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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the folloming questions. Mark only the answer for each item by encircling the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED. MULTIPLE QHOICE Principle of Communication 1 10. (Nov 1998) Frequencies above kHz, are referred to as the rad iof requencies. A. 10 (@) 20 c. 100 b2 (Now 1998) Which of the following is referred 0 as a radio emission without Sidebands? Ay Vorce Carrier bats D. Analog (wov 1996) which stands for JB relative level? din 8. ata C. none of these (0) der 2 (Ape LR) on instrument for recording uaveforms of audio frequency. 4) Thamasc one B, Radioscope Q Osc i oscoper Audioscope (how 1997) 2 wethod of expressing the vrplitude of complex non-pertodic Signals such as speech. Volume wavelength Frequency D. Pitch (Mar 1996) The _filter attenuates signals but passes frequencies below andgabove the band Band stop. LOW pass C. Band pass D, High pass (Nov 1996) The wavelength of light has nto role in () Polarization Diffraction Interference Resolving power (Nov 1998) The extremely high frequency (EHF) band is in the radio spectrum range of 3 to 30 MHZ 3 to 30 GHz 30 to 300 GHz 30 to 300 kHz (Apr 1998) What is the period of a wave? ‘A, The amplitude of the wave B. The number of zero crossing in one cycle C. The number of degrees intone cycle The time required to complete one cycle (Hov 1998) Determine from the following radiofrequency that falls under the Very High Frequency band of the radio spectrum. 450.00 Miz 235.5 Maz haa Be He 13, (Ape 1998) Quantity that do not change to. another BD awe tenaen Speed C. Frequency 0. Direction 14, (Nov 1997) Which of the following falls under the high frequency band of the radio spectrum? AL 35.535 Mz 150.50 MHz 2.4555 batz 8.2345 mz 15, (Apr 1998) what is a frequency discriminator? A. A circuit for filtering two Closely adjacent signal 8. An FM generator C. An automatic bands witching circuit D Acircuit for detecting FM signals 16. (Woy, 1997) Nominal voice channel a) 4 kHz 16 to 16 kHz 3 to 3 kNz D. 20 to 20 kiz 17, (Apr 1997) If a voltage is equal to twice its original value, what is its corresponding change in 8? A. 10 68 6 9g 3 0B 9 48 18, (Mar 1996) what is the purpose of a beat frequency oscillator (8FO)? A. Generates a signal, whose frequency is the sane as that of the intermediate frequency Generates an output, whose Frequency differs from that of the intermediate frequency by 1 wiz © Generates a 1 kz tone to Morse reception De Aids in the reception of weak voice-modulated signals 19, (Apr 1998) Best describes as an “Ws used in radio telephony. Class ¢ 2 Magnifier G Class A D. Class B nvr 1998) Term for transmission of Printed picture by radio. A} ACSSB Xerography C. Television Facsimile 21, (Nov 1996)Multiplexing in a ti division multiplexer occurs based upon The priority assigned to a connected device B. The activity of a connected device Se he positioning of data within a D. The position of a frame within a group of frames 22, (Nov 1996) What is the equivalent output of a-circuit in dBm, if it has an Output of 10 watts? 20 dBm 8. 30 dBm C10 dam Dy 40 dBm 24. The™max imum power efficiency of an AM modulation 1s W258 #438 C 66% DL 1008 sWhich of the following device is used to generate AM waves? A. Square law modulator Trangmtter C rransducer (0, AIT of the above Thémodulation techniques used to convert analog signal into digital srgnal are "Pulse code modulation ®. delta modulation C, Adaptive delta modulation Colway 87 26.0 ON ine toHoning is not a basic principle of communication? ‘A. Source (8) Transmitter Receiver D. destination 27.wmER modulation technique involves varying the frequency of a carrier signal To rapresent the modulating signal? ) Amplitude modulation HZ trequency modulation C. Phase modulation 0. Pulse modulation What is the main advantage of using digital communication over analog communication? A. Higher signal-to-noise ratio Better signal quality More immune to noise D. Fasier to implenent 29. Which of the following is not a type of antenna used in communication systems? Yagi Uda Dipote C. Parabolic 0 Electrode 30. Wna€ is the angular frequency of a Sinusoidal signal with a frequency of F 2? nf ant C. anf D. anf 31.Which of the following 1s not a type of digital modulation technique? A. Amplitude shift keying Frequency shift keying © mae shift keying ‘analog nodulation 32. taf ‘ype of waveform is commonly used ‘orepmaunication signals? EF Simusotast 8, Triangular