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As a marketing consultant analyzing Coke's "Happiness Machine" campaign, I will delve into
its effectiveness in reaching and connecting with teenagers, a notoriously difficult

Coca-Cola, a global beverage giant, sought to strengthen its connection with teenagers,
particularly for its flagship Coke product, while staying cost-effective. Recognizing the
limitations of traditional advertising and teenagers' social media habits, Coke opted for a
digital social media campaign.

Main Issue
Despite the campaign's success in terms of global reach and positive sentiment, the case
reveals a key challenge: how to encourage teenagers to share the viral "Happiness Machine"
video, further amplifying its reach and brand connection.
Critical Variables

1. Teenager sharing behavior: Teenagers are cautious about sharing content online,
fearing disapproval from peers. They often use the social currency of popular friends
to validate their choices.
2. Content characteristics: The content needs to be engaging, shareable, and relevant to
teenagers' interests.
3. Campaign platform: Choosing the right platform is crucial for reaching teenagers and
facilitating sharing.

Alternative Courses of Action

1. Leverage influencers: Partner with relevant and popular social media influencers who
resonate with teenagers. These influencers can organically share the video, increasing
its reach and credibility among their followers.
2. Create shareable derivatives: Develop engaging content formats like memes, gifs, or
challenges inspired by the "Happiness Machine" video. This can incentivize teenagers
to create and share their own versions, expanding reach and engagement.
3. Integrate social sharing features: Integrate seamless social sharing options within the
video itself and any accompanying campaign materials. This can make sharing
effortless and encourage it among viewers.

As a marketing consultant, I recommend a combined approach utilizing all three courses of
action. Partnering with relevant social media influencers can provide initial reach and social
validation. Simultaneously, creating shareable derivatives like memes or challenges can
leverage user-generated content and organic sharing. Finally, ensuring seamless social
sharing features removes technical barriers and further encourages teenagers to share the
video with their networks.

Risk Analysis and Contingency Plan

Even with a combined approach, there is a risk that teenagers may still be hesitant to share
widely. The trigger for the contingency plan would be insufficient organic sharing among
the target audience.

Contingency plan:

1. Refine influencer selection: Analyze influencer engagement metrics and their

audience demographics to ensure they resonate with the target audience.
2. Optimize shareable derivatives: Analyze user engagement with the different formats
and adapt the content based on what resonates best with teenagers.

In conclusion, while the "Happiness Machine" campaign effectively generated positive brand
sentiment and global reach, overcoming teenagers' cautious sharing behavior remains a key
challenge. By implementing a combined approach of influencer marketing, shareable content
creation, and seamless sharing features, Coke can encourage wider organic sharing, further
amplifying the campaign's impact and strengthening its connection with teenagers. This
approach requires continuous monitoring and adaptation based on user behavior to ensure its

Analyzing the Challenge of Teenager Sharing in Coke's "Happiness Machine" Campaign
This case study highlights the success of Coca-Cola's "Happiness Machine" campaign in
generating positive brand sentiment and achieving global reach. However, a critical
challenge remains: how to encourage teenagers, a notoriously cautious demographic when it
comes to online sharing, to spread the viral video further. This analysis will explore a
comprehensive approach to address this challenge.

Understanding Teenager Sharing Behavior

Teenagers navigate a complex social landscape online. Fear of peer disapproval is a significant
deterrent to sharing content [3]. They often rely on the social validation provided by their
more popular friends [4]. This behavior necessitates a strategic approach that bypasses these
anxieties and leverages the power of social influence.

A Multi-Faceted Approach
To encourage wider sharing of the "Happiness Machine" video, a combined approach is
recommended. Here's a detailed breakdown of each element:

Leveraging Influencer Marketing: Partnering with relevant social media influencers who
resonate with teenagers can be a powerful tool. Influencers who have already established
trust and connection with their audience can organically share the video, lending it
credibility and reaching a wider audience. This strategy aligns with the concept of social
validation teenagers seek [4]. For instance, Coke could collaborate with YouTubers or
TikTok creators popular among teenagers to create engaging content around the "Happiness
Machine" video, incorporating it into their existing videos or creating reaction videos.

Creating Shareable Derivatives: Go beyond the original video and develop content formats
that are inherently shareable and cater to teenagers' interests. Consider creating memes, gifs,
or even challenges inspired by the "Happiness Machine" concept. This approach taps into the
trend of user-generated content and encourages teenagers to participate by creating and
sharing their own versions. Platforms like TikTok are particularly well-suited for such
challenges, where users can create and share short videos inspired by the original content.

Integrating Seamless Social Sharing Features: Make sharing effortless. Ensure the video and
any accompanying campaign materials have built-in social sharing options. This can be as
simple as prominent "share" buttons across various social media platforms. Removing
technical barriers can significantly increase the likelihood of teenagers sharing the video
with their networks.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a viral social media campaign in 2014, exemplifies the
effectiveness of a combined approach. Social media influencers like athletes and celebrities
participated in the challenge, generating significant buzz. The challenge format, dumping a
bucket of ice water on oneself, was easily replicated and shared by users, further amplifying
the campaign's reach [1].

By implementing this multi-faceted approach, Coke can address the challenge of teenager
sharing behavior. Partnering with relevant influencers provides initial reach and validation,
while shareable derivatives encourage user-generated content and organic sharing. Finally,
seamless social sharing features remove technical hurdles. However, this approach requires
continuous monitoring and adaptation. Analyzing user engagement with the influencer
partnerships, the different shareable content formats, and the effectiveness of the sharing
features will allow Coke to refine its strategy and maximize the campaign's impact on

1. Breuer, J. (2014, August 21). Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Went Viral.
2. eMarketer. (2009, July 30). How the Old, the Young and Everyone in Between Uses
Social Networks.
3. Fredman, B. (2018, February 21). Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018. Pew
Research Center.
4. Dispensing Happiness: How Coke Harnesses Video to Spread Happiness. (M-335).
Stanford Graduate School of Business. (2010, June 9). [Case Study]

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