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Q-Parliament consists of which of the following?

a. President.
b. Council of states
c. House of people.
d. More than one of the above.

Parliament- Highest Law-making body

1-Rajya Sabha (Upper House) 2- Lok Sabha (Lower House) 3- President
o Parliament in our system has immense powers because it is representative of people.

Q-National Voters’ Day celebrated every year on? 25th January 1950.
o Election Commission of India is celebrating 14th National Voters’ Day (NVD) on 25th January 2024.
o 2024 theme - ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For sure’.
o A commemorative postage stamp themed "Inclusive Elections" is released.
o A short voter awareness film- ‘My Vote My Duty’ produced by ECI in association with renowned
filmmaker Shri Raj Kumar Hirani is screened.

Q-Indian Parliament comprises of? President, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha.

Q-According to Constitution Union Legislative Body is called? Parliament.

 Article 79 defines constitution of Parliament.

 Parliament consists of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & President.
 Article 81 is related to Lok Sabha. It is lower house of Parliament.
 Article 83 is related to duration of parliament.

Q-Power shared among different organs of government is known as? Separation of power- Article-50.

Q-States having largest number of Lok Sabha constituencies, in ascending order, are? ‫صعودی ترتیب‬
a. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal.
b. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, West Bengal.
c. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar.
d. None of the above.
Nane of State Total Lok Sabha members
Uttar Pradesh 80
Maharashtra 48
West Bengal 42
Bihar 40
Tamil Nadu 39
Madhya Pradesh 29
Karnataka 28
Gujarat 26
Andhra Pradesh 25
Rajasthan 25
Odisha 21
Kerala 20
Q-Which of the following group of States have more than 40 Lok Sabha Constancies each?
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal.
Q-Which state elected first non-congress state government in India? Kerala-1957 CPI.
1st time non congress party made govt in central in 1977 Morarji Desai led Janata Party to victory
against Congress party.

Q-Which of the following language has been given status of national language in constitution of India?
a. Hindi
b. Sanskrit
c. English
d. None of the above

As per Indian Constitution

o Language is in 17th part of constitution.
o 8th Schedule 22 languages, English is not in the list.
o OLA-Official Language Act, 1963. Article 345 or 343(1)- Hindi is official language.
Associate official Language-AOL -------------------------343(2)- English is Associate official language.
There is no any national language. ----------------------------‫ قومی زبان کوئی نہیں ہے۔‬،‫ہندی سرکاری زبان ہے‬
‫انگریزی مركزي معاون سرکاری زبان ہے۔‬
Q-Hindi is India’s ---? Official language. ‫؟ سرکاری زبان‬-‫ہندی ہندوستان کی سرکاری زبان ہے‬
Q-State religion of India is?
a. Hinduism
b. Buddhism
c. Jainism
d. None of the above- country has no official country’s religion.

Q-How many times President of India can be eligible for election for presidentship?
a. One time
b. Two times
c. Three times
d. None of the above- There is no bar on a number of times for which a person can become
President of India.

Qualification, Oath, Tenure, Salary of President

Article 58 – Qualification of Indian citizen
Presidential Candidate Minimum age = 35 years, no maximum age.
Cannot hold any office of profit.
Should not be a member of either House of Parliament or House of
state legislature.
Candidate qualification = Lok Sabha member Qualification.
Article 60 – Oath of President Oath by Chief Justice of India
Article 60 – Oath of President 5 Years from first day of office.
He is eligible for re-election to that office. He may be elected for any
number of terms.
Salary of President ▪ Rs 5 Lakh/ month
▪ Salary charged on- Consolidated Fund of India.
▪ Emoluments & allowances of President are mentioned in Art 59(3).

Q-Who among the following is appointed by president of India?

a. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India.
b. Judge of High Court. Governors of states.
c. More than one of the above.

ECI - Election Commissioner of India SEC- State Election Commissioner

appointed by President appointed by Governor

Executive Power of President- (Art 53)

 All executive action of Govt of India is by name of President of India.
 President Murmu appoints Prime Minister Modi of India.
 President Murmu appoints other cabinet Ministers as well on the request of Prime Minister Modi.
 President Murmu appoints governor of State.
 President Murmu appoints Election Commissioner of India- ECI.
 President Murmu appoints Chairman and members of Finance Commission of India.
 President Murmu appoints Chairman & members of UPSC.
 President Murmu appoints Attorney General of India.
 President Murmu appoints CAG.
 He also appoints CM of Delhi & Puducherry (But oath by Lt Governor).
 Directly administers UTs through administrators appointed by him.
 He can appoint an inter-state council to promote Centre–state and interstate cooperation.
 He can declare any area as scheduled area.
Q-President of exercises her powers on the advice of? Council of Ministers.