C. Square D. Sawtooth 33. What {s the term for the minimum anount of tine required to transmit a single bit of tnformat ion? Bit rate Baud rate C. bata rate D. Symbol rate 34. which of the Following 1s a Gisagvantage of amplitude modulation? ‘The bandwidth required 13 very 8. It is very resistant to notse and interference C. The modulation process is simple De The modulation process is inefficient 35. hat type of modulation {s commonly Used for analog IV signals? ‘Amplitude modulation B. Frequency modulation Cl Phase modulation D! Quadrature amplitude modulation 36. What type of modulation is commonly Used for FM radio signals? ‘Amplitude modulation Frequency modulation C. Phase modulation 0. Quadrature amplitude modulation ¥.what is the term for the range of ase that a system can handle? A) Bandwidth Bit rate C. Frequency 0. Amplitude 38. what is the difference between amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FA)? Tn AK, the amplitude of the carrier signal is modulated, watle in FH, the frequency of the carrier signal is modulated In AM, the Frequency of the carrier signal is modulated, while in FM, the amplitude of the carrier signal is modulated C. AM and FH are the same thing D. AM and FM are both digital modulation techniques 39. ehag_is multiplexing? ‘The process of combining multiple signals into a single channel B. The process of separating a signal into multiple channels C. The process of filtering out unwanted frequencies from a signal D. The process of converting a digital signal to an analog signal 40. Whazis a repeater in communication? ‘A device that amplifies and retransmits signals over long distances B. A device that converts a digital signal to an analog signal C. A device that demodulates a modulated signal D. A device that filters out noise 41. Which of the f Alioai of frequency eee is an advantage amp itud julation (FM) over Noe moi latfon cam)? = less affec CY interference aed © FM requires less bandwidth a ie Vs easier to demodulate | FM has a higher power efficien Ee ce acie ees ne Clectromagnetic radiation is called the frequency spectrum. A. Phases Frequencies Amplitudes DL Energies 43, (ar 1996) What is the main purpose OF (Matmmun ications systen? Se “pave a frequency assignment |B For nodulatvon (ED to provide an acceptable replica Ue Phe information at the desranat on b. None of these 4a, 8 duplexer ty used t0 uP lemed more than one Fe Single antenna a, Conncet two transmitter to 1h sane antenn c. feed more t trom a single a ep. Connect at rece trangmitter 10 ver from an one transmitter atenns ver and The same antenna dc. cape gine) carrier signal has — He) int peak mpl tude ” 7 20000 He a7 reeauency range 20 the warormat ion “imp 1 tude o. Ay d occurs when ae an Freauercy ao. rah Frraeer aae components OF 1 e are lost. te gal sauare wave NT Peequency fbn frequency Be jangh frequency Done) ition 15 ap. qar 1996) Atmaspners’ condition ateol ted BY ho mumdity BL temperature (Ei Ait of these 52. 53. sa 55. 56. 87 €. To generate a constant su per tant supply of . To minimize power consumption which of the following is an example of ‘an gpen-loop control syste? ‘A) Automatic temperature control system B Cruise control in a car Z anti-lock braking system in a car D. Mashing machine control system which type of control system uses feedback to regulate the output? ‘Open loop control system @., Closed: loop contro! system J Feedback control system 1D, None of the above wnich type of control system uses an Nnternal mode! of the system being UBntrolled to yaprove performance? predictive control system Feedback control syste © open loop control system 1D. None of the above nich of the following 16 2 wiemceeristic of 2 stable control system? “ge The output value over The output randomly The output grow’ over time pec raaplt ois mae atte thanges in the input wnich of the following 1s 2 measure of wnignteol system's abi tity f° reject Gisturbances” i. seteling time Bg, Rise time approaches a constant tine Secittates rapidly and s exponentially 2 Overshoot over sronce rejection FaUIO en ot tne For omieg 139 0eera a control system's ability t track @ feference 319% se tSteady state error ise rise aetna time Qvershoot Snot el SY3te HES tary wich ie sts its paramete! 63. 64 6s. 06 67. 