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Archives of Women's Mental Health


Managing fibromyalgia syndrome in pregnancy no bridges

between USA and EU
Salvatore Gentile 1 & Maria Luigia Fusco 2,3

Received: 8 May 2018 / Accepted: 26 November 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2019

The first aim of this article is to analyze the risk/benefit ratio of using psychotropic drugs approved in some countries for treating
fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) during pregnancy. Assessing the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions is the second
scope of this article, in order to help clinicians to manage FMS in pregnancy in those countries were no drugs are approved for
treating the disease. Following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews, a literature search was conducted on PubMed and
Google Scholar. Separate literature searches were performed for the three psychotropic drugs approved in the USA for treating
FMS, psychotherapy, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Perinatal duloxetine exposure is associated with increased
risk of gestational and perinatal complications. With regards pregabalin, available information suggests that the drug is not devoid
of structural teratogenicity potential. No data are available for milnacipran. Duloxetine and pregabalin should be only given to
pregnant women diagnosed with severe forms of FMS after carefully weighing the benefits and risks for the mother-fetus dyad.
On the other hand, we have to consider that the proportion of women who discontinue psychotropic drugs during pregnancy is as
high as 85.4%. This figure raises further questions about adequate alternative treatment of FMS during the perinatal period.
Moreover, neither duloxetine nor milnacipran or pregabalin have been approved by the EMEA for the treatment of FMS.
Unfortunately, psychological treatment of FMS in perinatal women are not yet tested and data on TMS are conflicting.

Keywords Cognitive behavioral therapy . Duloxetine . Fibromyalgia . Milnacipran . Pregabalin . Transcranial magnetic

Introduction about the course and the effects on fibromyalgia syndrome

(FMS) on pregnancy.
In recent years, new research has added important insights to Because the defining symptom of fibromyalgia is widely
understanding of the landscape of perinatal psychiatry. New distributed pain, FMS is usually considered a pain disorder, at
information is emerging about the nature of perinatal mood least in the rheumatology and pain communities.
disorders and their impact on offspring. However, whereas a Nevertheless, in the updated 2010 fibromyalgia criteria of
wide literature is available about the relationship between sev- the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), only one of
eral maternal and psychiatric disorders and pre- and postnatal the five criteria items directly concerns musculoskeletal pain
outcomes, such as anxiety and mood disorders, little is known (Wolfe et al. 2011).
In other disciplines, such as psychiatry, psychology, psy-
chosomatic medicine and, perhaps, general medicine, FMS is
more often considered to be a symptom or psychosomatic
* Salvatore Gentile disorder (Kroenke 2000). For this reasons, Wolfe et al.
(2014) have suggested the inclusion of the syndrome among
1 somatic symptom disorders (SSDs). It is also recommended
ASL Salerno -Department of Mental Health, Mental Health Center
Cava de’ Tirreni Vietri sul Mare, Piazza Galdi, 1, 841013 Cava de’ that pregnant women with FMS should be screened for mood
Tirreni, (Salerno), Italy symptoms (Wolfe et al. 2014).
Developmental Psychologist, Mental Health Institute, Torre Recent reports suggest that the prevalence of FMS in
Annunziata, (Naples), Italy pregnancy is rising in developed countries, such as the
Post-graduate School of Psychotherapy (SIPGI), Salerno, Italy USA, actually interesting 0.06% of expectant mothers
S. Gentile, M. L. Fusco

