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I. Writer
II. Summary
 The story based on the real-life adventures of Scotish sailor
 The story tell about a seaman, who was shipwrecked on the desert island and spent 28
years living there alone, but finally triumphed over his state of isolation
 Robinson Crusoe is a person who really loves and inters in adventure at sea
 His family try to stop him, but with Crusoe
nothing is impossible, he’ve leaved home,
against his parents advice
 As a young man, Crusoe had gone to sea in
the hope of making his fortune. He is on a
ship bound foe Africa, where he plans to
buy slaves for his platations in South

 Unfortunately, the ship is wrecked on an island, everuone else aboard is killed, and Crusoe is
the only survior
 He take a long period of time about 28 years, live alone, self survie and do everything by
 After that Crusoe revive (rescue) a native captive, and
name him Friday. The reason why the Man Friday has this
name is, according to Crusoe’s calendar, that’s the day of
week that they meet at the first time.
 Crusoe teached Man Fridays English and converts hime to
Christianity. They suppored together and build a boat.

 When more native attack the island I mean the cannibals who inhabit the nearby and
mainland with a violent, cruel attitude, Crusoe and Friday try the best to battle against these
 There are two captives and they’ve freed are none other than Friday’s own father and a
Spanish man. Then, Crusoe take them to the other island in the newly made boats, telling
them to free and rescue the other prisoners
 During the action – packed climax, there is another
ship arrives at the island: and a nutiny has taken
place on board, and the crew throw the captain and
his loyal supporters onto the island, it’s also an
important and unfogettable milestone in Robinson
life, and that’s also the moment Crusoe can return to

 After a memorable adventure Robinson Crusoe embarks on another voyage with Friday
and a small crew.
 Robinson Crusoe ends with the promise of futher adventures setting up the two sequels that
would follow

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