The Link Among X-Ray Spectral Properties, AGN Structure and The Host Galaxy

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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no.

IFCA_paper_nobold ©ESO 2024

January 2, 2024

The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the
host galaxy
G. Mountrichas1 , A. Viitanen2, 1, 3 , F. J. Carrera1 , H. Stiele4, 5 , A. Ruiz6 , I. Georgantopoulos6 , S. Mateos1 , A. Corral1

Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria), Avenida de los Castros, 39005 Santander, Spain e-mail:
INAF–Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, 00040 Monteporzio Catone, Italy
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, PO Box 64, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland
Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Wilhelm-Johnen-Straße, 52428 Jülich, Germany
Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101 Sect. 2 Kuang-Fu Road, 30013, Hsinchu, Taiwa
arXiv:2401.00045v1 [astro-ph.GA] 29 Dec 2023

National Observatory of Athens, Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, Ioannou Metaxa
and Vasileos Pavlou GR-15236, Athens, Greece
January 2, 2024


In this work, we compare the supermassive black hole (SMBH) and host galaxy properties of X-ray obscured and unobscured AGN.
For that purpose, we use ∼ 35 000 X-ray detected AGN in the 4XMM-DR11 catalogue for which there are available measurements for
their X-ray spectral parameters, such as the hydrogen column density, NH , and photon index, Γ, from the XMM2Athena Horizon 2020
European project. We construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the sources and we calculate the host galaxy properties via
SED fitting analysis, utilising the CIGALE code. We apply strict photometric requirements and quality selection criteria to include
only sources with robust X-ray and SED fitting measurements. Our sample consists of 1 443 AGN. In the first part of our analysis, we
use different NH thresholds (1023 cm−2 or 1022 cm−2 ), taking also into account the uncertainties associated with the NH measurements,
to classify these sources into obscured and unobscured (or mildly obscured). We find that obscured AGN tend to live in more massive
systems (by ∼ 0.1 dex) that have lower SFR (by ∼ 0.25 dex) compared to their unobscured counterparts. However, only the difference
in stellar mass, M∗ , appears statistically significant (> 2σ). The results do not depend on the NH threshold used to classify AGN. The
differences in M∗ and SFR are not statistically significant for luminous AGN (log (LX,2−10 KeV /erg s−1 ) > 44). Our findings also show
that unobscured AGN have, on average, higher specific black hole accretion rates, λ sBHAR , compared to their obscured counterparts, a
parameter which is often used as a proxy of the Eddington ratio. In the second part of our analysis, we cross-match the 1 443 X-ray
AGN with the SDSS DR16 quasar catalogue to obtain information on the SMBH properties of our sources. This results in 271 type 1
AGN, at z < 1.9. Our findings show that type 1 AGN with increased NH (> 1022 cm−2 ) tend to have higher black hole masses, MBH ,
compared to AGN with lower NH values, at similar M∗ . The MBH /M∗ ratio remains consistent for NH values below 1022 cm−2 , but it
exhibits signs of an increase at higher NH values. Finally, we detect a correlation between Γ and Eddington ratio, but only for type 1
sources with NH < 1022 cm−2 .
1. Introduction tion is then re-emitted at longer (infrared) wavelengths. In the
context of this model, an AGN is classified as obscured or un-
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are powered by accretion onto the obscured, depending on the inclination of the line of sight with
supermassive black hole (SMBH) that is located in the centre of respect to the symmetry axis of the accretion disk and torus.
most, if not all, galaxies. It is well known that AGN and their When the AGN is observed edge-on the source is characterised
host galaxies co-evolve. This co-eval growth is manifested in as obscured, while it is classified as unobscured when the AGN
a number of ways. For instance, strong correlations have been is viewed face-on. Recent investigations have proposed a more
found between the mass of the SMBH, MBH , and various galaxy intricate structure for AGN to account for the diverse classifica-
properties, such as the bulge or stellar mass, M∗ , and the stellar tions observed at different wavelengths, such as X-ray versus op-
velocity dispersion of galaxies (e.g., Magorrian et al. 1998; Fer- tical classifications (e.g., Ogawa et al. 2021; Esparza-Arredondo
rarese & Merritt 2000; Häring & Rix 2004). Moreover, both the et al. 2021). Advanced techniques like infrared interferometry
AGN activity and the star formation are fed by the same material have enabled detailed examinations of the inner regions of AGN,
(cold gas) and peak at similar cosmic times (z ∼ 2; e.g., Boyle unveiling complexities within the torus and challenging the con-
et al. 2000; Sobral et al. 2013). Thus, for the purpose of under- ventional notion of a simple, smooth toroidal model (e.g., Tris-
standing galaxy evolution, it is important to shed light on the tram et al. 2007). Studies focusing on short timescale variability
structure of AGN, to elucidate the physical mechanism(s) that in X-ray column density have identified fluctuations, indicating
feed the central SMBH and to study the AGN feedback. dynamic changes in the distribution of obscuring material (e.g.,
One important aspect of this pursuit it to decipher the phys- Marinucci et al. 2016). While the presence of clumps in the torus
ical difference between obscured and unobscured AGN. Ac- contributes to the diversity of observed AGN types and offers
cording to the unification model (e.g., Urry & Padovani 1995; valuable insights into the accretion processes around SMBHs,
Nenkova et al. 2002; Netzer 2015), AGN are surrounded by a according to the unification model, the inclination angle remains
dusty gas torus structure that absorbs radiation emitted from the the pivotal factor for distinguishing between obscured and unob-
SMBH and the accretion disc around it. This absorbed radia- scured AGN.

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A&A proofs: manuscript no. IFCA_paper_nobold