(Magtanong et al. 2017). Although recent reports suggest concentration of unchanged milnacipran (∼ 240 ng/ml) is
that FMS has no negative effect on pregnancy outcomes attained at 3.5 h (Li et al. 2012). Evidence is accumulat-
(Tulay et al. 2016), the study by Schaefer (2004) found ed suggesting that in animal models, milnacipran may
that women with FMS had more symptoms of pain dur- exert pain-mitigating influences involving NE- and 5-
ing pregnancy than healthy women. Moreover, severity HT-related processes at supraspinal, spinal, and peripher-
of fibromyalgia symptoms may worsen during pregnancy al levels of pain transmission (Leo and Brooks 2006).
(Schaefer 2004). In addition, pregnant women with FMS In June 2007, pregabalin (PGB) became the first FDA-
may experience significant pain, fatigue, and psycholog- approved drug for specifically treating fibromyalgia. The drug
ical stress, especially during the first 3 months (Schaefer is widely prescribed in neurology, psychiatry, and primary
2004). Women with FMS are also more likely to use health care, and was granted marketing approval as an adjunc-
alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. Such women are also tive therapy for partial-onset seizures, neuropathic pain, and,
at greater risk of developing gestational diabetes, preterm in some countries, including European countries, generalized
premature rupture of membranes, placental abruption, anxiety disorders (Gentile 2014; Tassone et al. 2007). PGB is
and births complicated by venous thromboembolism a gamma-aminobutyric acid which has shown high affinity for
(Temple University 2006). The presence of fibromyalgia the α 2d calcium channel subunit expressed in the brain, spi-
symptoms may impact on the course of delivery and the nal cord, skeletal and cardiac muscles (Weiss and Ivanova
need for anesthesia (Saa’d et al. 2013). Of note, new- 2008).
borns of women with FMS are more likely to be prema- Assessing the effectiveness of non-pharmacological inter-
ture and have intrauterine growth restriction (Magtanong ventions in treating FMS in pregnancy is the second scope of
et al. 2017; Zioni et al. 2011). this article. This scope should help clinicians working in those
countries were no drugs are approved to manage this clinical
condition in this specific phase of the female reproductive
Areas covered cycle.

The first aim of this article is to analyze the risk/benefit ratio of

using psychotropic drugs which have been approved in some Methods
countries for treating FMS.
In the USA, on June 13, 2008, the Food and Drug Following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews
Administration (FDA) approved a new indication for (Liberati et al. 2009—see Fig. 1), an electronic literature
duloxetine (DUL) HCl delayed-release capsules, allowing search was conducted on PubMed (Medline) and Google
their use for the management of fibromyalgia in adults scholar. The databases were searched from inception to
(Medscape 2008). DUL is a dual-action antidepressant the end of October 2018 by the two authors (S.G and
and is a potent reuptake inhibitor of serotonin (5-HT) M.L.F.) independently. Limits Bhuman^ and BEnglish
and norepinephrine (Trivedi et al. 2008). In the USA, language^ were applied. Abstracts and conference pro-
DUL is also indicated for the treatment of major depres- ceedings were excluded. Separate literature searches were
sive disorder, diabetic neuropathic pain, stress urinary performed for DUL, antidepressants, PGB, psycotherapy,
incontinence, and generalized anxiety disorder (Knadler fibromialgya, somatoform disorders, and transcranial
et al. 2011). The drug achieves a maximum plasma con- magnetic stimulation (TMS). Eight search strings were
centration approximately 6 h after dosing. The elimina- created:
tion half-life of DUL is approximately 10–12 h. Only
impaired hepatic function or severely impaired renal 1. ((Bfibromyalgia^[MeSH Terms] OR Bfibromyalgia^[All
function warrant specific warnings or dose recommenda- Fields]) AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH Terms] OR
tions. However, the potential for pharmacokinetic inter- Bpregnancy^[All Fields])) AND (Bhumans^[MeSH
actions between DUL and drugs that inhibit CYP1A2 or Terms] AND English[lang])
drugs that are metabolized by CYP2D6 enzymes must be 2 . ( ( Bs o m a t o f o r m d i s o r d e r s ^[ M e S H Te r m s ] O R
emphatized (Knadler et al. 2011). (Bsomatoform^[All Fields] AND Bdisorders^[All
On January 15, 2009, Forest Laboratories and Cypress Fields]) OR Bsomatoform disorders^[All Fields]) AND
Bioscience announced that the FDA approved (Bpregnancy^[MeSH Terms] OR Bpregnancy^[All
milnacipran, a dual 5-HT- and norepinephrine reuptake Fields])) AND (Bhumans^[MeSH Terms] AND
inhibitor (SNRI), for the management of fibromyalgia. English[lang])
Whereas DUL has a 10-fold selectivity for 5-HT, 3. (Bantidepressive agents^[Pharmacological Action] OR
milnacipran blocks 5-HT and norepinephrine reuptake Ba n t i d e p r e s s i v e a g e n t s ^[ M e S H Te r m s ] O R
with equal affinity (Stahl et al. 2005). The peak plasma (Bantidepressive^[All Fields] AND Bagents^[All Fields])
Managing fibromyalgia syndrome in pregnancy no bridges between USA and EU

