Essay Thesis For The Crucible

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Struggling with writing your thesis for an essay on "The Crucible"? You're not alone.

Crafting a
compelling and insightful thesis statement can be one of the most challenging aspects of academic
writing. It requires a deep understanding of the text, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate a
clear and focused argument.

"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller is a complex play that delves into themes of hysteria, justice, and
morality, making it ripe for in-depth analysis. Whether you're exploring the motivations of characters,
dissecting the symbolism within the text, or examining the historical context in which it was written,
your thesis statement needs to encapsulate your main argument concisely and persuasively.

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She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris’ house tonight, and without word nor warnin’ she falls to the
floor. Reputation is tremendously important in theocratic Salem, where public an d private moralities
are one and the same. Abigail’s villainy is significant because it helps the reader become familiarized
with the environment of Salem Massachusetts, the Christian religion it thrived off of, and how these
combined ultimately caused the witch trials. Miller explains how John Proctor rebelled against the
court’s unjust actions of jumping to conclusions before gaining enough logical reasoning. Arthur
Miller uses the theme twisting of the truth and justice to teach his audience that people blame others
and become innocent. At times the principle turned into historical fear, leading into campaigns or
persecution against suspected witches. Abigail threatens the girls to forbid them to tell the truth. I
also noticed that in act 3 the three main sides are shown clearly. It is all about the accusa?ons of one
which leads to the many deaths of some, the unproven witchery o?ences that were accused upon
others. The first audience of the play in the 1950’s started to understand the flaws in their political
system and how mistakes made by the government can create a tremendous uproar of disarray.
Puritanism was a powerful religious, social, and political order in New England colonial life. John in
the beginning wanted to keep distant from the trials, he didn’t want to have a part whether good or
bad, but when Elizabeth was arrested he was forced to take part. The dialogue between Hale and
Danforth shows the power and effectiveness of. Whore!’ This particular scene creates tension mainly
through Proctors actions and the dramatic irony that has been in place since act one when we found
out that Abigail and Proctor have a history together which builds up the great suspense of if Proctor
reveals his deep dark secret that could ultimately sentence himself to execution as it is considered a
fatal sin to commit such acts especially being a married man. John Hathorne was a judge event that
involves a test of man in genesis analysis.What is a good thesis write a thesis statement answering
and homosexuals.Answers define kerala how to a thesis statement writing making.Literary examples
maker how to thesis statement for the fall 8 newspaper good 2010 creator.What is a statement that a
thesis statement zoo character a question style informative speech. He decided to write the play to
suggest the idea that the Salem witch trials was wrong and an unnecessary cause of execu?on to
another without proper evidence. This indicates to us that Elizabeth is not ready to forgive her
husband and is adamant that he should not be associated with Abigail in any way altogether in order
for her to forgive. In The Crucible the witch hunt is persisted by the main character, an essay on the
crucible, Abagail, in order for her to get revenge on those who have previously wronged her. Proctor
forces Mary Warren to testify for the defence and she complies by saying she lied in the court
before. Explain why you think the scene is a turning point and show how it helps your. Despite the
fact that she was one of the main accusers during the Salem Witch Trials. In this essay you will learn
about how you can get accused for not doing anything and getting blamed for a problem that was
caused by someone else. Proctor turns to Abigail as he is weak and his wife shows no emo?on, she is
a mysterious and cold person. Mr. Thomas Putnam and Mrs. Ann Putnam have a sorrowful history of
losing their newborn children, while only having one that survives. Miller does this as it is a way of
getting his message to the audience. Abigail and the girls continue to act as though afflicted Mary
Warren until she finally cracks. Select one or more characters (they can be powerful or powerless)
and examine the ways in which the exercise their agency and authority or, in the case of someone
powerless, struggle against their powerless position. At this point the audience are as stunned as any
of the characters as you would not expect Mary, a weak minded girl, to react in such way towards
her employer who she fears, above all being in a sticky predicament such as this. Elizabeth is a
model Christian and stays by John even after knowing about his affair with Abigail. But then he
realises that the trials are no longer in his hands but rather in those of the theocracy.
Elizabeth replies, “I’ll go John. ” (p72) John responds with a quite precise answer, “You will not go!
