The Discovery of Fire NoAK

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The discovery of fire Tick off TRUE or FALSE !

A legend from Tierra del Fuego (South America)

In Tierra del Fuego it is told that 1. The brothers 2. Tierra del
once there lived two good spirits, Ioalox were Fuego is in
the the brothers Ioalox. One day, the good spirits. North America.
elder one found some stones, which
True False True False
he repeatedly beat against each
other. One of these stones was a
flintstone. And when he was playing with it a spark 3. The elder 4. He could
arose suddenly. Ioalox was surprised and tried again. brother found make a flame
Then he took a handful of dry feathers and dropped a flintstone with hay.
the spark on them. There was a flame. So he gathered True False True False
dry grasses and woods, and put them on the flame: He
had discovered the fire. He cried happily, "This is a 5. He put woods 6. He thought
great gift, I will make sure that the fire will always on the flame. fire was a
burn without ever dying down." But the younger Ioalox wonderful gift.
had other plans: "It is better if people have to toil for True False
True False
the fire and they must earn it in a hard way - otherwise
they will get too comfortable.
7. He wanted 8. The younger
The one who extinguishes the fire,
the fire to burn brother put
should light the fire himself again."
forever. out the fire.
Said it and put out the fire.
True False True False

Answer the questions!

The discovery of fire
1. Who was Zeus? 2. Who was Prometheus was the favourite of Zeus, the father
The father of the gods Zeus´favourite? of the gods. He formed creatures with his
Prometeus hands that were very similar to the gods.
3. How were He breathed new life into them and
Prometheus´ 4. What did he taught them to use their hands and use
creatures? teach them? their minds. And they built houses,
How to use their minds cities and ships, and they cultivated the fields.
Very similar to
and hands
the gods
……………………………… ………………………………….. But Zeus was afraid that these people would get too
powerful and he forbade Prometheus and all the
5. What did the 6. What else did gods to give the fire to these people. But clever
humans do? he give his Prometheus wanted to give his creatures the most
Build houses creatures? valuable: the fire. He lit a torch at Helios´ sparking
cities and ships, …………………………………..
The fire chariot and brought the fire to the people.
Harvesting When Zeus saw that he swore revenge to the
7. Where did he 8. What did humans. He sent many incurable diseases, the plague
lit he torch? Zeus send to the and fever. And Zeus punished Prometheus for his
Helios humans? crime, too. He was chained to a rock where he had
……………………………… ………………………………….
Incurable diseases to stay without food and drink and sleep
for many centuries.
9. How was Prom. 10. Who rescued Then it was Heracles, the son of Zeus,
punished? Prometheus? who broke the chains of Prometheus
He was sent to
and gave him back his freedom.
a……………………………… ……………………………….
rock far from

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