Ssustainable Development Pompoko

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Pompoko essay

Sustainable development

Emilio Páez


Pompoko essay

I will explain what was the movie about, the movie was about a group of racoons, these
racoons lived peacefully on a forest, but one day humans started destroying does mountains
and forests, this created a territorial conflict between two groups of racoons, but they decided
to team up instead of fighting because the mountain was being destroyed. The racoons
decided to use their ability to transform to try to fight humans, so they started training, the old
racoons started teaching the others so they could help more, even with the training there were
also some arcoons that couldn't transform, but for the ones that could, they were sent to the
city to gain money, and act like normal people, after dominating transformation, they started
“fighting” against humans, they made trucks to fell off the road and basically scaring them
using religious cults, or even talking to humans pretending to be people, but no matter what
they did, humans continued building.

They called the masters of these transformations, and just before a conflict started they
arrived giving theme hope, they came up with a parade made of shadows, and they put their
plan in other to scare the people that lived nearby, and it worked, people were really
considering to move out from there and to stop building on that area, but while the racoons
where celebrating the owner of a theme park said that it was his idea, and it was all their work
and amazing quality of theme park, the racoons got depressed, and one of those masters died
on the try, after his dead another master decided to go to the city to talk to a fox that was also
a shapeshifter, the racoon asked him how did he survived, and the fox said he started to live
like a human, and left behind his group of foxes, there was no other way, the foxes that
couldn transformed died or moved away.

After his talk with the fox he came back to the other racoons, and told them that the only way
to survive was turning into humans and live their life as them, a lot of racoons weren’t with
that idea, so they decided to expose that they were the ones that created the parade and that
were transforming to stop them from building there, also an old racoon sent a letter in name
of racoons and the animals of the forest to stop the destruction, that was one team, and the
other team decided to attack humans and turn into environmentalists that didn't wanted
corporations to destroy the forest, but these plan was not effective, and in the night the
racoons attacked police and guards trying to stop them, while this fight was in progress, the
other racoon team, was with a news reporter telling and imploring them to stop the
destruction, because they and the other animals on the forest were dying.

No matter how hard they had begged, the construction continued, and the racoons had to give
up on the fight, finally all of them accepted they needed to adapt or die, the racoons that
could transform, went with the old racoon and sailed away on a boat, they were happy but
they were never going to come back or to land on a new place, while other racoons decided to
transform into humans, but before that, they turned everything or almost everything again
“green”, with a lot of trees and plants around the city, these obviously meant nothing to
humans and finally finished their construction.
In my opinion it was a sad ending but it was realistic, there are a lot of species that get killed
or even extinct in this process of urbanization, we know that on reality animals won't
transform or ask us to stop, at least not talking or writing a letter, I think we as humans
sometimes don't measure our actions, or we just focus on ourselves and on our development
always wanting for more and more, this is something bad because we don't measure our
actions and we contribute or apport on this destruction of ecosystems and wildlife-

I think urbanization has consequences like the ones the movie exposed, not only on animals
but also on the environment, like weather and development of plants, because there is not
enough rain, or a lot of “rain” because it’s sometimes a rain that is not “pure” or that contains
water that is dirty or even acid.

If I was on the movie I would have made something to help the raccoons, maybe i wouldn't
be able to stop this process of urbanization, but making a specific space were wildlife could
develop, or if possible not to construct in those areas, I think it's not fair to take advantage of
those animals that can't defend themselves like us. In the hypothetical situation I was a
raccoon, I would have gathered a lot of raccoons and normal people to defend the forest and
wildlife exposing other raccoons in the horrible situation they could be or giving like
examples of the damage they were doing and making clear that it wasn't correct, but for that I
would have gathered a lot of people and corporations.

A solution to this problem could be to make the majority of forests into national parks so
wildlife could develop, there are many other areas that we could use, or even develop in other
ways, like instead of creating new cities or stuff, to cheer the develop of renewable energies
making them cheaper and more friendly to the environment.

Nowadays, pollution is a daily problem that develops more and more, causing this a lot of
problems not only to wildlife, but to humans too, causing natural things to disappear,
generating respiratory diseases and most important damaging the planet, the planet is where
we live, but I think we all need to have a better way of treating it, if we don’t we are going to
die sooner than we expect, finishing the water that we can drink or food, turning it into
genetically modified food, this food can really damage our bodies and health, as humans we
always want more, and this is something that is a problem because if we live like crazy,
without caring about our health and the places were we live we are going to finish everything,
now is late to make a big change, but we can change our ways of being and how we use these
natural resources, this could help the planet in many ways, maybe we could not cure it but we
can preserve it and really learn from our mistakes, learn from all those animals and plants that
are extinct and all those that are dying because of a forest fire caused by humans or by that
acid rain that affects all the animals and plants.

In conclusion we need to be more responsible of our actions, because ou nature is always to

have more and more, but we need to learn when to stop, because if we don't not just the
animals and environment will get hurt, but also humans, not having food or water generating
a lot of problems on our daily life.

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