Fig. 1 Flow-chart of study

selection process. Abbreviations:
FMS, fibromyalgia syndrome;
SSDs, somatoform disorders;
CBT, cognitive behavioral
therapy; U-ICBT, unguided
internet cognitive behavioral
therapy; UB, unguided
bibliotherapy; TMS, transcranial
magnetic stimulation. *Non-
pharmacological interventions
lacking of data about their own
perinatal effectiveness (however,
some of the most significant
articles describing such
interventions in FMS were also
included in this review—see text)

O R Ba n t i d e p r e s s i v e a g e n t s ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] O R Te r m s ] O R Bp r e g n a n c y ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] ) ) A N D
Ba n t i d e p r e s s a n t s ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] ) A N D (Bhumans^[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang])
(Bfibromyalgia^[MeSH Terms] OR Bfibromyalgia^[All 8. (Btranscranial magnetic stimulation^[MeSH Terms] OR
Fields]) AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH Terms] OR (Btranscranial^[All Fields] AND Bmagnetic^[All Fields]
Bpregnancy^[All Fields])) AND (Bhumans^[MeSH AND Bstimulation^[All Fields]) OR Btranscranial mag-
Terms] AND English[lang]) n e t i c s t i m u l a t i o n ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] ) A N D
4. (Bduloxetine hydrochloride^[MeSH Terms] OR (Bpregnancy^[MeSH Terms] OR Bpregnancy^[All
(Bduloxetine^[All Fields] AND Bhydrochloride^[All Fields]) AND ( Bhumans^[MeSH Terms] AND
Fields]) OR Bduloxetine hydrochloride^[All Fields] OR English[lang])
Bduloxetine^[All Fields]) AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH
Te r m s ] O R Bp r e g n a n c y ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] ) ) A N D
(Bhumans^[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang]) All articles providing primary data on the use of DUL,
5. (milnacipram[All Fields] AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH milnacipram, and PGB in pregnancy were selected. For
Te r m s ] O R Bp r e g n a n c y ^[ A l l F i e l d s ] ) ) A N D non-pharmacological interventions lacking of data about
(Bhumans^[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang]) their own perinatal effectiveness, some of the most sig-
6. ((Bpregabalin^[MeSH Terms] OR Bpregabalin^[All nificant articles describing such interventions in FMS
Fields]) AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH Terms] OR were also included in this review. The selected abstracts
Bpregnancy^[All Fields])) AND (Bhumans^[MeSH were analyzed separately by both authors (S. G. and M.
Terms] AND English[lang]) L. F) to identify all relevant articles. The selected studies
7. ( Bp s y c h o t h e r a p y ^[ M e S H T e r m s ] O R were discussed by the authors to select or exclude ac-
Bpsychotherapy^[All Fields]) AND (Bsomatoform cording to the eligibility criteria. There were no disagree-
disorders^[MeSH Terms] OR (Bsomatoform^[All ments between the reviewers. Full texts were read if the
Fields] AND Bdisorders^[All Fields]) OR Bsomatoform information in the abstract was not sufficient to decide
disorders^[All Fields]) AND (Bpregnancy^[MeSH on inclusion or not.
S. Gentile, M. L. Fusco