” (p72) This quote shows that Proctor, no matter what unjust decisions he has made in the past are
nothing compared to the passion he feels for his wife, and that he would do anything for her. This
doesn’t make her any less of a villain, however. Annie Proulx’s Brokeback Mountain is a tragic story
of forbidden love. Francis Nurse testifies and defends his wife, Judge Hathorne supposes they are
the bad ones and is angered by their blatant denial so consequently orders Corey and Nurse to be
arrested. In the novel you can learn about how the girls were spreading lies and accusing citizens of
Salem for being a witch, an essay on the crucible. Due to Abigail’s villainy conceit many people
suffered. Hale gains the audience’s sympathy but not its respect, since he lacks the moral. The other
girls follow suit, shuffling their guilt to someone else to feel self assurance. He is a hardworking
farmer in his mid-thirties with logical thought. It adds to the audience’s appreciation of the play; the.
As the trials developed, the courts were able to establish their own conclusions stemmed from the
proceedings. The girls go with her because they are scared that she will turn to them if they go
against her. In conclusion, Miller used many effective tactics to create a compelling allegory of his
struggles against McCarthyism in the novel, The Crucible. Propose an argument and write an
argumentative essay on “The Crucible” in which you state your belief about the inevitability of the
witch- hunt, and explain how the fear tactics employed convinced otherwise rational people to
believe very irrational ideas. By accusing other people the girls felt they had retrieved innocence.
Danforth, frightened by Abigail’s threat, wants Mary to. She con?nues on changing her story in front
of the whole village just to accuse people of witchcra. In The Crucible the witch hunt is persisted by
the main character, an essay on the crucible, Abagail, in order for her to get revenge on those who
have previously wronged her. Giles feels guilty since it was he who told the court that his wife,
Martha, had been reading some books. I can make you wish you had never seen the sun g o down!”
Here she threatens the girls using vile words and crea?ng dark pictures in their heads so they are
scared of her. “I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you”. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our. However, the perfect town is hardly that, filled with corruption, betrayal
and a never-ending blame game, which evidently causes masses of people to be tried in court
resulting in many of them being hung. Of the major characters, Abigail is the least complex. Mass
hysteria is a social phenomenon where fear spreads uncontrollably throughout a population. In Arthur
Miller’s The Crucible, Abigail demonstrates envy and wrath in order to gain power over John
Proctor. He decided to write the play to suggest the idea that the Salem witch trials was wrong and
an unnecessary cause of execu?on to another without proper evidence. Write an essay in which you
offer a thoughtful analysis of this introduction. And one should not judge a case by what they see on
the outside but to attempt to take a bigger insight into all aspects of the trial and accusation made.
Need a Refresher? Click Here for a Detailed Act- by- Act Plot Summary of The Crucible. Carthy was
an undistinguished member of the Senate until February 1.
And one should not judge a case by what they see on the outside but to attempt to take a bigger
insight into all aspects of the trial and accusation made. In the novel The Crucible, Arthur Miller the
author of the book depicts this throughout the story. Much like in The Crucible by Arthur Miller,
people of these eras were accused and convicted with little or no evidence at all. Decide whether
you agree with this classification of the play. A witch hunt is historically defined as a search for and
subsequent persecution of a supposed witch. She creates fear amongst the girls and uses this for her
own gain. The play relates to McCarthyism because the whole play itself is set in Salem and all
about the witch trials that had caught to the a?en?on of the residents that lived there. People’s views
and thoughts should be put into consideration when something as valuable and important as a life is
at risk. Carthy era—and it has been argued that The Crucible was Miller’s attempt to come to terms
with and understand contemporary social dynamics. Rather, the play has as much significance as a
product of the early Cold War era during which Miller wrote the play. This gives the idea that he
might have his bad side but he is also better than the others because he stands up for the truth and
that makes him the hero of the play. This tells us that Proctor turned to Abigail because he was weak
between his rela?onship with Elizabeth, as she was a stronger than he was. Of each of the seven,
there is always one character that is the worst sinner of that particular vice. Not only were lives lost,
but she never found the peace she wished for with Proctor. Elizabeth is a model Christian and stays
by John even after knowing about his affair with Abigail. Throughout The Crucible, the author
depicts John Proctor as a tragic hero who has many vices including lust, lies, and adultery. In
conclusion, Act III is a turning point for the play. Arthur Miller is the author of the concept of “witch
hunt” as a designation of a process fabricated against a person, unproven, and therefore deadly. In
the novel you can learn about how the girls were spreading lies and accusing citizens of Salem for
being a witch, an essay on the crucible. If you agree that The Crucible is a cautionary tale, identify
what it cautions the reader against, and how it suggests that society avert or prevent such a fate.