An alternative interpretation of the AGN obscuration comes XMM2Athena1 project. The 4XMM-DR11 dataset proves ad-
from the class of the evolutionary models. In this case, the dif- vantageous for our investigations owing to its extensive collec-
ferent AGN types are attributed to SMBH and their host galaxies tion of X-ray sources detected by the XMM-Newton observa-
being observed at different phases. The main idea of these mod- tory. The utilization of XMM-Newton is particularly beneficial
els is that obscured AGN are observed at an early phase, when due to its high sensitivity and spatial resolution, allowing for
the energetic output from the accretion disk around the SMBH the identification of faint and distant sources. Furthermore, the
is not strong enough and incapable of expelling the gas that sur- dataset demonstrates homogeneity, as the processed data within
rounds it. As material is accreted onto the SMBH, its energetic it adhere to a consistent processing methodology. Using the cal-
output becomes more powerful and eventually pushes away the culations for the spectral parameters, we classify sources into
obscuring material (e.g., Ciotti & Ostriker 1997; Hopkins et al. X-ray obscured and unobscured and compare their host galaxy
2006; Somerville et al. 2008). properties. We then cross-match the X-ray dataset with the Wu
Studying the two AGN populations can shed light on many & Shen (2022) catalogue that provides calculations for SMBH
different aspects of the AGN-galaxy interplay. An important step properties, such as MBH and Lbol , for SDSS quasars. This en-
towards this direction is to first understand what is the nature of ables us to compare the SMBH properties of the two AGN pop-
obscured and unobscured AGN. A popular approach to answer ulations. The paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2 the two
this question is to compare the host galaxy properties of the two aforementioned catalogues are described. Sect. 3, presents the
AGN types. If the different AGN populations live in similar en- spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting analysis followed to
vironments, this would provide support to the unification model, measure the host galaxy properties. The selection criteria and
whereas if they reside in galaxies of different properties, it would the final samples are described in Sect. 4. Our results and con-
suggest that they are observed at different evolutionary phases. clusions are presented in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we summarise the
main findings of this work.
Previous studies that compared the host galaxy properties
of obscured and unobscured AGN found conflicting results, de-
pending on the wavelengths used to identify AGN (optical, in- 2. Data
frared, X-rays) and the obscuration criteria applied to classify
sources. For X-ray selected AGN, when the source classifica- In this work, we used X-ray AGN included in the 4XMM-DR11
tion is based on optical criteria, for instance using optical spec- catalogue (Webb et al. 2020). 4XMM-DR11 is the fourth genera-
tra to identify broad and narrow emission lines, most studies tion catalogue of serendipitous X-ray sources from the European
have found that obscured AGN (type 2) tend to live in more Space Agency’s (ESA) XMM-Newton observatory. It has been
massive galaxies compared to their unobscured (type 1) coun- created by the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC) on
terparts. However, both AGN types live in systems with simi- behalf of ESA. The catalogue contains 319 565 detections with
lar levels of star formation (e.g., Zou et al. 2019; Mountrichas spectra in 11 907 observations. There are 100 237 (31.4%) detec-
et al. 2021a). When the classification is based on X-ray criteria, tions that are made in both detectors, 135 342 (45.5%) detections
though, for instance on the value of the hydrogen column den- that come solely from the pn detector and 73 986 (23.2%) detec-
sity, NH , some studies have not observed significant differences tions that are only from the MOS cameras.
in the host galaxy properties of obscured and unobscured AGN There are 210 444 sources that have available spectrum from
(e.g., Masoura et al. 2021; Mountrichas et al. 2021c), while other one or more detections. The process followed for the classifica-
studies found an increase of M∗ with NH (Lanzuisi et al. 2017). tion and fitting of these sources has been done within the frame-
Differences regarding both the M∗ and the stellar populations of work of the XMM2Athena project and is described in detail in
the two AGN classes have also been reported (Georgantopoulos Viitanen et al. (in prep.). In brief, the Tranin et al. (2022) cata-
et al. 2023). logue was used to classify the sources. In Tranin et al. (2022),
they used a reference sample constructed by cross-matching the
Another important aspect that can shed light on the struc-
Swift-XRT (2SXPS; Evans et al. 2020) sample and the data re-
ture of AGN is the study of the possible correlation between the
lease 10 of the XMM-Newton serendipitous dataset (4XMM-
X-ray spectral index, Γ, and the Eddington ratio, nEdd . nEdd is de-
DR10) with catalogues of identified AGN, stars and other X-
fined as the ratio of the AGN bolometric luminosity, Lbol , and the
ray source types (for more details, see their Table 2 and Sect.
Eddington luminosity, LEdd (LEdd = 1.26×1038 MBH /M⊙ erg s−1 ,
2.1.2). The 210 444 sources were cross matched with the Tranin
where MBH is the mass of the SMBH). The relation between
et al. (2022) catalogue, using a matching radius of 1′′ . The final
Γ and nEdd has been interpreted as the link between the accre-
number of sources with available classification is 92 238. Out of
tion efficiency in the accretion disk and the physical status of the
them, 76 610 are AGN, 14 308 are stars, 1 091 are X-ray binaries
corona. Due to the larger amount of optical and UV photons pro-
(XRBs) and 229 are cataclysmic variables (CVs).
duced by the accretion disc, the X-ray emitting plasma is more
efficiently cooled at higher nEdd (e.g., Vasudevan & Fabian 2007; For the X-ray sources classified as AGN, we calculated pho-
Davis & Laor 2011). Alternatively, a correlation between Γ and tometric redshifts for those with a reliable optical counterpart
nEdd could be explained by the significant dependence of the cut- in SDSS or PanSTARRS, following the methodology presented
off energy on the nEdd (for more details see Ricci et al. 2018). in Ruiz et al. (2018). In the case of SDSS sources with spec-
Apart from the physical interpretation of a possible correlation troscopic observations, the corresponding redshift was used in-
between Γ and nEdd , it is still not clear whether such a correla- stead. There are 35 538 AGN with available redshift (8 467 of
tion is robust or universal, since relevant studies have found con- them have spectroscopic redshift). A detailed presentation of
flicting results (e.g., Shemmer et al. 2008; Risaliti et al. 2009; this photometric redshift catalogue is presented in Ruiz et al. (in
Sobolewska & Papadakis 2009; Brightman et al. 2013; Trakht- prep.).
enbrot et al. 2017; Kamraj et al. 2022). The X-ray spectral analysis of these AGN was conducted
within the framework of the XMM2Athena project (Webb et al.
In this work, we utilize X-ray AGN from the 4XMM- 2023). Details of this analysis can be found in Viitanen et al.
DR11 catalogue, for which there are available measurements
for their X-ray spectral parameters, within the framework of the

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Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