Perinatal safety of duloxetine Einarson et al. (2012) collected prospectively data on from
either women or their health care providers who had requested
Premise information regarding the use of DUL during pregnancy. The
study design included two comparison groups: the first includ-
Most of the studies on the perinatal safety of antidepressants ed randomly selected women unexposed to DUL; in the sec-
were based on data extrapolated from single case reports or ond, women requiring information about exposure to non-
automated medical, administrative, and pharmacy insurance teratogen agents were enrolled. No differences in the rate of
databases. Such database are unable to ascertain definitively major congenital malformations were recorded.
that the women used or not the prescribed medication. Indeed, Similar results were reported by Källén et al. (2013) who
poor adherence to pharmacological treatments is a well- analyzed data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register
recognized problem in psychiatric practice, and this is espe- (1996–2011).
cially true for patients specifically suffering from mood disor- Hoog et al. (2013) reported cumulative information regard-
ders (Gentile 2015). ing outcomes of DUL-exposed pregnancies as captured, either
retrospectively or retrospectively, in the Lilly Safety System
(LSS) and the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Events
Case reports
Reporting System databases. The main study finding was that
the frequency of abnormal outcomes reported in DUL-
Five case report (see Table 1) are available on in utero expo-
exposed pregnancies was consistent with the historic control
sure to DUL (Abdy and Gerhart 2013; Bellantuono et al.
rates in the general population.
2013; Boyce et al. 2011; Briggs et al. 2009; Eyal and Yaeger
In contrast, information retrospectively obtained from the
2008). In all cases, no congenital malformations were record-
Danish administrative health registries suggested an associa-
ed. However, as it happens with venlafaxine (Holland and
tion between antenatal DUL exposure and increase in the risk
Brown 2017), neonatal symptoms attributable to the onset of
of spontaneous abortion (Kjaersgaard et al. 2013).
the Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure Syndrome (Gentile
Recently, a retrospective cohort study including Swedish
2010) may also occur with DUL (Abdy and Gerhart 2013;
offspring exposed to antidepressant medications and identi-
Eyal and Yaeger 2008, see Table 1).
fied through maternal self-reported first-trimester antidepres-
sant use and first-trimester antidepressant dispensations
Analysis of pooled data from clinical trials/cohort (Sujan et al. 2017) found a small increase in the risk of preterm
studies birth. However, Balthough there were patients in this study
who were exposed to DUL, the vast majority of the cases were
Hudson et al. (2005) integrated safety data were from the exposed to SSRIs^ (Sujan 2018).
acute phases of eight double-blind, placebo-controlled trials DUL-induced pregnancy complications were also reported
in which patients were randomized to DUL for up to 9 weeks. in a cohort study by Newport et al. (2016), who assessed
Women who were pregnant or breastfeeding and women of information collected prospectively in a group of pregnant
childbearing potential not using medically accepted means of women participating in longitudinal observational studies in
contraception were excluded from participating in such stud- a tertiary referral center.
ies. Despite these precaution criteria, 28 pregnancies became Such conclusions were confirmed by the Mother To Baby
exposed to DUL. No cases of fetal anomalies were reported. Pregnancy Study, which compared pregnant women who

Table 1 Case reports describing pregnancy outcomes following in utero exposure to duloxetine

Study Maternal psychiatric Daily dose and Concomitant Outcomes

diagnosis timing of exposure psychotropic medications

Abdy and Gerhart (2013) Bipolar disorder 90 mg before and Lamotrigine 100 mg daily; Hyperbilirubinemia, tremors,
throughout the pregnancy Quetiapine 800 mg daily increased reflexes, hypertonia,
tachypnea, irritability
Bellantuono et al. (2013) Major depression 60 mg before and No Healthy
throughout the pregnancy
Boyce et al. (2011) Major depression 60 mg before and No Healthy
throughout the pregnancy
Briggs et al. (2009) Major depression 60 mg during the second No Healthy
half of pregnancy
Eyal and Yaeger (2008) Major depression, anorexia, 60 mg throughout No Respiratory distress, tremors,
and chronic neck pain the pregnancy neonatal seizures
Managing fibromyalgia syndrome in pregnancy no bridges between USA and EU

discontinued antidepressants at week 20 and women who con- Such findings did not confirm the teratogenic effects of PGB,
tinued antidepressant use ≥ 20 weeks of gestation for the risks although the authors concluded that Bthey cannot rule out the
of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia (De Ocampo possibility of a small effect.^
et al. 2016). A population-based study was performed to assess the
More reassuring findings were conversely reported by comparative risk of spontaneous abortions, terminations of
Lupattelli et al. (2017) in The Norwegian Mother and Child pregnancy, major birth defects, preterm births, and small for
Cohort Study, a prospective population-based study. gestational age infants following intrauterine antiepileptic
A recent study including 825 children exposed in utero to drug exposure in the Emilia Romagna, a Northern Italy re-
SNRIs excluded an association between antenatal antidepres- gion. Data were obtained from official health and administra-
sant exposure and an increase in the risk of Autism Spectrum tive regional registries. Over a 3-year period, just 13 cases
Disorders in children (Brown et al. 2017). Such studies have exposed to PGB during early pregnancy were identified
been summarized in Table 2. (Mostacci et al. 2018).