68 69 70 n 7. A. Settling time Rise time Overshoot D. Bandwidth -Which type of control system uses a mode! of the system being controlled to detegmine the contro) actions? Adaptive control system Non-adapt ive control system Ga Model-based control system B- None of the above Which of the following is a measure of a control system's ability to reduce oscillations and settle quickly? A) Settling time Rise time & Damping ratio D. overshoot which type of controller is designed to improve a control system's steady-state performance? (Ay Proportional contrat ler Be integral controller T. verwvative controller D. PIO controler Which of the folloming is a measure of 4 control system's abi lity to track rapid changes. in the input? A, “Settling time B. Rise tine overshoot Bandwidth wnich type of control systom uses a Controlter that does not change its Parameters based on the system's output? AL Adaptive control system (® on adaptive control system C. Linear control system None of the above which of the following 1s a measure of } control systen’s ability to maintain 4 constant output despite changes in the input? A. Settling time B. Rise time overshoot (©) Steady state error wnich type ot control system is used to Control the temperature ia a roon? ‘. Open- loop contro} system Closed- loop control system feedback control system None of the above which type of controller is designed to reduce the response time and overshoot of a control system? ‘A. Proportxonal controller 8. Integral controller Derivative controller PI controller - which of the following is an example of a linear time-invariant (LTI) system? A. A system that exhibits hysteresis B. A system that exhibits creep C. A system whose response depends fon the input frequency D) A system whose response is constant over time What is the Laplace transform of a signal f(t) in the time domain? FG) = SFCt) dt @ Fe) 2 fF enc-se at C. FCs) = f(s) D. d) F(s) = s*f(t) 73. Which of the following is a property of the transfer function of a system? Ate Ge a'tanction of has BL Te ts a function oF the tnput Ci 1 fr a function of tee ovtpus Testa tance lonterienelcsotace varlable 7A. wnat is the steady-state error of a Control systen? Paagiielasrar earee tere eert tare The trout when the system hes ard sr nal etross vetmesa [une sorrart Tifpuc eed the previses;aierue C. Thevervor between the cucrent input and the previous. inpet © the crter Seewcen the current set PesnetendleneTarecioeeisetIoctae TS.vmich of the followiog ta a messure oF he seabitity of acontrat system?” peariaisteetcine $) The Gaping ratio OC Sate ©) Fo determine the stability of the D. The settling time D. Steady-state error \o control systen? Ibe The error between the output and the input when the system has reached a steady state 8, The error between the current output and the previous output © The error between the current \ input and the previous input (© Ihe eetor between the current setpoint and the previous Setpoint 83.which of the following time-domain Speciticatvons. is used to evaluate the StabH1ity of a control system? Re Rise tine Overshoot Settling tine D. Peak time Stamatis the relationship between rise Ting and bandwidth im a control systen? ‘A, They are proportional nh (hy They are proportional to ea¢ Be They are inversely oroportional tortach other G They ae unrelated to each other 0. None af the shove B5.woich cP tne fo}Vonng time-domain Specifications 1s related to. the anu or ouprshoot im a Control systen? C. oak time I age wstor between the output and reamed. steady state the Uifteronce Between the Uosired and actual settling tines [G The Grrr between the current Cutoat and the previous outout 0. Theverrar betwees the current Input and the previous. input 7 nich of tne following ts a tecmnsgue ofa control systen? 1 “Proporttonat control Integra control © serveat ve control ‘Be Peed fornard contro} be. wich of the fotlowing v0 8 measure of the: danping im a control system? Sern tine Sonping ratio 85. nat is the peak tine of 4 control systen? ne cine taken for the systen butput to reach and renain within "Certain percentage of its final value The time taken for the systen cutput to reach its final value for the first tine (©) The ine taken for the systen utput to resch its maximum valve D. The tine taken for che system output to reach half of its Final value 90.What is the Laplace transform of a ingspomain signal? A complex-valued function of a Conta variable B.A real-valued function of a real variable t C. A function of a continuous or discrete variable D. A function of a discrete tine variable -Which of the following is a property of the Laplace transform? AL Linearity B. Time invariance AL SF(s) - £(0) a) 1 0 Fs) sh sn.imch of the following is a nethad to find the