(in prep.). In summary, a Bayesian spectral fit is performed with

the BXA tool (Buchner et al. 2014), that facilitates the connec-
tion between XSPEC, that is used for the analysis of the X-ray
spectral data (Arnaud 1996) and the nested sampling package
UltraNest (Buchner et al. 2021). An uninformative prior was
assigned to each parameter within the model, and the explo-
ration of the entire parameter space, with equal-weighted sam-
pling points, was carried out using the MLFriends algorithm
(Buchner 2019) implemented within UltraNest. UltraNest is
a Bayesian inference library designed for high-dimensional pa-
rameter estimation and model selection. UltraNest employs a
nested sampling algorithm that works by enclosing high likeli-
hood regions within a set of nested iso-likelihood contours. The
algorithm then successively samples from the prior within these
contours, effectively exploring the parameter space in a way
that efficiently allocates computational resources to regions of
higher likelihood. This makes nested sampling particularly ef-
fective for problems with multiple modes, as it naturally discov-
ers and characterizes these modes. As part of the fitting process,
the empirical background model in the bxa.sherpa.background Fig. 1: Example of a source spectrum and model fit (left panels),
module was utilised. This model has two parts. One part models including the background modeling (right panels) for the PN (top
the detector background and contains the contribution of lines panels) and MOS (bottom panels).
and is not folded through the instrumental response. The sec-
ond part accounts for emission of the cosmic X-ray background
and X-ray emission of the local hot bubble and Galactic halo. in the data release 16 of SDSS (DR16Q), measured from op-
The background model, which is made up of a mixture of power tical spectroscopy. The quasars span a range of 0.1 ≤ z ≤ 6
laws, Gaussian lines and thermal emission components, is fit- and 44 ≤ log (Lbol /erg s−1 ) ≤ 48. Lbol were calculated using
ted in a multi-step process to the background spectrum with an the measured continuum luminosity at rest-frame wavelengths
increasing complexity of the model in each step, and with the pa- of 5100 Å, 3000 Å and 1350 Å, depending on the redshift of the
rameters of the previous steps constrained within a narrow range source (for more details see Sect. 4.1 in Wu & Shen 2022). The
of the best-fit value obtained in the previous step. A χ2 test is catalogue also includes single-epoch virial MBH . MBH have been
used to estimate the goodness of fit of the background spectra. calculated adopting the fiducial recipes on H β (for sources with
p − values were then obtained based on the χ2 values and the z < 0.7) or the Mg ii (for sources with 0.7 ≤ z < 1.9) lines. At
number of effective parameters. higher redshifts the C iv line was measured. These MBH and Lbol
For the fitting of the source X-ray spectrum, a powerlaw with were used to calculate the nEdd .
two absorbing media was used: the local Galactic absorption The default redshifts in DR16Q are mostly based on the red-
with column density fixed to the total column density in that shifts derived by the SDSS pipeline Bolton et al. (2012). Lyke
line of sight, plus in-situ absorption at the AGN redshift with et al. (2020) also visually inspected a small fraction of quasars
free column density. For the free parameters of the model, the and updated their default redshift in DR16Q with visual red-
following priors are applied: logfX ∈ −17, −7 (erg/s/cm2 ), Γ ∈ shifts. In the catalogue provided by Wu & Shen (2022), they
0, 6, log NH ∈ 20, 26 (cm−2 ), and IIN (normalisation) ∈ 0, 5, presented improved systemic redshifts, using the measured line
where fX and IIN are the X-ray flux and the inter-instrument nor- peaks and correcting for velocity shifts of various lines with re-
malization (in the case of PN and MOS detections), respectively. spect to the systemic velocity (for more details see their Sect.
To quantify the goodness of fit, a p − value is provided in the cat- 4.2).
alogue. Its calculation is described in detail in Viitanen et al. (in
prep.). For each free parameter the catalogue includes the me-
3. Calculation of the host galaxy properties
dian, mode values, the 5 and 95 per cent percentiles as well as
the values that encompass the narrowest 90% interval (taken as For the calculation of the SFR and M∗ of the AGN host galax-
the uncertainty of the mode). The parameters used in our analy- ies, we applied spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, using
sis are the mode values of NH , Γ and the fluxes (calculated in the the CIGALE algorithm (Boquien et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2020,
2-10 keV energy band). Using these estimated parameters, the 2022). CIGALE allows the inclusion of the X-ray flux in the fit-
X-ray luminosities, LX , are calculated after correcting for the fit- ting process and has the ability to account for the extinction of
ted intrinsic absorption. We opted for mode values because they the UV and optical emission in the poles of AGN (Yang et al.
are the most probable values of the distribution, capturing better 2020; Mountrichas et al. 2021b,a; Buat et al. 2021).
than the median the cases in which they are closer to the edges We used the same templates and parametric grid in the SED
of the sampled interval. It is important to highlight that this se- fitting process as those used in recent works (Mountrichas et al.
lection, however, does not impact the overall results and conclu- 2021c, 2022c,a; Mountrichas & Shankar 2023; Mountrichas
sions of our study. An example of a source spectrum and model et al. 2023a). In brief, the galaxy component was modelled using
fit, including the background modeling is presented in Fig. 1. a delayed SFH model with a function form SFR ∝ t × exp(−t/τ).
One goal of this study is to compare the SMBH properties A star formation burst was included (Małek et al. 2018; Buat
of X-ray obscured and unobscured AGN. To add this informa- et al. 2019) as a constant ongoing period of star formation of
tion to our sources, we cross-matched the 35 538 with the Wu 50 Myr. Stellar emission was modelled using the single stellar
& Shen (2022) catalogue. This catalogue includes the contin- population templates of Bruzual & Charlot (2003) and was at-
uum and emission line properties for 750 414 broad-line quasars tenuated following the Charlot & Fall (2000) attenuation law. To
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Table 1: Models and the values for their free parameters used by CIGALE for the SED fitting.

Parameter Model/values
Star formation history: delayed model and recent burst
Age of the main population 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 12000 Myr
e-folding time 300, 1000, 3000, 7000, 10000 Myr
Age of the burst 50 Myr
Burst stellar mass fraction 0.0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15
Simple Stellar population: Bruzual & Charlot (2003)
Initial Mass Function Chabrier (2003)
Metallicity 0.02 (Solar)
Galactic dust extinction
Dust attenuation law Charlot & Fall (2000) law
V-band attenuation AV 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4
Galactic dust emission: Dale et al. (2014)
α slope in dMdust ∝ U −α dU 2.0
Torus optical depth at 9.7 microns τ9.7 3.0, 7.0
Torus density radial parameter p (ρ ∝ r−p e−q|cos(θ)| ) 1.0
Torus density angular parameter q (ρ ∝ r−p e−q|cos(θ)| ) 1.0
Angle between the equatorial plan and edge of the torus 40◦
Ratio of the maximum to minimum radii of the torus 20
Viewing angle 30◦ (type 1), 70◦ (type 2)
AGN fraction 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.99
Extinction law of polar dust SMC
E(B − V) of polar dust 0.0, 0.2, 0.4
Temperature of polar dust (K) 100
Emissivity of polar dust 1.6
X-ray module
AGN photon index Γ 1.8
Maximum deviation from the αox − L2500Å relation 0.2
LMXB photon index 1.56
HMXB photon index 2.0

Notes. For the definition of the various parameter, see section 3.

model the nebular emission, CIGALE adopts the nebular tem- all these AGN also have W3 measurements available. For these
plates based on Villa-Velez et al. (2021). The emission of the sources we apply SED fitting, using the templates and parameter
dust heated by stars was modelled based on Dale et al. (2014), space described in Sect. 3.
without any AGN contribution. The AGN emission was included
using the SKIRTOR models of Stalevski et al. (2012, 2016). To restrict our analysis of sources to those with the most reli-
CIGALE has the ability to model the X-ray emission of galaxies. able host galaxy measurements, we excluded badly fitted SEDs.
In the SED fitting process, the intrinsic LX in the 2−10 keV band For that purpose, we considered only sources for which the re-
were used. The parameter space used in the SED fitting process duced χ2 , χ2r < 5. This value has been used in previous studies
is shown in Table 1. (e.g. Masoura et al. 2018; Buat et al. 2021; Mountrichas et al.
2022c,a; Koutoulidis et al. 2022; Pouliasis et al. 2022) and is
based on visual inspection of the SEDs. This requirement is
4. Selection criteria and final samples met by 78% of the sources. To further exclude systems with
unreliable measurements of the host galaxy properties, we ap-
From the 35 538 AGN available in our catalogue, we used those ply the same method presented in previous studies (e.g. Moun-
with flag = 0, provided by the catalogue produced by the trichas et al. 2021c,a; Buat et al. 2021; Koutoulidis et al. 2022;
XMM2Athena. A detailed description of the flag numbering is Mountrichas et al. 2023a). This method is based on a compar-
given in Viitanen et al. (in prep.). In brief, sources with flag = 0 ison between the value of the best model and the likelihood-
have background and source fits with a p − value > 0.01, which weighted mean value calculated by CIGALE. Specifically, in our
is the threshold used to classify a fit as acceptable. There are analysis, we only consider sources with 51 ≤ SFR SFRbest
≤ 5 and
29 509 AGN that meet this criterion. In our analysis, we need 1 M ∗,best

reliable estimates of the host galaxy properties via SED fitting 5 ≤ M∗,bayes ≤ 5, where SFRbest and M∗,best are the best-fit values
measurements. Therefore, we required all our X-ray AGN to of SFR and M∗ , respectively, and SFRbayes and M∗,bayes are the
have available photometry from SDSS or Pan-STARRS, 2MASS Bayesian values estimated by CIGALE. The SFR and M∗ cri-
and WISE in the following bands: (u), g, r, i, z, (y), J, H, K, W1, teria are met by 88% and 97% of the sources. Previous studies
W2, and W4 (e.g., Mountrichas et al. 2021a,c; Buat et al. 2021; have employed these ranges for the selection of reliable SFR and
Mountrichas et al. 2022c,a). There are 2,501 AGN that fulfil M∗ estimations, leveraging the CIGALE code (e.g., Mountrichas
these requirements. We note that, although we did not require it, et al. 2021a,c; Buat et al. 2021; Mountrichas et al. 2022c,a,b;
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Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