Prospective studies
Perinatal safety of milnacipran
An observational prospective cohort study compared pregnan-
Until now, no data have been published on pregnancy out-
cy outcomes in women exposed to PGB with those of
comes following gestational exposure to milnacipran.
matched controls. A significantly higher major birth defect
However, the Savella Pregnancy Registry is a US-based reg-
rate in the PGB group was observed after exclusion of chro-
istry designed to monitor pregnancies exposed to milnacipran
mosomal aberration syndromes (Winterfeld et al. 2016).
HCI. This is an observational, exposure-registration, and
follow-up registry designed primarily to estimate the preva-
lence of major congenital anomalies, and secondarily to esti-
mate the prevalence of recognized spontaneous abortions, Non-pharmacological treatments
stillbirths, induced abortions, minor congenital anomalies,
and any serious adverse pregnancy outcomes among pregnan- Unfortunately, research on non-pharmacological interventions
cies exposed to Savella as well as adverse outcomes observed to treat antepartum mental disorder provides no information
during the first year of life in offsprings born from these ex- on SSDs.
posed pregnancies (The Savella Pregnancy Register 2009— In a recent meta-analysis assessing interventions to treat
last update: 2016). However, so far there is not an interim mental disorders during pregnancy, MedLine, PsycINFO,
report available (Gioiella J, personal communication). and Embase databases were searched by two independent re-
viewers for clinical trials with a control condition on treatment
of women with antepartum mental disorders, including
Perinatal safety of pregabalin somatoform disorders. However, the authors identified just
trials on patients with depressive or anxiety disorders. No
Studies on the reproductive safety of PGB (see Table 3) show trials on psychological treatment of SSDs in perinatal women
several limitations, the main being the small number of PGB- were found (van Ravesteyn et al. 2017).
exposed pregnancies with known outcomes, concomitant ex- In non-pregnant women, there are various non-
posure to other medications, differences across groups in ma- pharmacological approaches for treating SSDs (van Dessel
ternal conditions, and the high proportion of pregnant women et al. 2014). Hedman et al. (2016) investigated the effect of
treated for disorders in which PGB is not officially approved. such treatments on SSDs. Using a randomized controlled de-
sign, 12 weeks of exposure-based CBT in the form of guided
Registry-based studies or unguided internet treatment or bibliotherapy led to large
and significant improvements on the primary outcome com-
Patorno et al. (2017) performed a cohort study nested in the pared with the control condition. Effects were maintained at
US Medicaid Analytic eXtract. The authors examined the risk long-term follow-up (6 months). Such results were confirmed
of major congenital malformations among infants born to by a recent meta-analysis which endorsed both efficacy and
women exposed to PGB during the first trimester compared tolerability of CBT in reducing key symptoms and disability
with women unexposed to anticonvulsants. The crude risk in FMS in the short- and long-term treatment if compared to
ratio of major congenital malformations for PGB was 1.80 waiting list, treatment as usual, attention controls, and active
(95% CI 1.26–2.58). However, this figure became non- non-pharmacological therapies. Moreover, CBT did not differ
statistically significant when calculated on women exposed in efficacy except superiority for coping with pain and tolera-
to PGB-monotherapy (pooled RR 1.02; 95% CI 0.69–1.51). bility from PGB and DUL (Bernardy et al. 2018).
Table 2 Analysis of pooled data from clinical trials and cohort studies pregnancy outcomes following in utero exposure to duloxetine

Study, N Maternal psychiatric diagnosis Daily dose and Concomitant psychotropic Outcomes
timing of exposure medications

