses E-payment
in payment transactions.
2.4.5. The store is certain that the payment services are safe
when the customer uses E-payment in payment

2.5. Hedonic Motivation 5 4 3 2 1

2.5.1. The store feels comfortable when they use E-payment

as a payment option.

2.5.2. The store feels excited when they use E-payment as a

payment option.

2.5.3. The store feels blessed when they use E-payment as

payment option.

2.5.4. The store feels happy when they use E-payment as a

payment option.

2.5.5. The store feels entertained when they use E-payment

as a payment option.

(Adapted & Modified: HA, V.D & Nguyen, T.T. 2022, A Study on the Behavioral
Intention and Behavior of Using E-money in Vietnam)
Part I. Profile of the Customer
Direction: Kindly fill in the blank and check the boxes that will correspond to your answer:
(Please do not leave any blank):
Name (optional): __________________
Age: ___________
Gender: _____ Male _____ Female
Experience (in using E-payment):
0 to 6 months _____
Over 6 months to 1 year _____
Over 1 year to 2 years _____
Over 2 years _____
Education level:
Senior Highschool Graduate _____
College Graduate _____
Postgraduate level _____

Part II. Level of Customer Satisfaction

Direction: Please refer to the following scale as frame of references and check the
appropriate column that correspond to your rating:
5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neither agree nor disagree
2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

3.1. Convenience 5 4 3 2 1

3.1.1. E-payment services make transferring transactions

easier and are uncomplicated to understand.
3.1.2. E-payment services allow me to have ease of
conducting financial transactions by carrying less
3.1.3. E-payment services allow me to make easy
3.1.4. The speed when it comes to E-payment services is
faster compared to a traditional payment system.
3.1.5. E-payment services facilitate payment of bills
anytime and anywhere as it is accepted at different

3.2. Security 5 4 3 2 1

3.2.1. E-payment guarantees the safety of my transactions

against unauthorized purchases. or financial risk associated
with identity theft.
3.2.2. E-payment has high security because they use high-end
encryption technologies.
3.2.3. E-payment services have lower risk because it is processed
by secure gateways.
3.2.4. E-payment services have MPIN requirement before making
any transactions for secure purchases.
3.2.5. E-payment guarantees the safety of my transactions
against financial risk associated with identity theft.

3.3. Efficacy 5 4 3 2 1

3.3.1. With E-payment services I can easily make transactions

with just a few clicks of buttons.

3.3.2. E-payment services can review my payment statements

and recent transaction history in real time.
3.3.3. E-payment services often have incentives that can save
me money.
3.3.4. E-payment provides relief to users because it is managed

3.3.5. E-payment can be used to make instant payments.

3.4. Problem-solving 5 4 3 2 1

3.4.1. E-payment services allow me to transfer funds when

money transfer centers are closed.

3.4.2. E-payment services can make transactions online without

going to a payment center.

3.4.3. E-payment services offer hassle-free transactions.

3.4.4. E-payment services help me alleviate pandemic-related

health worries.

3.4.5. E-payment has numerous partners so people can easily

connect to online banking.
(Adapted and Modified: Olipane, H.G & Inocencio, M.D. 2023, Digital Payment and
It’s Influence to Customer Convenience)

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