Council of Ministers
Article 74 – There shall be Council of Ministers with Prime Minister at head to aid & advise President
who shall, in exercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice.
Appointed by the President
By 91st Amendment, 2003 – Maximum strength of Council of Minister is not more than 15% of Lok
Sabha strength (𝟓𝟒𝟓 × 𝟏𝟓% ≈ 𝟖𝟐)
Maximum 82 including PM.
A minister who is not a member of Parliament (either house) for any period of six consecutive months
shall cease to be a minister.

Q-Who among the following is first woman speaker in Lok Sabha? Meira Kumar. 2nd Sumitra Mahajan.

Q-Can the same person be appointed as governor of more than one state? Yes.
 By 7th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1956, same person can be appointed as a governor for two
or more states.
Q-In India, Council Ministers includes?
a. Cabinet Ministers
b. Ministers of State
c. Deputy Ministers
d. More than one of the above.

Q-Tenure of Indian Prime Minister is? indefinite- no tenure.

Q-Term of Council of state? It is permanent chamber.
Q-Preamble of Constitution of India-USA was borrowed from which country? USA.
Preamble gives an idea of:
(1) source of constitution,
(2) nature of Indian state
(3) a statement of its objectives and
(4) date of its adoption. Derived from Objectives Resolution proposed by Jawaharlal Nehru in constituent
assembly on December 13, 1946.
 Adopted on 26 November 1949 by Constituent Assembly & came into effect on 26 January 1950.
 Style of Preamble borrowed from USA.
 Original Preamble that was adopted in 1949, declared India a “Sovereign Democratic Republic”.
Q-India is a Democratic Republic because Constitution of India has provided for? Elected President.
 Democratic – Supreme power is with people. Rulers are elected by people & are responsible to
them. We have indirect democracy where representatives of people exercise power on their behalf.
 Republic – India has democratic republic i.e. head of state is not hereditary & is elected by people. In
India, President of India is elected head of state.
Q-What does anti-defection law suggest? Amend to prevent changing parties.
 Parliament added it to Constitution as 10th Schedule in 1985 in order to bring stability to
governments by discouraging legislators from changing parties. 10th Schedule - popularly known as
Anti-Defection Act - was included in Constitution via 52nd Amendment Act, 1985.
Q-Concurrent list is mentioned in? 7th Schedule.
Through 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 Five subjects were transferred from State to Concurrent List.
They are:
1- Education
2- Forests
3- Weights & Measures
4- Protection of Wild Animals and Birds
5- Administration of Justice

Q-Which of the following is included in concurrent list? Forest.

Concurrent List- Australia in Indian Constitution has been adopted from Constitution of Australia.
Q-Which of the following statement is false about the Union List?
a. Union list includes subject of national importance such as defense, foreign affairs, banking.
b. These subjects are included in Union list because we need a uniform policy on these matters
throughout country.
c. Only Union government has right to make laws regarding subjects mentioned in Union list.
d. None of the above.

Q-In division of legislative powers between, union & states, union & states, union are more powerful
a. It has been more number of powers.
b. It has important powers.
c. It has Residuary Powers- Canada ‫اس کے پاس بقایا اختیارات ہیں۔‬
d. More than one of the above.
 Article 248 vests residuary powers in parliament. It says that Parliament has exclusive power to make
any law with respect to any matter not enumerated in Concurrent List or State List.

Q-Directive Principle of State Policy-DPSP have been borrowed from? Irish Constitution.
Directive Principles of State Policy
DPSP - Ideals that State should keep in mind while formulating policies & enacting laws
They embody the concept of a ‘welfare state’ i.e. promote socialism.
Promotes social & economic democracy in state.
Found in Part IV of Constitution from Articles 36 to 51.
Borrowed from Irish Constitution & Non-Justiciable in nature.

Classification of DPSP – Socialistic Principle.