2.0 NH = 1023 cm 2, z < 0.7

1.5 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
1.0 0.7 no. of unobscured: 1115 0.7

0.5 no. of obscured: 34

0.0 p-value: 0.10
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.6 unobscured AGN 0.6
46.5 46.5 obscured AGN
46.0 46.0
0.5 0.5

45.5 45.5 0.4 0.4

10keV(ergs 1)]

45.0 45.0
0.3 0.3
44.5 44.5

0.2 0.2

44.0 44.0

43.5 43.5 0.1 0.1

43.0 43.0
0.0 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
0.0 0.2
0.4 log[SFR(M yr 1)]

Fig. 2: Distribution of the 1 443 X-ray AGN in the LX −redshift NH = 1023 cm 2, z < 0.7
9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0
no. of unobscured: 1115
1.0 no. of obscured: 34 1.0
p-value: 0.02
unobscured AGN
0.8 obscured AGN 0.8
Koutoulidis et al. 2022; Pouliasis et al. 2022; Mountrichas &
Shankar 2023; Mountrichas et al. 2023b). Mountrichas et al. 0.6 0.6

(2021c), explored variations in the range, considering 0.1 − 0.33

for the lower limit and 3 − 10 for the upper limit. They affirmed
that the outcomes remained insensitive to the specific choice of 0.4 0.4
these limits. In our study, we validate this observation by inves-
tigating the impact of varying these boundaries within the spec- 0.2 0.2
ified limits. Our findings indicate that such variations result in
a dataset size change of less than 5%, underscoring that they
do not introduce significant alterations to our overall results and 0.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 0.0
conclusions. log[M * (M )]

We also restrict the sample used in our analysis to sources Fig. 3: Host galaxy properties of X-ray obscured (red, dashed
with z < 1.9. The reason is twofold. Our dataset does not in- line histograms) and unobscured AGN (blue shaded histograms).
clude obscured sources at higher redshifts and MBH measure- Sources are classified as obscured, when the lower limit of their
ments available in the Wu & Shen (2022) catalogue are not reli- NH value is higher than 1023 cm−2 . We classify AGN as unob-
able at z > 1.9 (i.e., MBH calculated using the C iv broad-line are scured if the upper limit of their NH value is below 1023 cm−2 .
considered less reliable). Finally, we excluded sources for which The top panel presents the SFR distributions of the two AGN
their redshift in the XMM dataset differs more than 0.1 compared populations. The bottom panel shows their M∗ distributions. The
to the redshift quoted in the Wu & Shen (2022) catalogue (16 number of sources and the p − values obtained by applying a
AGN were excluded from this criterion). This threshold is deter- KS test, are shown in the legend of the plots. Distributions are
mined by considering that during the process of SED fitting, red- weighted based on the redshift and LX of the sources.
shift values are rounded to the nearest tenth decimal place. We
note that no filtering has been applied regarding the uncertainties
associated with the photometric redshifts available in our cata- 5. Results and Discussion
logue. The vast majority of sources with erroneous photomet-
ric redshifts will result in poor SED fits and, consequently, be In this section, we compare the properties of host galaxies (SFR,
excluded by the SED quality criteria previously described. Fur- M∗ ) and SMBHs (nEdd ) of X-ray obscured and unobscured
thermore, we conducted an investigation to determine whether AGN. We also study the Lbol −MBH and MBH −M∗ relations as
our results were impacted when restricting the analysis solely a function of X-ray obscuration (NH ). Finally, we investigate the
to AGN with spectroscopic redshifts, which is discussed in the relation between the powerlaw slope (Γ) of the X-ray spectral
following section. model with nEdd .

There are 1 443 X-ray AGN that fulfil these criteria. Out of 5.1. Host galaxy properties of X-ray obscured and
these sources 1 231 lie at z < 0.7 and 212 at 0.7 ≤ z < 1.9. This unobscured AGN
sample is used in the analysis presented in sections 5.1 and 5.2.
From the 1 443 AGN, 344 are also included in the Wu & Shen In this part of our analysis, we use the 1 443 AGN that meet the
(2022) catalogue. Out of them, 271 are at z < 1.9. These 271 criteria described in Sect. 4. Their distribution in the LX −redshift
AGN are used in our analysis presented in Sect. 5.3. plane is presented in Fig. 2. First, we split the sources into X-ray
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NH = 1022 cm 2, z < 0.7 NH = 1023 cm 2, z < 0.7

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 0 1
0.6 no. of unobscured: 965 0.6 no. of unobscured: 1115
no. of obscured: 130 1.0 no. of obscured: 34 1.0
p-value: 0.26 p-value: 0.00006
0.5 unobscured AGN 0.5 unobscured AGN
obscured AGN
0.8 obscured AGN 0.8
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6
0.3 0.3

0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2

0.0 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0.0 0.0 3 2 1 0 1 0.0

log[SFR(M yr 1)] log sBHAR

NH = 1022 cm 2, z < 0.7 NH = 1022 cm 2, z < 0.7

9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 3 2 1 0 1
no. of unobscured: 965 1.0 no. of unobscured: 965 1.0
1.2 no. of obscured: 130 1.2 no. of obscured: 130
p-value: 0.007 p-value: 0.0003
unobscured AGN 0.8 unobscured AGN 0.8
1.0 obscured AGN 1.0 obscured AGN

0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6


0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2

0.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 0.0 0.0 3 2 1 0 1 0.0
log[M * (M )] log sBHAR

