Trabajo de Ingles de Fotografia

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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

E.T.A.P: “Eloy Palacios Cabello”



Profesor: Estudiante:

Elvis Leudismar Silva

5To Año

Maturin, Febrero 2024

Macro photography

What is macro photography?

“MACRO” means large. Macro photography is therefore a branch of photography in

which the photographed subject is as large as in reality or larger.

Macro photography tries not to show a subject larger than it is in real life: an

extreme close-up of something small.

In macro photography, the subject to be photographed must be the same size as

the camera sensor or smaller, and fill the frame. Macro photography serves to

complement the beauty of the small things that surround us, such as insects,

flowers, details of objects or things in nature such as a snowflake that measures

millimeters and is not visible to the naked eye. Macro photography opens the doors

to a parallel world full of fascinating creatures.


Characteristics of macro photography Macro photography for its ability to show

objects with an enlarged size, highlighting details and textures, with a selective

touch and an unusual perspective. Some of the main characteristics of macro

photography are:
 Extreme magnification: Its main feature is the ability to capture subjects at

a size much larger than their actual size. This allows you to reveal minute

details that are not normally visible to the naked eye.

 Selective focus: Focuses on a focus point very close to the subject,

creating a very shallow depth of field. This results in part of the subject

being clearly in focus, while the rest is blurred, creating a visually striking


 Details and textures: Highlight the details and textures of the subjects. By

getting so close to the subject, you can see unique textures, patterns, and

features that would normally go unnoticed.

 Unusual perspective: By capturing objects very close up, macro

photography offers a different and unique perspective. It allows you to

explore the beauty of details that are often overlooked in everyday life.

 Use of additional lighting: In many cases, macro photography requires the

use of additional lighting to highlight details and control shadows. This can

be achieved by using natural light, artificial light, or light modifiers such as

diffusers and reflectors.

 Subject Isolation: Allows you to isolate the subject from the surrounding

environment, focusing on it prominently. This creates a more simplified

composition and highlights the beauty and uniqueness of the object in the

 Capturing small life: It is ideal for capturing small life, such as insects,

flowers, water droplets, among others. It allows you to closely explore and

document the diversity and complexity of these tiny subjects.

 Creativity and experimentation: Offers ample scope for creativity and

experimentation. You can play with different angles, framing and techniques

to obtain unique and surprising results.

 Technical challenges: Presents technical challenges, such as shallow

depth of field, the need for extreme precision in focusing, and camera

stability. Overcoming these challenges requires skill and practice, which

makes macro photography an exciting field for photographers.

 Exploration of the invisible: This type of photography allows us to explore

a world invisible to the naked eye. By getting closer to objects, we can

discover surprising details and patterns that we don't normally appreciate.

This helps us develop a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity

of the small.

Types of macro photography

Nature Macro: This type of macro photography focuses on capturing flora and

fauna in their natural environment. You can photograph flowers, insects, leaves,

water drops, among other natural elements.

Product Macro: Macro photography is also used to highlight the details and

textures of objects in product photography. You can capture the small details of

jewelry, food, textile products, among others.

Abstract Macro: Macro photography can also be used to create abstract images

by capturing textures, patterns and shapes at a microscopic level. You can

experiment with different objects and materials to create abstract and artistic


Wildlife Macro: This type of macro photography focuses on capturing wildlife in

close-up, allowing you to explore the beauty and details of small animals, such as

butterflies, spiders, reptiles, among others.

Water Macro: Macro water photography focuses on capturing the shapes and

movements of water in the foreground. You can photograph water drops, splashes

or even underwater photography at a macro level.

Jewelry Macro: Focuses on capturing the details and beauty of jewelry, such as

rings, bracelets, necklaces, using precise lighting and focusing techniques.

Food Macro: Focuses on highlighting the details and textures of foods, such as

fruits, vegetables, desserts, allowing their appearance and freshness to be

captured in close-up.

Insect macro: Specially dedicated to capturing insects in detail, allowing you to

appreciate their structures, colors and behaviors in close-up.

Architecture macro: In this type of macro photography, the aim is to capture

architectural details, such as the textures of facades, ornaments or decorative

elements of buildings.

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