Article 42 - To make provision for just & humane conditions of work & maternity relief.
Gandhian Principle.
Article 40- To organize village panchayat.
Article 43- To promote cottage industries on an individual or co-operation basis in rural areas.
Article 43(B)- The State shall endeavour to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning,
democratic control and professional management of co-operative societies.
Article 46- To promote educational & economic interests of SC, ST & other weaker section of society.
Article 47- To prohibit the consumption of intoxicating drink and drugs.
Article 48- To prohibit the slaughter of cows, calves and other milch & draught cattle.

Liberal – Intellectual Principle

Article 44 - To secure for all citizens a uniform civil code throughout country (like in Goa).
Article 45- To provide early childhood care & education for all children until they complete age of six
Article 48- To organize agriculture & animal husbandry on modern & scientific lines. prohibition of
slaughter of cows, calves & draught cattle.
Article 48A- To protect & improve environment & wildlife.
Article 49- To protect monuments, plants & objects of artistic or historic.
Article 50 – Separation of Judiciary from executive.
Article 51- To promote international peace & security and maintain just & honorable relations between

Q-Fundamental Duties were included in Constitution on recommendation of which committee? Swaran

Singh Committee.

Fundamental Duties
 Original constitution does not contain fundamental duties.
 In 1976, Congress Party set up Sardar Swaran Singh Committee to make recommendations about
fundamental duties during internal emergency (1975–77) 1976.
 Fundamental duties previously were 10 at present 11 Duties.
 Swaran Singh Committee suggested incorporation of eight Fundamental Duties, but 42nd
Constitutional Amendment Act (1976) included ten Fundamental Duties.

Q-Fundamental Duties were included in Constitution in 1976 by which Amendment Acts? 42nd.

Features of Fundamental Duties

 Part IV A
 Article 51 A
 Borrowed from USSR- now Russia.
 Non-justiciable.
 Only for Indian citizens.
 42nd Amendment Act, 1976, 10 duties incorporated.
 11th duty was incorporated by 86th Amendment Act, 2002.
 Fundamental Duties are not enforceable by law but it was expected from citizens to follow them.

Q-Which of the following is Fundamental Duties under Constitution of India?

a. To uphold unity & integrity of India.
b. To protect natural environment.
c. More than one of the above.

Fundamental duties
1 To abide by Constitution & respect national flag & National Anthem
2 Follow ideals of freedom struggle
3 Protect sovereignty & integrity of India
4 Defend country & render national services when called upon
5 Spirit of common brotherhood, respect of women
6 Preserve composite culture
7 Preserve natural environment
8 Develop scientific temper
9 Safeguard public property
10 Strive for excellence
11 Duty for all parents / guardians to send their children in age group of 6-14 years to school.
+ 1 was added in 2002 by constitution amendment act.
Q-What is called when power is taken away from central & state government & given to local
government? Decentralization.
Q-Which is lowest level of government in India?
a. Panchayat.
b. Municipal Corporation.
c. More than one of the above.

Q-Minimum age to become member of Gram Sabha is? 18+ years.

Q-Ministry of Panchayati Raj was created in central government of India in which year? May, 2004.
Q-Eleventh Schedule of constitution relating of Panchayat Raj contains? 29 Subjects.

73rd Amendment Act of Indian Constitution

73rd Amendment Act of 1992 came into force under PV Narsimha Rao Govt on 24th April, 1993 73rd
Amendment Act of 1992.
o Gives constitutional status to Panchayati raj institutions.
o Added Part-IX to Constitution of India.
o This part is named as ‘The Panchayats’
o Consists of provisions from Articles 243 to 243 O.
o Added a new 11th Schedule which contained 29 functional items of Panchayats. It deals with article
73rd 74th
Part-IX Part- IX A
Deals with Panchayat Deals with Municipal
29 works, Subjects. 18 works, Subjects.
Q-Gram Panchayat is accountable to which of the following?
a. None of them- Gram Sabha.
b. Panchayat Samiti
c. Zilla Parishad
d. Block development Officer
 All members of a village who are of 18+ years have right to vote as members of Gram Sabha. Gram
Panchayat is also accountable to Gram Sabha.
Q-With reference to Federalism in India. Which of the following statement is correct?
a. A Quasi Federal state is result of Indian Federalism in the country.
 Quasi Federal- ‫ نیم وفاقی‬means a federal form of government where more power is given to central
govt than state government. India is considered a quasi-federal or semi-federal form of government.
Supreme Court of India has also described Indian Constitution as Quasi Federal.
Q-Originally, how many Fundamental Rights were recognized by Indian Constitution? 6-Six.
 Part III from Articles 12 to 35.
 Borrowed from USA (Bill of Rights).
 Part III is called as Magna Carta of India.
 Nature of Fundamental Rights - Not absolute but qualified in nature (restriction can be imposed on
them by Parliament & whether restrictions are reasonable or not decided by courts)