Fig. 4: Similar as in Fig. 3, but using a limit of NH = 1022 cm−2 , Fig. 5: λ sBHAR distributions for obscured and unobscured AGN.
to classify AGN (taking into account the errors of the NH mea- The top panel presents the distributions using an NH thresh-
surements). old of 1023 cm−2 for the source classification. The bottom
panel presents the results using NH =1022 cm−2 to characterize
sources. In both cases, the errors of the NH measurements have
obscured and unobscured (or mildly obscured) AGN, using a NH been taken into account (see text for more details). Distributions
limit of 1023 cm−2 . Specifically, we used the lower and upper lim- are also weighted based on the redshift and LX of the sources.
its of the 90% confidence interval on the NH mode from the spec-
tral fitting analysis. An AGN was classified as obscured when the
lower limit of their NH value is higher than 1023 cm−2 . Similarly, to account for the different LX and redshift of obscured and un-
an AGN was identified as unobscured (or moderately obscured), obscured AGN. For that purpose, each source was assigned a
if the upper limit of its NH value is lower than 1023 cm−2 . Table weight, based on its LX and redshift, following the procedure de-
2 presents the number of sources classified. Then, we compared scribed in e.g., Mountrichas et al. (2019); Masoura et al. (2021);
the SFR and M∗ of the host galaxies of the two AGN popula- Mountrichas et al. (2021c); Buat et al. (2021); Mountrichas et al.
tions. The selection of classification criteria serves a dual pur- (2022b); Koutoulidis et al. (2022). Specifically, the weight was
pose. Firstly, it relies on recent research findings (Georgantopou- calculated by measuring the joint LX distributions of the two
los et al. 2023), which highlight that distinctions in the properties populations (i.e., we add the number of obscured and unosbcured
of SMBHs and their host galaxies between obscured and unob- AGN in each LX bin, in bins of 0.1 dex) and then normalise the
scured AGN tend to diminish when the NH value falls below the LX distributions by the total number of sources in each bin. The
threshold of NH < 23 cm−2 . Secondly, by taking into account the same procedure was followed for the redshift distributions. The
uncertainties associated with NH , the classification ensures that total weight that was assigned in each source was the product of
only firmly obscured and unobscured sources are categorised as the two weights. We made use of these weights in all distribu-
such, enhancing the reliability of the classification process. tions presented in the remainder of this section.
The results are presented in Fig. 3. We have restricted both Fig. 3, shows the distributions of unobscured (blue shaded
datasets to z < 0.7. This is because there are no AGN classified histograms) and obscured AGN (red, dashed line histograms).
as obscured using the criteria described above, at z > 0.7 in our The top panel presents the SFR distributions of the two AGN
dataset. We also note, that the distributions have been weighted classes. The (weighted) median log SFR of the unobscured and
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Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

obscured AGN is 0.82 and 0.57 respectively (Table 2). Applying tend to live in systems with older stars compared to unobscured.
a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test yields a p − value of 0.10 (also This is consistent with our finding for a lower SFR of heavily
shown in the legend of the plot). Similar p − values are obtained, obscured AGN hosts compared to unobscured, although in our
applying a Mann-Whitney (MW, p − value = 0.14) and Kuiper measurements the difference did not appear statistically signifi-
(p − value = 0.32) tests. Therefore, the difference of 0.25 dex cant.
does not appear statistically significant (two distributions differ Georgantopoulos et al. (2023) suggested that a possible
with a statistical significance of ∼ 2σ for a p − value of 0.05). cause for the discrepant results among previous studies could
The bottom panel of Fig. 3, shows the M∗ distributions of be the different NH thresholds used. Indeed, when they lowered
obscured (blue, shaded histogram) and unobscured (red, dashed the NH value used to classify their AGN, the statistical signifi-
line) AGN. The weighted median of the log M∗ is 10.86 and cance of the differences detected in the host galaxy properties of
10.95 for unobscured and obscured AGN, respectively. Although the two AGN classes was lower (see their Fig. 13). To verify this
the difference is small, it appears to be statistically significant hypothesis, we lowered the NH threshold utilised for our AGN
(Table 2). Specifically, the p − value derived from a KS-test is classification to NH = 1022 cm−2 , using the lower and upper lim-
0.02. Similar p − values are also obtained by applying MW- and its of NH specified at the outset of this section, and repeated the
Kuiper tests (< 0.05). We note that the (weighted) standard de- analysis. The findings are showcased in Fig. 4 and Table 2. Sim-
viations (SD) of the two populations are 11.22 (obscured) and ilar results were emerged as those presented in Fig. 3. Specifi-
11.13 (unobscured). The (weighted) 95% confidence intervals cally, obscured AGN tend to inhabit more massive systems (by
(CI) are 10.91 − 11.30 and 10.99 − 11.07, for the obscured and 0.12 dex) and have lower SFR (by 0.26 dex) compared to unob-
unobscured AGN, respectively. Therefore, based on our results, scured AGN. However, among these differences, only the vari-
obscured AGN tend to live in more massive systems and their ation in M∗ demonstrates statistical significance. It is observed
hosts have lower SFR compared to their unobscured counter- that the (weighted) standard deviation of the two populations is
parts. However, only the M∗ difference appears to be statistically 11.54 for the obscured AGN and 11.29 for the unobscured AGN.
significant. The (weighted) 95% confidence intervals are 11.10 − 11.40 for
Furthermore, we explored whether our outcomes are influ- the obscured AGN and 11.00 − 11.10 for the unobscured AGN.
enced by potential redshift evolution within the z < 0.7 redshift Nonetheless, if we ignore the errors of the NH measurements,
range encompassed by our dataset. For that purpose, we split effectively classifying AGN based solely on their NH values
the AGN sample into two redshift bins, using the median value without considering the limits of the measurements and we im-
of the z < 0.7 dataset (i.e., at z = 0.21). The results do not plement a threshold at NH = 1022 cm−2 , similar to what most
appear redshift dependent, since similar trends and p − values prior studies have used for AGN classification, we uncover a
were obtained. Additionally, we examined whether our findings marginally statistically significant different in the M∗ distribu-
might be sensitive to uncertainties associated with photometric tions of the two AGN types (p − value = 0.052) and no statis-
redshift estimates. To address this concern, we narrowed down tically significant difference in terms of the SFR distributions of
our analysis to include only sources with spectroscopic redshifts. the obscured and unobscured AGN.
We obtained similar results in this restricted subset. An alternative hypothesis proposed by Georgantopoulos
Most previous studies that examined the host galaxy proper- et al. (2023) is that the variations in results across different stud-
ties of X-ray obscured and unobscured AGN did not find (signifi- ies could be attributed to the diverse luminosity ranges cov-
cant) differences for the SFR and M∗ of the hosts of the two AGN ered by the respective samples. For instance, AGN in the Boötes
populations. Specifically, Masoura et al. (2021) and Mountrichas and XXM-XXL fields (Masoura et al. 2021; Mountrichas et al.
et al. (2021c) studied the SFR and M∗ of X-ray obscured and un- 2021c) probe higher luminosities compared to those probed by
obscured AGN at 0 < z < 3.5, using data from the XMM-XXL sources in the COSMOS field (Lanzuisi et al. 2017; Georgan-
and the Boötes fields, respectively, and concluded that both AGN topoulos et al. 2023). This is also true, when we compare the
classes live in galaxies with similar properties (see also Merloni results between studies that used X-ray and optical criteria to
et al. 2014). We note that the aforementioned studies did not ac- classify the AGN. The latter have either used sources in the
count for the uncertainties of the NH values and applied a lower COSMOS field (e.g., Zou et al. 2019) that, mainly, probe low
NH threshold (NH = 1021.5 cm−2 ) to classify their AGN. How- to intermediate LX AGN, or they have restricted their analy-
ever, Lanzuisi et al. (2017) studied AGN, at 0.1 < z < 4, in sis to low luminosity systems at low redshift (e.g., Mountrichas
the COSMOS field and found that the average NH shows a clear et al. 2021c). To examine this hypothesis, we restricted our X-
positive correlation with M∗ , but not with SFR. Studies that used ray dataset to luminous sources, by applying a luminosity cut at
optical criteria (e.g., optical spectra) to classify the AGN into log [LX (ergs−1 ) > 44] (at z < 0.7) and we classified AGN using
type 1 and 2 found that the two AGN types live in galaxies with an NH value of 1022 (using the lower and upper limits of NH )
similar SFR, but type 2 sources tend to reside in more massive and repeated the analysis. There are 17 luminous and obscured
systems by ∼ 0.3 dex, both at low redshift (z<1; Mountrichas and 223 luminous and unobscured AGN. We detected a differ-
et al. 2021c) and at high redshift (z<3.5; Zou et al. 2019). ence of 0.35 dex (based on the weighted median values) in the
More recently, Georgantopoulos et al. (2023) compared the SFR of the two AGN populations. Obscured AGN appear to live
stellar populations and M∗ , among others, of X-ray obscured in more massive systems compared to unobscured (by 0.06 dex).
and unobscured AGN host galaxies in the COSMOS field at However, none of these differences appears statistically signifi-
z ∼ 1, using NH = 1023 cm−2 , to classify their sources. Their cant (p − value = 0.52 and 0.17, for the SFR and M∗ , respec-
analysis showed that the distribution of M∗ of obscured AGN tively).
is skewed to higher M∗ compared to unobscured AGN. Specifi-
cally, they found that heavily obscured AGN live in galaxies that 5.2. Eddington ratio of X-ray obscured and unobscured AGN
have higher M∗ by 0.13 dex compared to unobscured sources.
Although the difference was small it was statistically significant The difference with the highest statistical significance reported
(p − value = 1.3 × 10−3 ). Their results are in excellent agreement by Georgantopoulos et al. (2023) was that between the nEdd
with our findings. They also found that heavily obscured AGN of obscured and unobscured sources (see e.g., their Table 3).
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Table 2: Weighted median values of SFR, M∗ and λ sBHAR for 1.50 NH < 1022
obscured and unobscured AGN, using different NH thresholds NH > 1022
for the source classification. The number of sources and the 1.00

