Project Introduction

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Project introduction

Sustainable development

José Espinoza Pederzolli

Ana Sofia Rosales Santana
Emilio Páez



In this project we want to solve a problem that we see (or not)every day, but, why can we
see it and not at the same time?This is because the problem is deforestation.

First of all let's define deforestation, deforestation is a process principally caused by humans
in which tons of trees are cutted with the objective of giving the ground or territory another
use, for example building a city of a factory, the other main objective id because there are
also some product made of wood or from a certain substance from an specific tree, this trees
are cutted and taken to factories where they get shaped to maybe a chair, or there are some
oils, like the palm oil that is required to make products like nutella, but if nutella is so
delicious why should we stop this activities? The main reason is for preserving species and
supporting wildlife, millions of species lose their habitat leading them to search for other
places, getting extinct because they couldn't adapt, or getting killed in this process of
deforestation, seventy percent of animals and plants that live on forests can't survive

Deforestation also causes and affects climate change. The floor of the forests is humid , but
without these tree covers, they get dry very fast. Trees also help in perpetuating the
hydrological cycle giving back vapor of the water to the atmosphere. Without trees that make
this actions, a lot of jungles and forests can turn fastly into arid deserts

Deforestation is a serious problem nowadays, but there is also one other problem that we
want you to know, and its the abuse and use of transgenic fruits and vegetables. But, What
are transgenics?

Transgenics or genetically modified organisms, its an organism which genetic material has
been altered causing secondary effects not only in the food but also on humans, problems
like allergies, fertility problems, infections on the immune system, hormonal changes, and
some others are generated because of the consumption of these food with transgenics, but
why do we use them?, because there are also some advantages: better taste of the product,
better look, more nutrients, more product while growing them and fastly (in case of fruits or
vegetables), between others, but there are also some disadvantages, mainly because the
overproduction and the need of having more to sell more and gaining more money, people
abuses of these transgenics, for producing more, or even giving different effects, causing
problems like the increase or toxines, soil contamination, resistance of insects or bad herves
that could damage people, intoxications, irreversible damage to plants or animals, and
obviously, lost of biodiversity.

As a team we thought about a solution for this problem, we came up with an idea, and this is
to start making small farms, were we plant without the usage of transgenics or stuff that
could damage the environment or “corrupt” te product, first we could start making a small
farm of common and easy to grow, like carrots or tomatoes and using hand made fertilizers
that are natural and organic so we don't damage any plant or insect, gaining more and more
vegetables so we could start selling them, then with that money we could start a social
project that consist on planting more trees on zones that were affected by humans and
forests gathering a team for planting trees and other people that help on the cultivation of
fruits and vegetables and plants that are endangered, making a cycle that helps environment
and people making everything natural and organic. We think the damage is already done
and unfortunately we can't travel to prevent some forest from getting completely devastated
or saving animals from extinction, but we can stop this behavior that is very harmful to them
trying to help them and treat them so they don’t continue dying, we don't apport to nature, so
we should be a lot more conscious about our actions and activities.

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