They are not permanent i.e. By Constitutional amendment Act, Parliament can repeal them.
 Originally 7 but,
 Now 6 Fundamental Rights.
 Article 31 Right to Property was deleted by 44th Amendment Act, 1978.
 It is made legal right under Article 300 A in Part XII of Constitution.
 National Emergency affects Fundamental Rights. For Example - during National Emergency, all rights
can be suspended except Article 20 & 21.

6-Fundamental Rights
1 Articles 14-18 - Right to Equality
2 Articles 19-22 - Right to Freedom
3 Articles 23-24 - Right against Exploitation
4 Articles 25-28 - Right to Freedom of Religion
5 Articles 29-30 - Cultural & Educational Rights
6 Article 32 - Right to Constitutional Remedies
Articles 19-22 - Right to Freedom (19, 20,21, 21A, 22)
Under Article 19 – Protection of 6 rights of only Indian citizens not foreigners.
i. Right to Freedom of speech & expression.
ii. Right to Assemble peacefully & without arms.
iii. Right to form association or unions.
iv. Right to move freely throughout territory of India.
v. Right to reside and settle in any part of territory of India.
vi. Right to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
Article 21 – Protection of life & personal liberty.
 Available to both citizens & foreigners.
 Synthesis of all fundamental rights.
 It is not merely confined to existence or survival but it also includes right to live with human dignity & all
those aspects which make man’s life meaningful, complete & worth living.
Article 21 (A) – Right to Elementary Education- Right to Education became a fundamental right on April 1, 2010.
 Right added by 86th Amendment 2002.
 By this, Govt has responsibility to provide free & compulsory education in age of 6–14-year child in govt.
aided school.
 Govt. described this as “dawn of 2nd revolution in chapter of citizen’s rights”.
Q-Which Fundamental Right is called ‘heart & soul’ of our Constitution? Article 32.

Q-Which of the following freedom is not available to an Indian citizen under Constitution?
a. Freedom of Speech & Expression.
b. Freedom to from Associations & Unions.
c. Freedom to reside in any part of country.
d. None of the above-
a. Just & humane & conditions of work. 1. Article 42
b. Living wages for workers. 2. Article 43
c. Uniform civil Code. 3. Article 44
d. Protection of places & objects of national importance.
Code: a b c d- 1234
Q-Rigth to Education (RTE), which came under effect on 1st April, 2010, comes under which of the
following Fundamental Rights? Right to Freedom-19-22.
Q-In which year was Planning Commission established in India? 1950.
Planning Commission- 15th March 1950.
o Planning Commission was established on 15th March 1950 on recommendation of Advisory Planning
Board constituted in 1946, under chairmanship of K.C. Neogi.
o 1st chairman was Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
o Planning Commission was supreme organ of planning for social & economic development.
o Planning Commission of India was formed on 15 March 1950. It formulated 5-Year Plans of India. On
17 August 2014, it was dissolved & replaced by NITI Aayog- set up on 1st January 2015.

Q-Which Right is specific to minorities?

a. Right to freedom of religion.
b. Right to Freedom.
c. Right to Constitutional Remedies.
d. None to the above.

Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29-30)

These Rights only for Minorities.
Article 29 – Protection of language, script & culture of minorities.
o Any section of citizens residing in any part of India having a distinct language, script or culture of its
own, shall have right to conserve the same.
o No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or
receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, or language.
Article 30 – Right of minorities to establish & administer educational institutions.
o All minorities shall have right to establish & administer educational institutions of their choice.
o If property of any such institutions is acquired, compensation amount would be proper & adequate
by State, so that right guaranteed to them remain meaningful.

Q-Which type of rights is Freedom of Silence in India? Fundamental Rights.