p−values yielded by applying KS−tests, are also presented. 0.50
NH = 1023 cm−2 NH = 1022 cm−2 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
unobscured obscured unobscured obscured 46.5 NH < 1022 46.5 NH < 1022
number of AGN 1115 34 965 130 NH > 1022 NH > 1022
46.0 46.0
log SFR 0.82 0.57 0.93 0.67
45.5 45.5

10keV(ergs 1)]
p−value (SFR) 0.10 0.26
log M∗ 10.86 10.95 10.85 10.97 45.0 45.0

p−value (M∗ ) 0.02 0.007 44.5 44.5

log λ sBHAR -1.60 -1.71 -1.52 -1.73

44.0 44.0
p−vaule (λ sBHAR ) 0.00006 0.0003
43.5 43.5

43.0 43.0

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Prompted by their results, we examined this difference in our redshift N

dataset. For the dataset used in this part of our analysis, we do

not have available MBH and therefore nEdd measurements for our Fig. 6: X-ray luminosity, LX , as a function of redshift. AGN with
sources. Cross-matching our sample with the Wu & Shen (2022) log NH > 1022 cm−2 are marked in red circles, whereas sources
catalogue (see Sect. 2) in which there are available nEdd measure- with log NH < 1022 cm−2 are marked in blue triangles.
ments, would constrain our dataset to only broad line sources
and exclude narrow line AGN. In the next section, we exam-
1.50 NH < 1022
ine whether nEdd depends on NH (for broad line AGN). Here, NH > 1022
to include both broad and narrow line sources in our investiga- 1.00
tion, in place of nEdd , we examined the specific black hole ac-

cretion rate, λ sBHAR of obscured and unobscured AGN. λ sBHAR 0.50
is the rate of the accretion onto the SMBH relative to the M∗ of 0.00
the host galaxy. It is often used as a proxy of nEdd , in particu- 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
13.0 13.0
lar when MBH measurements are not available (e.g. Georgakakis NH < 1022
NH > 1022
NH < 1022
NH > 1022
et al. 2017; Aird et al. 2018; Mountrichas et al. 2021c; Pouliasis 12.5 12.5
et al. 2022). For the calculation of λ sBHAR the following expres-
sion was used (e.g., Aird et al. 2018): 12.0 12.0
log[M * (M )]

11.5 11.5

kbol LX,2−10 keV

λ sBHAR = M∗
, (1) 11.0 11.0
1.26 × 1038 erg s−1 × 0.002 M ⊙
10.5 10.5

where kbol is a bolometric correction factor, that converts the X-

10.00.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 10.00.0
ray luminosity to AGN bolometric luminosity. We adopted the redshift
0.2 0.4

value of kbol = 25 (e.g., Georgakakis et al. 2017; Aird et al.

2018; Mountrichas et al. 2021c, 2022c). Fig. 7: Stellar mass, M∗ , as a function of redshift. AGN with
Fig. 5 presents the λ sBHAR distributions of obscured and un- log NH > 1022 cm−2 are marked in red circles, whereas sources
obscured AGN, using different NH thresholds to classify sources, with NH < 1022 cm−2 are marked in blue triangles.
as indicated on top of each panel (taking into account the er-
rors on the NH measurements). All distributions are weighted
based on the LX and redshift of the sources. Table 2 presents the
(weighted) median log λ sBHAR of the obscured and unobscured same bolometric correction on LX to infer Lbol , as in this study.
AGN, for NH = 1023 cm−2 and NH = 1022 cm−2 . A difference of However, they have used MBH measurements derived by stellar
∼ 0.1 − 0.2 dex is found in the λ sBHAR values of the two pop- velocity dispersions, σ, that is they have utilised a different scal-
ulations. Specifically, obscured sources tend to have, on aver- ing relation compared to our work.
age, lower λ sBHAR compared to unobscured sources. Based on We conclude that obscured AGN tend to live in more mas-
the p − values derived using a KS-test, this different has a high sive systems compared to unobscured, at z < 0.7. The differ-
statistical significance, regardless of the NH limit used. Similar ence in M∗ is small (≈ 0.1 dex), but appears statistically signif-
p − values are found applying MW and Kuiper tests. icant. Obscured sources also live in hosts that have lower SFR,
Our results are in agreement with those reported in Georgan- by ≈ 0.25 dex, than unobscured, however, this difference is not
topoulos et al. (2023). We note that the difference we found ap- statistically significant (< 2 σ). Moreover, neither of these dif-
pears smaller compared to that presented in the aforementioned ferences appears to be statistically significant for luminous AGN
study (∼ 0.3 dex). As we have already pointed out, in our anal- (log [LX (ergs−1 ) > 44] and/or when less strict criteria are used
ysis we have used more strict criteria for the classification of for the source classification (i.e., errors on NH are ignored).
AGN as obscured and unobscured compared to those used in Based on our analysis, the difference between the two AGN pop-
Georgantopoulos et al. (2023). Moreover, in Georgantopoulos ulations, with the highest statistical significance is that regarding
et al. (2023), for the calculation of nEdd they have applied the the λ sBHAR , that is a proxy of the nEdd .
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Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