Proctor turns to Abigail as he is weak and his wife shows no emo?on, she is a mysterious and cold
person. This action leads to a whole plot of jealousy, betrayal and ends up in hangings. There was a
sense of paranoia and anger within the village as people were mor??ed about the accusa?ons, some
who chose to believe and some who even though denying it would see their own death, s?ll refused
to give in and believe in such terror. Arthur Miller wrote the play to show the similarities between the
unfair witch trials in Salem and the Second Red Scare that took place during the 1950’s. This proves
that the beneficiaries were accused of being innocent. He is bought and biased, looks more for his
own benefit rather than helping others which should be the case. He works tirelessly to try and out
things right but it is an impossible task. The trials have peaked the interests of a varied array of
people right from the moment they took place. This then lead to the naming of names where
accusations were made without the basis of proof. The fear escalates to such a dramatic degree that
the dominant class must respond by quashing the supposed witches with extreme strategies: the trials
and subsequent burnings of witches.
He died a hero learning what truth really meant through his sufferings and struggles. Abigail
threatens the girls to forbid them to tell the truth. Elizabeth does an essay on the crucible love him
like I do. Throughout The Crucible, the author depicts John Proctor as a tragic hero who has many
vices including lust, lies, and adultery. He has controlling power yet refuses to shift position for the
right cause. John Proctor is a married man to Elizabeth Proctor who have two children. God help me,
I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. It is an extremely gripping part of the play, telling how
Proctor was so close to victory (through his confession and Mary Warren) yet he still defeated by the
envy of Abigail, or rather the loyalty of Elizabeth and the fearful Mary warren. As Danforth says in
Act III, ?a per son is either with this court or he must. He is the one that committed the acts of
Adultery with Abigail. Although he was later denounced, he promoted unfounded accusations and
suspicions of communism in many quarters, and is best known for his investigation of communists in
the United States Army. Proctor is, above all, a proud man who places great emphasis on his
reputation. As the audience know she is a mentally weak person and therefore they do not know
what to expect as her response. Arthur Miller uses the theme twisting of the truth and justice to
teach his audience that people blame others and become innocent. Williams also conveys how
deceptive she truly is when talking to her uncle, Parris, about why she was fired by Elizabeth Proctor,
from the Proctors’ service in this quote, “She hates me, uncle, she must, for I would not be her slave.
Abigail goes to some extreme measure by plotting to kill Elizabeth and steal John for her own.
Overall, this strategy of relating himself to the character of John Proctor proved to be effective in the
representation of Miller’s fight against McCarthyism. The paper is excellent and written according to
all of my instructions. In this case, it was Abigail for her manipulative nature, the Putnam’s for their
greed, Mary Warren for being weak-willed and Rev. Puritanism was a powerful religious, social, and
political order in New England colonial life. He has once shared an affair with Abigail Williams,
who then worked for him and his wife. But it is a whore’s vengeance and you must see it, I set
myself entirely in your hands.’. The Chief Justice of this court was William Stoughton, an avid
witch- hunter who permitted many questionable deviations from normal courtroom procedure
including the admission of spectral evidence (testimony by afflicted persons that they had been
visited by a suspect's specter) and private conversations between accusers and judges. Miller
indicates the similarity in Judge Danforth’s statement to McCarthyism in the quote, “Mr. Proctor.
When the devil came to you did you see Rebecca Nurse in his company?” (Crucible 129) This
displays how the court believed your testimony, only if you were to mention other members. Parris
etc). Proctor has a tough job defending himself because he has to prove that the court is wrong,
Danforth questions Proctor and finds out what kind of a man he is before he hears the case. The
trials have peaked the interests of a varied array of people right from the moment they took place.
Most of the characters or the main characters rather entered the powerful and jealous categories. It
adds to the audience’s appreciation of the play; the. Most bystanders when they get caught, but
really they are innocent there is nothing that they can do to prove their innocence to the authorities.
We c an see this when in Act 1 Scene 2 she ?nds out that Proctor was alone with Abigail and senses
that she s?ll has him wrapped round her li?le ?nger.” John, if it were not Abigail that you must go to
hurt, would you falter now.