Hudson et al. (2005) Major depressive disorder 40–120 mg first trimester No No cases of congenital anomalies
N = 28
Einarson et al. (2012) N/A N/A N/A No increase in the risk of congenital
N = 208 Through early pregnancy anomalies (3 cases of fetal anomalies
in the 99% of the cases reported (clubfoot, kidney agenesis,
Källen et al. (2012) N/A N/A N/A No increase in the risk of congenital
N = 286 2nd and/or 3rd trimester anomalies (7 cases of fetal anomalies
Hoog et al. (2013) In most of cases (74%), N/A N/A No increase in the risk of spontaneous
N = 400 (LSS) depression or post-partum abortions, premature births, post/
N = N/A (AERS) depression; in the other perinatal complications
cases, anxiety, other psychiatric
disorders, urinary incontinence,
pain, neuropathy, or fibromyalgia
Kjaersgaard et al. (2013) Depression N/A No Increased risk of spontaneous abortions
N = N/A (RR 2.12, 95% CI 1.52–2.96)
Sujan et al. (2017) N/A N/A No Increased risk of preterm birth
N = N/A First trimester (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.28–1.42)
No increase in the risk of small
for gestational age, ASDs,
and ADHD
Newport et al. (2016) In most of cases (84%), N/A No Increased risk of hypertensive disorders
N = 14 mood disorders After week 20 of gestation (OR 2.12, 95% CI 1.52–2.96)
De Ocampo et al. (2016) N/A N/A Participants who reported use No Increased risk of hypertensive disorders
N = 38 of antidepressants were classified (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.05–3.21)
(including VEN-exposed) as discontinuers (women who
discontinued use < 20 weeks
of gestation) or continuers (women
who continued use ≥ 20 weeks
of gestation)
Lupattelli et al. (2017) Depressive and anxiety symptoms N/A No No increased risk of preeclampsia
N = N/A Early and mid pregnancy
Brown et al. (2017) Mood and anxiety disorders N/A N/A No increased risk of ASDs
N = N/A Pregnancies were considered exposed
during a specific trimester if 1 or more
prescriptions were filled during that
trimester, or if the prescription duration
overlapped with that trimester

LSS Lilly Safety System, AERS FDA Adverse Events Reporting System, RR relative risk, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, VEN venlafaxine, ASDs Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
S. Gentile, M. L. Fusco
Managing fibromyalgia syndrome in pregnancy no bridges between USA and EU

Table 3 Registry-based and prospective studies describing pregnancy outcomes following in utero exposure to pregabalin

Study, N Maternal psychiatric diagnosis Daily dose and Concomitant psychotropic Outcomes
timing of exposure medications

Mostacci et al. (2018) N/A N/A N/A 1 case of major birth

N = 30 First trimester (N = 13) defect (cardiac malformation)
Patorno et al. (2017) Pain (most often neuropathic N/A Yes No increased risk of major
N = 477 pain, n = 151), psychiatric First trimester birth defects (28 cases
disorders (depression, anxiety of fetal malformations)
disorder, bipolar disorder, Pooled RR 1.02
n = 241), epilepsy (n = 32) 95% CI 0.69–1.51
Winterfeld et al. (2016) Pain (most often neuropathic pain, N/A Yes Increased risk of major birth
N = 164 n = 115), psychiatric disorders First trimester defects (8 cases of structural
(depression, anxiety disorder, anomalies, 4 involving the CNS,
bipolar disorder, psychosis, 2 the skeletal system, 2 the
n = 39), epilepsy (n = 5), and cardiac system, 1 the skin/
restless legs syndrome (n = 1) vascular system
OR 3.0
95% CI 1.2–7.9