Right to Freedom is a Fundamental Right which is described under Article 19 to 22.
Article 19 gives freedom to:
 Right to speech
 Right to Press
 Right to Silence-
 Right to Information- Fundamental Right Article 19
 Right to move anywhere & reside anywhere
 Right to form Association & Union
Q-Freedom of Press in India is available to people because?
a. It is implied in right to Freedom of Expression.
Q-Supreme Court of India came into existence on? 26th January, 1950. Biggest court of India between
1937-1950 was Federal Court.
Q-Who appointed Chief Justice of Supreme Court in India? President of India.
 Under Article 124 (2), President has right to appoint Chief Justice of India.
Chief Justice of India holds office till he attains age of 65 years & after retirement, she could be
appointed as a Governor of state.
 Justice Sanjiv Khanna-51th, who is next in line after incumbent CJI Chandrachud. Justice Khanna will
become CJI in November 2024, for a period of six months.
Q-Which of the following can be a court issue for enforcement of Fundamental Rights? Writ-‫أمر‬

 'Mandamus' means 'we command'. It is issued by Court to direct a public authority to perform legal
duties which it has not or refused to perform. It can be issued by Court against a public official,
public corporation, tribunal, inferior court or government.
Q-Mahalanobis Model has been associated with which 5-Year Plan? Second Five-Year Plan.
 Mahalanobis Model ‫مہاالنوبس ماڈل‬: a shift in pattern of industrial investment towards building up a
domestic consumption goods sector.
Q-Which five-year plan is related to the 'Gadgil formula'? Third Five Year Plan.
Five Years Plans of India: Objectives
1st Plan 1951-56 Harrod Domar Model
2nd Plan 1956-61 Mahalanobis Model- ‫مہاالنوبس ماڈل‬
3 Plan 1961-66 Gadgil formula
Three Annual Plan 1966-69 Holiday Plan
4th Plan 1969-74
5th Plan 1974-78
Annual Plan 1979-80
6th plan 1980-85
7th Plan 1985-90
Annual Plan 1990-92
8th Plan 1992-97
9th Plan 1997-2002
10th Plan 2002-2007
11th Plan 2007-2112

 In 2014, Modi govt. dissolved Planning Commission & launched NITI Aayog in 2015.
 CEO, NITI Aayog - B.V.R. Subrahmanyam
 Gadgil formula was formulated with formulation of third five-year plan for distribution of plan
transfers amongst states.
 It was named after D. R. Gadgil, then deputy chairman of Planning Commission.

Q-Twenty-Point Programme was launched in which five-year plan? Fifth five-year plan.
 Twenty-point programme was launched in 1975. It was followed from 1975 to 1979. Minimum
Needs Programme (MNP) was introduced in first year of Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974–78).

Q-Election Commission of India --? Is a constitutional body.

25 January – National Voters Day
Important Constitutional Bodies
Election Commission of India – Article 324.
o Established on 25th January 1950. So, 25th January is considered as National Voters Day.
o 1st general elections held in 1951.
o ECI is an all-India body as it conducts elections for both Central government & state governments &
also of President & Vice President.

o At present, 3 Election Commissioners in which 1 is Chief Election Commission.

o Composition - Chief election commissioner & such number of other election commissioners
(Number is fixed by President of India)
o At present, 3 Election Commissioners out of which 1 is Chief Election Commissioner.
o Appointment of Commissioners-By President.
o Chief election commissioner & two other election commissioners have equal powers & receive equal
salary, allowances.
o In their meeting, Chief election commissioner acts as chairman of meeting.
o Tenure – 6 years in office, or, 65 years by age, whichever is earlier.
o They can give resignation at any time to President.
o Removal - They can be removed before the expiry of their term, same as Supreme Court Judge, i.e.
can be removed by president on basis of a resolution passed by both the Houses of Parliament with
special majority, either on ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity.
Q-Which Article of Constitution provides that superintendence, direction & control of elections to be
vested in Election Commission? Article 324.
Q-Article 324 of Indian Constitution is related to? Election Commission.