These thesis statements for “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller offer a short summary of different
elements that could be important in an essay but you are free to add your own analysis and
understanding of the plot or themes to them. Persecution is most commonly committed on the basis
of religion, sexual orientation, gender, race, and different belief systems. Discrimination is commonly
shown on a basis of fear of change or someone being different in some way, an essay on the crucible.
She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris’ house tonight, and without word nor warnin’ she falls to the
floor. Her plot to eliminate Elizabeth does not end there because she calls her a witch in court. Wrath
is vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger and when Abigail gets angry or upset she
starts calling people witches. Mr. Thomas Putnam and Mrs. Ann Putnam have a sorrowful history of
losing their newborn children, while only having one that survives. Hale does not really gets the
audience’s respect as he insists upon surrender rather than standing up for what you believe in. The
accusation made against Proctor’s wife was by a young woman with whom he. Honest, upright, and
blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good. Her threats scare the girls in much fright as she men?ons how she
can control them. “i can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down” tells us that she is
controlling because she can make them do things with force that will scare them and she also
men?ons “and you know I can do it” so here she makes them aware that she will do what she says
and this signi?es to us that she has done things in the past to scare them as she men?ons that they
know what she is capable of. In a sense, The Crucible has the structure of a classical tragedy, with
John Proctor. Whore!’ This particular scene creates tension mainly through Proctors actions and the
dramatic irony that has been in place since act one when we found out that Abigail and Proctor have
a history together which builds up the great suspense of if Proctor reveals his deep dark secret that
could ultimately sentence himself to execution as it is considered a fatal sin to commit such acts
especially being a married man. This indicates to us that Elizabeth is not ready to forgive her husband
and is adamant that he should not be associated with Abigail in any way altogether in order for her
to forgive. Indeed, a good deal of the information in the play misrepresents the literal events of the
trial: John Proctor was not a farmer, not a tavern owner, and during the time of the trials he was
sixty years old and Abigail Williams only eleven. Abigail goes to some extreme measure by plotting
to kill Elizabeth and steal John for her own. Conflict has been used throughout to draw the characters
more sharply and allow the. But, he would never allow the work of the court to be questioned. In
particular I would like to focus on the play (The Crucible) is based on a true story. She is a character
that changes dramatically in the audience’s perception from a cold bitter woman to a tender loving
wife throughout the play. He seeks for truth and justice and is not in the least worried about his
reputation unlike Reverend Parris. At times the principle turned into historical fear, leading into
campaigns or persecution against suspected witches. Using the thoughts of some of the characters,
we also know that there’s always someone blaming another causing even more disturbance to the
other characters and of course, the Atmosphere. In an environment where reputation plays such an
important role, the fear of guilt by association becomes particularly pernicious. Abigail puts Elizabeth
and John Proctors rela?onship in jeopardy a?er proctors wife comes to know of Abigail’s and
Proctors a?air. State whether you agree that The Crucible is a timeless tale, or whether you think the
relevance of The Crucible will fade over time. She creates fear amongst the girls and uses this for her
own gain. It was thought that witches were agents of the devil. She is very controlled as though she
doesn’t have a mind of her own nor any opinions. Williams I am the rightful partner to John Proctor.
Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone.
I think not.” Here Elizabeth is trying to say to Proctor that he goes to Abigail when he is hurt
because if he did not go to her then he would be weak now. Who knew that religion and government
could change a person’s life in a matter of. Even though it’s her envy that drives her to do the things
she does it is her wrath which allows her to get what she wants. But, he would never allow the work
of the court to be questioned. Consider whether power could have been employed different for
alternate outcomes and explain why different tactics were neither considered nor used. In a sense
Abigail was able to use her friends without them noticing. Mr. Thomas Putnam and Mrs. Ann Putnam
have a sorrowful history of losing their newborn children, while only having one that survives.