OR odds ratio, RR risk ratio, CI confidence interval, CNS central nervous system

Among non-pharmacological interventions, recent prelim- aspects: beyond the Bhistorical^ concept of structural
inary findings seem also to suggest that innovative neuro- teratogenicity (which identifies the risk of major fetal
modulating techniques, such as transcranial direct current malformations), three others aspects must be considered: perina-
stimulation, could have pain-relieving effects in the treatment tal teratogenicity (a definition which stresses the risk of perinatal
of FMS. Such effects could be mediated by changes in serum complications in newborns exposed to psychotropic drugs
beta-endorphin levels (Khedr et al. 2017). However, such con- through placenta); gestational teratogenicity (this definition high-
clusions require further confirmations. In fact, a recent meta- lights the risk of complicated pregnancy outcomes related to
analysis showed a decrease in pain severity before and after psychotropic medication exposure in pregnancy); and neurobe-
stimulation below the clinically relevant threshold (1.5 points) havioral teratogenicity (which identifies the risk of impaired
(Saltychev and Laimi 2017). Moreover, available data do not neurodevelopmental outcomes in children exposed in utero to
support the effectiveness of whole body vibration exercise psychotropics). Reviewed data suggest that main clinical con-
training in reducing key symptoms of FMS, such as pain in- cerns associated with perinatal DUL exposure are as follows:
tensity, stiffness, fatigue, and physical function (Bidonde et al.
2017). Peripherally acting agents, such as nutritional supple- a) gestational teratogenicity [increased risks of gestational
ments, also demonstrated no evidence for efficacy in attenu- hypertension; (De Ocampo et al. 2016; Newport et al.
ating core-symptoms of FMS (Henningsen et al. 2018). 2016)]. At the time of writing, data on the risk of other
gestational complications are still conflicting (Hoog et al.
2013; Kjaersgaard et al. 2013; Sujan et al. 2017).
Discussion b) perinatal teratogenicity (Abdy and Gerhart 2013; Eyal
and Yaeger 2008). Despite this risk is just suggested by
A recent study has shown that serotonin levels in pregnant two case reports, we have to remember that another dual-
women with FMS are lower than the control group and that action antidepressant, venlafaxine (which shows more
such levels reduce as pregnancy progresses. Anxiety and de- exhaustive reproductive safety data), has been definitive-
pression in pregnant women with FMS are higher than in the ly associated with an increase in the risk of PAES
control group. The presence of depression increases the like- (Holland and Brown 2017). With regards specifically
lihood of developing FMS at a statistically significant level the risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension in the new-
(Atasever et al. 2017). Thus, the rationale exists suggesting the born, data are still uncertain (Bérard et al. 2017).
use of DUL in pregnant women with FMS and, especially, for
those forms rated by the DSM-V (APA 2013) as severe and Moreover, in 2008, the European Medicine Agency
complicated by depressive symptoms (see Table 4). (EMEA) did not approve the use of DUL in FMS. The main
Obviously, women should be informed about the teratogenic concerns raised by the European Committee for Medicinal
risks associated with DUL. Recent findings suggest that the con- Products for Human Use (CHMP) were that the short-term
cept of teratogenicity is a complex phenomenon with different effect was not robustly demonstrated. Furthermore, the small
S. Gentile, M. L. Fusco

Table 4 Somatic symptom disorder (SSD). DSM-V diagnostic criteria and severity rating. Clinical management

DSM-V diagnostic criteria DSM-V severity rating Clinical management

A. One or more somatic symptoms that are Mild: Only one of the symptoms specified USA
distressing or result in significant disruption in Criterion B is fulfilled. In severely ill patients:
of daily life Moderate: Two or more of the symptoms Duloxetin
B. Excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related specified in Criterion B are fulfilled. Concerns:
to the somatic symptoms or associated health Severe: Two or more of the symptoms Increased risk of GH
concerns as manifested by at least one specified in Criterion B are fulfilled, Increased risk of PAES
of the following: plus there are multiple somatic complaints Pregabalin
1. Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about (or one very severe somatic symptom) Concerns:
the seriousness of one’s symptoms Increased risk of MCM
2. Persistently high level of anxiety about Waiting for the first reproductive
health or symptoms safety data, avoid milnacipran
3. Excessive time and energy devoted to these In patients with mild/moderate
symptoms or health concerns forms of the disorder:
C. Although any one somatic symptom may not be - CBT
continuously present, the state of being symptomatic - U-ICBT
is persistent (typically more than 6 months) - UB
Specify if: Concerns:
With predominant pain (previously pain disorder): Not tested in pregnant women
This specifier is for individuals whose somatic Poor effective in patients with
symptoms predominantly involve pain severe symptoms
Specify if: EU
Persistent: A persistent course is characterized by severe Independently of the severity
symptoms, marked impairment, and long of the disorder
duration (more than 6 months) - CBT
- UB
Not tested in pregnant women
Poor effective in patients with
severe symptoms