1.50 NH < 1022

NH > 1022
1.25 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
48 median Edd. ratio= 0.14 48 23.0

0.75 Lbol = LEdd

0.50 Lbol = 0.1LEdd
0.25 Lbol = 0.01LEdd 22.5
0.00 z<0.7
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 47 0.7 z 1.9 47
10.5 10.5
NH < 1022 22.0

log Lbol (erg/s)

NH > 1022

log [NH (cm 2)]

10.0 10.0

46 46
9.5 9.5
9.0 9.0
log[MBH (M )]

8.5 8.5 45 45 21.0

8.0 8.0

7.5 7.5
44 44
7.0 7.0 NH < 1022

6.50.00 6.5
NH > 1022
7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8
log[MBH (M )]
Fig. 8: Black hole mass, MBH , as a function of redshift. AGN Fig. 9: Lbol as a function of MBH . Different symbols corre-
with log NH > 1022 cm−2 are marked in red circles, whereas spond to different redshift intervals, as indicated in the leg-
sources with NH < 1022 cm−2 are marked in blue triangles. end. The lines correspond to Lbol =LEdd (black, dashed line),
Lbol = 0.1 LEdd (green, black line) and Lbol = 0.01 LEdd (red,
dotted line). Measurements are colour-coded based on the NH of
Table 3: p−values obtained from Spearman correlation analysis, each source.
assessing the correlations among LX , M∗ , MBH , and redshift.

NH < 1022 cm−2 NH > 1022 cm−2

p−value p−value
log LX -redshift 5 × 10−72 3 × 10−12 5.3.1. Lbol vs. MBH
log M∗ -redshift 2 × 10−43 6 × 10−4
log MBH -redshift 7 × 10 2 × 10−7
In Fig. 9, we plot the Lbol as a function of MBH . We chose
to plot the Lbol measurements that are available in the Wu &
Shen (2022) catalogue. We note, though, that their Lbol calcu-
lations are in excellent agreement with the Lbol measurements
from CIGALE. Specifically, the mean difference of the two cal-
5.3. Comparative analysis of SMBH characteristics, X-ray
culations is 0.04 dex (with a dispersion of 0.36) and thus this
spectral attributes and host galaxy properties
choice does not affect our results and conclusions. The lines cor-
respond to Lbol = LEdd (black, long-dashed line), Lbol = 0.1 LEdd
In the second part of our analysis, we examined the relations (green, solid line) and Lbol = 0.01 LEdd (red, dotted line). The
among Lbol , MBH and M∗ , as a function of the X-ray obscuration vast majority of our AGN lie between Eddington ratios of 0.01
(NH ). We also investigated the correlation between the power- to 1, with a median value of nEdd = 0.14), in agreement with
law slope, Γ, of the spectral model with the nEdd . For that pur- previous studies (e.g., Trump et al. 2009; Lusso et al. 2012; Sun
pose, we use the 271 X-ray AGN that are common between the et al. 2015; Suh et al. 2020; Mountrichas et al. 2023b). Different
XMM catalogue and the Wu & Shen (2022) catalogue (see Sect. symbols correspond to different redshift intervals, as indicated
4). Here and in the following (sub-) sections, we characterise as in the legend of the plot. The median value of nEdd is 0.09 and
AGN with high NH those sources with log NH ≥ 1022 cm−2 , us- 0.24, at z < 0.7 and 0.7 < z < 1.9, respectively.
ing the mode value of NH that is available in our catalogue (i.e.,
without using the lower and upper limits of NH ). There are 23
AGN with high NH values and 248 AGN with low NH values, in Furthermore, measurements in Fig. 9 are colour coded based
our dataset. The reason for using this threshold is that facilitates on the NH of the sources. Although the AGN sample used in
a better comparison with previous studies. Furthermore, we note this part of our analysis consists of type 1 sources, there are a
that characterising an AGN with high NH based on requiring the few AGN that present low levels of X-ray obscuration (NH ∼
lower limit of NH to be higher than 1023 cm−2 (1022 cm−2 ) would 1022 cm−2 ). It is known that X-ray and optical obscuration do not
result in 0 (7) sources. necessarily coincide and cases have been reported in the litera-
ture with type 1 AGN to present X-ray obscuration (e.g., Mateos
Fig. 6-8, present the distributions of LX , M∗ and MBH as a et al. 2005, 2010; Scott et al. 2011; Shimizu et al. 2018; Kam-
function of redshift, respectively, for the 271 X-ray AGN. All raj et al. 2019; Masoura et al. 2020). Regarding the nEdd values
three properties increase with redshift, regardless of the NH value of X-ray sources with high and low NH values, we do not find a
of the source. Spearman correlation analysis reveals that there is difference for the two AGN populations. Specifically, the median
significant correlation between LX , M∗ and MBH with redshift, values are nEdd = 0.12 and 0.15 for AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2
albeit these correlations appear higher in the case of sources with and AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 , respectively. A KS-test yields
NH < 1022 cm−2 (Table 3). We note that in this part of our anal- a p − value of 0.83 for the nEdd distributions of the two AGN
ysis, only broad-line (type 1) sources are included (see Sect. 2). classes.
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10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
10.5 10.5 23.0 0.0 0.0
--- median value = -2.630
10.0 10.0 0.5 z 1.9 0.5
22.5 1.0 1.0
9.5 9.5
1.5 1.5 22.5
log [MBH (M )]

9.0 9.0

log (MBH/M * )
2.0 2.0

log [NH (cm 2)]

log [NH (cm 2)]

8.5 8.5 21.5 2.5 2.5
3.0 3.0 21.5
8.0 8.0
21.0 3.5 3.5
p value(z 1.9): 3.5E-29 21.0
7.5 p value(z < 0.7): 0.002 7.5
p value(0.7 z 1.9): 0.01 4.0 4.0
20.5 20.5
7.0 z<0.7 7.0 4.5 4.5
0.7 z 1.9
6.510.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.06.5 5.00.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 5.0
log[M * (M )] redshift
Fig. 10: MBH as a function of M∗ . Different symbols corre- 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
spond to different redshift bins, as indicated in the legend. The
0.8 z 1.9 0.8
p − values obtained by applying a Spearman correlation analy- z<0.7
sis, for the full redshift range (z < 1.9), as well as, at low redshift 0.7 0.7 z 1.9 0.7
(z < 0.7) and high redshift (0.7 < z < 1.9) are also shown. Mea-
surements are colour-coded based on the NH of each source. 0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5

10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 0.4 0.4

10.5 10.5
0.3 0.3
10.0 10.0
0.2 0.2
9.5 9.5
0.1 0.1
log [MBH (M )]

9.0 9.0
0.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0
8.5 8.5 log(MBH/M * )