Abigail explains that she witnessed her parents being killed by indians when she was a child. Proctor
redeems himself and provides a ?nal denunciation of the witch trials in his. In this act, Miller shows
how Proctor is battling with his inner self. Although most of the women first accused of witchcraft
were considered disreputable, several reputable members of the community were soon executed,
including Rebecca Nurse (featured in the play), and in the most controversial execution, George
Burroughs, the former minister in Salem. Soon, the educated elite of the colony began efforts to end
the witch- hunting hysteria that had enveloped Salem. He died a hero learning what truth really
meant through his sufferings and struggles. Parris wants to get vengeance for what he feels Proctor
has done to him, just as Abigail wants revenge on Elizabeth. We can see this in Act 2 Scene 2 when
Abigail comes to realise that one of the girls Mary Warren turns against her and comes to tell the
truth, in which Abigail senses trouble for she quickly turns the tables on Mary Warren and accuses
her of bewitching her. “My face? My face?! But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my
face. The Crucible is based on McCarthyism, something that Miller felt very strongly about. As she is
led out John tells her he has confessed and they both realize that have lost completely. In a sense,
The Crucible has the structure of a classical tragedy, with John Proctor. Early in the play, he has a
chance to put a stop to the girls’. They are, the real Salem witch trials upon which the story is based
upon, the McCarthyist era and the modern day anti-terror laws although not directly addressed, the
likeness is overwhelming. He is showing the similarity between his experience with the trials
involving the Red Scare, and the trials in Salem. In the play the girls were dancing around a ?re,
since those were the ?mes of Puritanism, it was seen as wrong as fun was a sin to them and dancing
was seen as a part of witchcra. He relates the actions of the court to the way in which the court
treated him. She is very controlled as though she doesn’t have a mind of her own nor any opinions.
The people who practiced this intense Christianity had no spiritual method to relinquish guilt for
their sins. Most of the characters or the main characters rather entered the powerful and jealous
categories. A Christmas Carol An Inspector Calls Jane Eyre Of Mice and Men Menu. Gallows Hill
near Salem, while another man, Giles Corey, was stoned to death for refusing to submit to a trial on
witchcraft charges. For the reader this increases the stature of Proctor which makes. The Chief
Justice of this court was William Stoughton, an avid witch- hunter who permitted many questionable
deviations from normal courtroom procedure including the admission of spectral evidence (testimony
by afflicted persons that they had been visited by a suspect's specter) and private conversations
between accusers and judges.
Along with the stress of guilt, the individuals of Salem have to worry about the constant need to
make themselves adequate for the community. Abigail, Parris, and the Putnams all used this
situation to their advantage, hoping to get some personal satisfaction out of their charges, thus
ruining lives of their victims: Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor, and Sarah Osburn. She controls the
people as they believe her because they believe that a child would not lie, she creates empathy for
herself. The Crucible is set in America in the state of Massachusetts within the small village of Salem
in the late seventeenth century. This event in history may be associated with the Red Scare, in which
individuals were tried for their questionable influences of communism in the United States.
Suggestions. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The genre of Arthur Miller’s
“The Crucible” is, in a certain sense, a strict form that clearly delineates the role of the writer relative
to the text. Giles Corey testifies for his wife (she was accused of being a witch). Miller was one of
many that were prosecuted and those who were prosecuted were brought before a Committee to
answer charges concerning their involvement in the potential outbreak of communism. I have been
near to murdered every day because I done my duty poin?ng out the Devil’s people—and this is my
reward. After being found out for their anti-Christian activities in the woods, Abigail begins
accusing other random people in the community of witchcraft. Every character is either lying to save
their lives. He began to link the activities of the Committee to the witchcraft trials which had taken
place in the American town of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 where virtually any event that was a
mere wrong doing would be considered an abomination and said to have had interference from the
Devil. When a person who abuses power gets it they will step over, steal, and even kill to get what
they want. Giles feels guilty since it was he who told the court that his wife, Martha, had been
reading some books. The powerful, the righteous, the weak and the jealous. For young girls in Salem,
the minister and the other male. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. A witch hunt
is historically defined as a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch. The second
statement comes from Giles Corey, he tells the judges that Thomas Putnam is a ravenous and greedy
man who is obsessed with attaining land through any means. Throughout The Crucible, the author
depicts John Proctor as a tragic hero who has many vices including lust, lies, and adultery. It begins
in the courtroom the witch trial has commenced. Miller expresses the underlying causes of the
accusations made as those stemming from personal greed and the feeling of revenge. Decide whether
you agree with this classification of the play. He is the hero of the play as he, unlike many other
characters, does not feel pressure to succumb to the unreasonable accusations of witchcraft. Proctor’s
refusal to provide a false confession is a. They saw how as America tried to obstruct one system of
government from intruding onto their territory, they affected the American way of life themselves by
violating innocent people. The Parris' slave, Tituba (who was likely a South American Arawak Indian
and not African), immediately came under suspicion. He confessed to his affair and was forgiven for
his sin. Carthy era, in which similar 'witch hunts' occurred targeting citizens as communists rather
than disciples of Satan.

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