CBT cognitive behavioral therapy, U-ICBT unguided internet cognitive behavioral therapy. UB unguided bibliotherapy, GH gestational hypertension,
PAES Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure Syndrome, MCM major congenital malformations, USA United States of America, EU European Union

effect was unlikely to be independent from the drug effect on and oversight when the drug use is not supported by scientific
mood disorders, a frequent comorbid condition in patients evidence showing greater benefits relative to risk (Dresser and
with FMS. Importantly, there are still caveats on whether the Frader 2009). This is especially true in pregnancy. Imprudent
observed results from pivotal studies were relevant and rea- drug use is a concern because it creates unnecessary costs and
sonably applicable to a European Union clinical setting. No puts patients at risk of experiencing burdensome side effects
demonstration on the long-term maintenance of the effect was and serious adverse events in mothers, fetuses, and newborns.
provided. Thus, the Benefit/Risk ratio remains negative For such reasons, the over-causal handling, off-label use of
(EMEA 2008). PBG in pregnancy must be strongly stigmatized and
Waiting for the first reproductive safety data, milnacipram condemned. Moreover, on 23 April 2009, the CHMP adopted
use should be avoided in pregnant women with FMS. a negative opinion, recommending the refusal of an extension
Moreover, on 23 July 2009, the CHMP adopted a negative of indication that would include FMS treatment as a new indi-
opinion, recommending the refusal of the EU marketing au- cation for PGB. Pfizer requested a re-examination of the opin-
thorization for the medicinal product Milnacipran Pierre Fabre ion. After considering the grounds for this request, the CHMP
Médicament/Impulsor, intended for the treatment of FMS in re-examined the initial opinion, and confirmed the refusal of
adults. The main reasons which led to the negative opinion the marketing authorization on 23 July 2009. The CHMP was
were the same reported for DUL (EMEA 2009). concerned that the benefits of Lyrica ® in FMS had not been
With regards PGB, available data, albeit unconclusive, seem shown in either the short or the long term. There were no
to suggest that the drug is not devoid of structural terogenicity consistent or relevant reductions in pain or other symptoms in
potential. This finding is of particular concern. Indeed, the short-term studies, and the maintenance of PGB effect was
reviewed studies show that a high proportion of pregnant wom- not shown in the longer study. The Committee was also con-
en have been treated for disorders in which PGB is not official- cerned that the safety and effectiveness of PGB had not been
ly approved. Off-label prescribing warrants particular attention shown in patients from the EU (Guzman 2018).
Managing fibromyalgia syndrome in pregnancy no bridges between USA and EU

Conclusions Waiting for more exhaustive efficacy and safety data, TMS
should be avoided in pregnant women with FMS in both the
In the USA, PGB and DUL should be only given to women USA and EU.
diagnosed with FMS complicated by depressive symptoms, In the light of such considerations, the future direction of
showing severe symptomatological worsening during gesta- research in the field should be focused to definitively establish
tion (see Table 4), and after carefully weighing the benefits whether or not DUL, milnacipran, and DUL work effectively
and risks for the mother-fetus dyad. Furthermore, all women in FMS. Moreover, non-pharmacological interventions and,
requiring the use of should medications should be stringently especially, CBT should be proved to be effective even during
monitored during pregnancy. Waiting for the first reproductive pregnancy.
safety data, milnacipram use should be avoided during
pregnancy. Compliance with ethical standards
In EU, no psychotropic medications have been approved
for the treatment of FMS. Despite off-label prescribing is a Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
common and legal practice in medicine, there are differences
between countries in allowing the use of drugs beyond their
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
own official indications. In the USA, this practice is justified participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
when scientific evidence suggests the efficacy and safety of a
medication for an indication for which it does not have FDA
approval and when the practice is supported by expert consen-
sus or practice guidelines (Furey and Wilkins 2016). References
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