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a ©) BIG CAT The Big Red Bus i ai) loll RY) iu NYY CMW WG he s y Alison Hawes Woody Fox’ i, BIG Seeivon feng t pet ia ‘ee ‘Brows the complete Cats eaogue at © HarperCollinsPublshers 2006, Series editor: Kay Hiatt ‘Author: Alison Hawes n ISBN 978.0.00-723585.8 Alison Hawes asserts her moral right tobe identified as the author ofthis work Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo ‘Copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior vaitten permission ofthe Publisher foralicence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 99 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT ALL. [Brith Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ‘A catalogue record fr this publication is available fom the British Library Ilustrator. Woody’ Fox Designer: Emma DeBanks Reading ideas author: Sue Graves Acknowledgements Collins would Ike fo thank the teachers and children at the following schools who took part inthe development of Collin 8ig Cat Phonics: Anthony Bek Primary School Earlswood Infant School Englefield Green infant Schoo! ‘Melcombe Primary School ‘Merton Abbey Primary School Riverview Primary School Printed and bound by RR Donnelley APS Get tes cans Cat ewe at The Big Red Bus es Written by Alison Hawes Illustrated by Woody Fox Collins A big red bus is at the bus stop. 2 It is the bus to Nut Hill. We get on the bus. 4 We get a trip to Nut Hill. We sit at the back of the bus. 6 The bus is fast. We grab on to the rail. 8 We get to Nut Hill at last. 10 I press the bell to get off. Grandad is at the bus stop. 12 T run up and hug him. (Nut Hill) @e Ideas for reading sy Written by Sue Graves cert. Ed (Distinction) Primary Literacy Consultant Getting started ‘* Write the words that feature the focus phonemes b, g and t on a small whiteboard and ask the group to fast-read them. * Choose three or four fast words from the section above, e.g. we, the, f |. Ask the children to fast-read these words in preparation for encountering them in the book. Look at the words in the book that include consonant clusters (stop, trip, fast, grab, pond, clock and last) on the small whiteboard. Model how to blend the s and t together in stop and ask children to attempt to blend the other words. Reading and responding Hand out a copy of the book to each child and ask them to read it independently. # Listen to each child as they read. Encourage the children to decipher difficult new words such as grab and trip. Check that they understand the meanings. © Invite fast-finishers to find out how many times the word bus appears in the book. Point out that although it sometimes appears with a capital B (in the heading) and at other times in lower case, the word still says the same thing. # As you move round, check that children understand some of the more complex phrases, e.g. grab on to the rail Returning to the book © Select children to recall the sequence of the bus trip to Nut Hill. Refer them to the map on pp 14-15 to check their answers, @ Ask the children if they would like to go on a bus trip to Nut Hill. Ask them. to give reasons for their answers. How many have travelled on a bus? Invite them to share their experiences with others. Checking and Moving on # Ask the children to draw a story map of the bus trip and to write captions for each part of the journey. @ Ask the children to write a description of Grandad. What did he look like? Does he look kind, jolly, happy etc? © Write a postcard from the girl to Grandad thanking him for the visit. On the front of the postcard, the children can draw a picture of the big red bus. To Grandad, Mr A. Bell, Thad fun at Nut Hill. A OR Ce Reading more Pond Dipping (Yellow/Band 3) is a non-fiction recount about a boy who goes pond dipping with his mum at a local pond. tT. WN Collins Cees BIG CAT The Big Red Bus A big red bus is at the bus stop. It is the bus to Nut Hill. Browse the compete Clin clogs a er oatag la Ge \ 138N 978-0-00-723585-8 7800071235858 9

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