Q-Universal Suffrage - ‫ یونیورسل ووٹنگ‬means that right to vote is not restricted by?
a. Caste or sex
b. Belief
c. Wealth
d. More than one of the above.
 Universal Adult Franchise means that all citizens age of 18 & above have right to vote.
 Right to vote is not restricted by race, sex, belief, wealth, or social status it was granted in 1950.
Q-In India, voting age was reduced from 21 yeas to 18 years by which one of following Constitutional
Amendment Acts? 61st in 1988 R.G- PM. Enacted in 1989.
 Voting age reduced from 21 years to 18 years by 61st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988.
 It comes into force by amending Article 326.
 Bill was passed by Lok Sabha on 15th December 1988.
 Bill was passed by Rajya Sabha on 20th December 1988.
 Bill was assented by President Venkaraman on 28th March 1989.
 Bill came into force on 28th March 1989.
 Prime Minister who reduced voting age from 21 to 18 years - Rajiv Gandhi.
Q-When election is held before expiry of normal term of legislature, it is called? Mid-term Election.
A Mid-Term Election is election that is held when a State Legislative Assembly or Lok Sabha is
dissolved before completion of its normal five-year term.
Q-To become a state party, a party has to secure at least --- of total votes in election in an election to
legislative Assembly of a State? 6%.
1st condition for assembly election: 6% vote + 2 seats. 2nd condition for Lok Sabha election: 6% vote
+1 seat.
A party has to fulfil conditions for recognition as a state party.
A party should secure at least 6% of valid votes polled in election to state legislative assembly & in
addition, it wins 2 seats in that state assembly.
A party should secure at least 6% of valid votes polled in election to Lok Sabha & win at least 1 seat
in Lok Sabha.
Q-BJP was founded in? 6 April 1980. RSS- 1925
 It is based on ideology of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
Q-In which year was Electors Photo Identity Card introduced in India? 1993.
o It was first introduced in 1993 during tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner T. N. Seshan.

Q-Bills which exclusively contain provisions for imposition & abolition of taxes are certified as? Money
Bill. Full power L.S – R.S, can hold bill maximum 14 days.

Article 110 of Constitution deals with the definition of Money Bills. It states that a bill is deemed to be a
money bill if it contains ‘only’ provisions dealing with all or any of the following matters:
1- Imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of any tax.
2- Regulation of borrowing of money by Union government.
3- Custody of Consolidated Fund of India or contingency fund of India, payment of money into or
withdrawal of money from any such fund.
4- Declaration of any expenditure charged on Consolidated Fund of India or increasing amount of any
such expenditure.
o A Money Bill cannot be introduced in Rajya Sabha.
o Rajya Sabha neither reject Money Bill nor amend it.
o Speaker of Lok Sabha decides whether Bill is a Money Bill or not.
o Also, Speaker’s decision shall be deemed to be final.
o Article 110 of constitution deals with Money Bill.
o A Money Bill may only be introduced in Lok Sabha, on recommendation of President.
o It must be passed in Lok Sabha by a simple majority.
o It may be sent to Rajya Sabha for its recommendations, which Lok Sabha may reject if it chooses to.
o If such recommendations are not given within 14 days, it will be deemed to be passed by Parliament.
Q-Which of the following are incorrect about Money Bill?
1. Money Bill is related to financial matters.
2. Money Bill can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only.
3. Certificate from speaker is required on its nature.
Select correct answer using codes given below.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 2, 3, 4
c. 1, 2, 3
d. More than one of the above
e. Nore of the above.
Q-Article 360 of Constitution empower President to proclaim? Financial Emergency.
 Indian Constitution's emergency provisions are based on German Constitution.
Q-Article 300 of Indian Constitution is related with? Trial & proceedings.
o Article 300 of Constitution deals with suits by or against Govt. Article states that Govt may sue or be
sued by name of Union & govt of a state may sue or be sued by name of that state.
Q-Article 280 is related to? Finance Commission.

Article 280 Finance Commission of India.

o Constituted by President every fifth year or at such earlier time as he considers necessary.
o Composition - Chairman & four other members.
o Appointed by – President.
o Constitution authorizes Parliament to determine qualifications of members of commission.
o 1st Finance Commission of India was appointed in 1951, for period 1952-57 by President & was
chaired by K. C. Niyogi.

Q-Asian Development Bank-ADB was established in Manila, Philippine on? 1966.

Asian Development Bank

 Founded in - 19 December 1966.
 Headquarters - Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines.
 ADB’s current President - Masatsugu Asakawa.
 From 31 members at its establishment in 1966, ADB has grown to encompass 68 members—of
which 49 are from within Asia, Pacific & 19 outside.
ADB's five largest shareholders:
1st Japan
2nd USA.
3rd China
4th India (6.3%)
Q-World Trade Organization-WTO was started in which year? 1st January, 1995.
World Trade Organization-WTO
o Founded on 1st January 1995
o Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland.
o Director-General-CEO-Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala- 1( ‫نجوزي أوكونجوإيوياال‬st African & woman chief of- WTO
o Members - WTO has 164 members & 22 observer governments. Liberia became 163rd member on 14
July 2016 & Afghanistan became 164th member on 29 July 2016.

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