inverse Laplace transform OF & function? ‘Partial fraction expansion 2. Power series expansion Convolution Aitof the above d.smat is the Laplace transform of & step 1 function? Vs L/se2 ca os 95. The Laplace transform of the integral of a time-domain signal? A, FG) + V/s RFCs) = A/s SF(s) + F(0) sh(s) - (0) 96. What is the Laplace transform of a sinusoidal signal with frequency w and amplitude A? AGS ju) 6 G55 CCS fud/a D. (seju)/A 97. Which of the following is a technique used to apply the Laplace transform to solve differential equations? ‘A Root locus Bode plot C. Transfer function s-domain analysis 98. which of the following is a property of the transfer function? “B. Tt is a ratio of the Laplace transforms of the output and input signals 8. It is a ratio of the Fourier transforms of the output and input signals It is a function of the tine variable t D. It 1s a nonlinear function 99. Which of the following is a technique used to obtain the transfer function of a system from its differential equation? ‘Be Laplace transform B. Fourier transform C. Time-domain analysis D. Root locus 100. What is the transfer function of a system with a DC gain of kK? AL K/s x C. 1/s +k Instruction: by encircling the letter MULTIPLE CHOICE pa Sensitivity inaccuracy of a recording instrument means a. the smallest signal required to produce detectable output b. the maximum error in sensitivity displayed by a pen . degree to which the instrument is not sensitive enough to repeat readings d. the amount of input required to produce unit pen deflection Damping provides @. good accuracy b. starting torque on the meter pointer ©. counter torque to deflection torque 4. braking action on a meter pointer Moving Corl instruments are used 4. mac circuits only b. both 1m ac and de circuits ©. in de circuits only J. for measurina voltage only The number of coils in the meter of megger 1s a. one b. two c. three d. four What is the IEEE standard device number for Differential protective relay? a. 87 b. 61 c. 52 d. 51 ey-Foster bridge is specially designed to determine, a. the high resistance of the wire b. the internal resistance of the battery ©. the difference between two nearly equal resistances d. the emf of the voltage source When a H.V. ac circuit breaker is tested for endurance, it is tested for at least 4. 1000 opening-closing operations 5. 100 opening-closing operations € 10 opening-closing operations 4. 5 opening-closing operations A relay used for protection of metars against overload is a. impedance relay b. Electromagnetic attraction type ¢. Thermal relay 4. Buchholz's relay Which of the following is not valid in case of aluminum as compared to copper? Aluminum is higher a. resistivity 4. coefficient of linear expansion ¢. tensile strength d. joint resistance a. A a8. 1n vs0 A 19. the unidirectional b Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the answer for each item of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE ALLOWED. x A 10. the arc voltage produced in the circuit breaker is always ‘a. in phase with arc current b. leading the arc current by 9° ¢. lagging the arc current by 90 d. leading the arc current by 45° 1 11. The over voltage surges in poner system may be caused by a. Tightening b. switching c. resonance d. any of the above 1 12. The disadvantages offered by underground system is a. frequent arcing grounds b. difficult earth fault relaying ¢. voltage oscillations 4. all of the above 1D 13. which of the following circuit breaker can be installed on 400 kV Tine a. Tank type coil circuit breaker b. Miniature circuit breaker c. Vacuum circuit breaker d. Air blast circuit breaker 1414. If the power is zero, the active recovery voltage will be a. miniaum b. 0.5 c. 0.707 d. maxiaus f) 15-45 the force on contact is increased, the contact resistance will a. increase linearly . increase exponentially c. remain altered d. decrease DP 16. In a circuit breaker the time duratt from the instant of fault to the instant of closing of contact is knos as a. recycle time &. total time €. gross time d. reclosing time C 17. Mercury vapor rectifier converts into OC current. a. High voltage b. High AC current ¢. Either a or b Low voltage the power ranges from watts to __ watts. a. Few 2100's watts to 10's of mega », Matts Few 10's watts to 100's of mega watts c. Few 1 watts to 10°s watts d. None of the above ehavior of is called as 9 diode a. Rectification b. Amplification c. Modulation | d. Transmission of mega

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