8.0 8.0 Fig. 12: MBH −M∗ ratio. The top panel presents the MBH −M∗
7.5 best-fit (NH < 1022) 7.5 ratio as a function of redshift and the bottom panel shows the
best-fit (NH > 1022) distributions of the MBH −M∗ ratio, at different redshift intervals.
7.0 NH < 1022 7.0
NH > 1022
6.510.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.06.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0
log[M * (M )] 0.0 0.0
best fit(NH < 1022)
0.5 best fit(NH > 1022) 0.5
Fig. 11: MBH as a function of M∗ , for sources with log NH > 1.0 NH > 1022 1.0
1022 cm−2 (red circles) and sources with log NH < 1022 cm−2 NH < 1022
(blue triangles). Different lines represent the best fits of the dif- 1.5 1.5
log (MBH/M * )

ferent subsets, as indicated in the legend. 2.0 2.0

2.5 2.5
5.3.2. MBH versus M∗ 3.0 3.0
3.5 3.5
Next, we examined the correlation between MBH and M∗ . The
results are presented in Fig. 10. A strong correlation was de- 4.0 4.0
tected between the two parameters. Applying a Spearman cor- 4.5 4.5
relation analysis, yields a p − value of 3.5 × 10−29 . A similar
5.020.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 5.0
value was found using Kendall correlation analysis (p − value =
8.1 × 10−26 ). Strong correlations between MBH and M∗ were also log[NH (cm 2)]
found when we split the dataset into two redshift intervals. The
p − values are shown in the legend of Fig. 10. In this case the Fig. 13: MBH /M∗ ratio as a function of NH .
correlations, although strong, were weaker compared to the cor-
relation found for our full sample. This can be attributed to the
narrower range of MBH and M∗ probed by the sources within
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Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

distinct redshift intervals compared to the sources encompassing

the entire redshift range (see Figures 7 and 8). To validate this 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
3.0 p value(z 1.9): 8.1E-07
3.0 23.0
conjecture, we employed the AGN dataset spanning the com-
p-value (z<0.7): 5.6E-10
plete redshift range (z ≤ 1.9), restricted the (log of) M∗ and MBH p value(0.7 z 1.9): 3.1E-03
ranges within 11.0 − 13.0 and 8.5 − 10, respectively (resembling 2.5 0.7 z 1.9 2.5 22.5
the intervals embraced by AGN residing within 0.7 ≤ z ≤ 1.9),

power law slope ( )

and carried out a Spearman correlation analysis. This procedure 22.0
2.0 2.0

log [NH (cm 2)]

resulted in a p−value of 0.008. Similarly, we obtained a p−value
of 6×10−4 by limiting the M∗ and MBH ranges to 10.0−11.5 and
7.0 − 9.5 (akin to the intervals pertinent to AGN existing within
z < 0.7). 1.5 1.5
Prompted by the results of Sarria et al. (2010), who exam- 21.0
ined three X-ray AGN at z = 1 − 2, with NH = 1022.5−23.0 cm−2
1.0 1.0
and observed that they were consistent with the local MBH −M∗ 20.5
relation, we colour coded the symbols in Fig. 10 based on the
NH values of the sources. We noticed that sources with increased 0.53.0
NH have higher MBH for similar M∗ compared to sources with 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.50.5
lower NH . This is better illustrated in Fig. 11, where we marked
differently AGN with NH values above and below 1022 cm−2 , as
indicated in the legend of the plot. The different lines in Fig. 11 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
3.0 p value(logNH < 22): 1.3E-06
indicate the best-fits for the various subsets, acquired through the
p value(logNH > 22): 4.7E-01
application of least-squares analysis. As mentioned above, AGN best-fit (total)
best fit(logNH < 22)
with higher NH values tend to have more massive black holes 2.5 best fit(logNH > 22) 2.5
compared to AGN with lower NH values, at similar M∗ , at least logNH < 22
power law slope ( ) logNH > 22
up to log [M∗ (M⊙ )] = 12.
We, also, examined the ratio of MBH /M∗ as a function of red- 2.0 2.0
shift. Based on the results presented in the top panel of Fig. 12,
the MBH /M∗ does not evolve with cosmic time up z < 2. The me-
dian log(MBH /M∗ ) value is found at -2.63. This value is in agree- 1.5 1.5
ment with most previous studies that measured the MBH /M∗ ratio
in the local Universe (e.g., -2.85 Häring & Rix 2004), as well as
1.0 1.0
at high redshifts (e.g., Suh et al. 2020; Mountrichas et al. 2023b).
The bottom panel of Fig. 12, presents the distributions of the
MBH /M∗ ratio, at different redshift intervals. The median value 0.53.0
of the MBH /M∗ ratio at z < 0.7 is -2.69 and at 0.7 < z < 1.9 is 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.50.5
-2.55. Application of KS-tests confirms that the distributions are lognEdd
similar (p − values > 0.9, among all redshift intervals).
The results that appear in the top panel of Fig. 12 are colour Fig. 14: Spectral photon index, Γ, as a function of nEdd . In the
coded based on the NH of the sources. Sources with higher NH top panel, different symbols correspond to different redshift in-
values seem to have higher MBH /M∗ ratio. To examine this fur- tervals, as indicated in the legend. The results are colour coded
ther, in Fig. 13, we plot the MBH /M∗ ratio as a function of NH . based on the NH values of the sources. The p−values obtained by
applying Spearman correlation analysis, are shown in the legend.
The blue line shows the best fit of the MMBH∗ −log NH relation for The bottom panel shows the same relation, for X-ray AGN with
log NH < 22 cm−2 , whereas the red line shows the best fit for NH > 1022 cm−2 (red circles) and AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2
log NH > 22 cm−2 . The blue line is nearly flat, with a slope of (blue triangles). The p − values for the Γ−nEdd correlation for
0.014 (standard error 0.079), that indicates that the MBH /M∗ ra- each AGN population is presented in the legend of the plot. The
tio is almost constant for AGN with log NH < 22 cm−2 . Hov- different lines correspond to the best-fits using the total AGN
ever, the best-fit for AGN with log NH > 22 cm−2 has a slope of sample (black, dashed line), AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2 (red,
0.69 (standard error 0.24), that indicates that the MBH /M∗ ratio solid line) and AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 (blue line).
increases with NH , for X-ray AGN with high NH values. Spear-
mann correlation analysis reveals a p−value = 0.06 for the corre-
lation between MMBH∗ −log NH for sources with log NH > 22 cm−2 , than the galaxy growth. This may suggest that the growth of the
which indicates a statistical significance of ∼ 2 σ. The median MBH occurs first, while the early stellar mass assembly may not
value of the log MBH /M∗ ratio is -2.40 and -2.66 for AGN with be so efficient (Mountrichas et al. 2023b).
NH > 1022 cm−2 and NH < 1022 cm−2 , respectively. We note,
though, that a larger number of sources with NH > 1022 cm−2 is
5.3.3. Powerlaw slope versus nEdd
required to formulate robust conclusions.
In the preceding sections, we observed that obscured AGN We also investigated if there is a correlation between the pow-
live, on average, in galaxies with higher M∗ compared to un- erlaw slope, Γ, of the X-ray spectral model and the nEdd . The
obscured. Moreover, obscured AGN tend to have higher MBH results are shown in the top panel of Fig. 14. A strong correla-
compared to their unobscured counterparts, at similar M∗ . When tion was found between Γ and nEdd (p − value = 8.1 × 10−7 ,
combined with the higher MBH /M∗ ratio within the AGN popu- both by applying a Spearman and a Kendall correlation analy-
lation displaying elevated NH values, assuming this holds true, sis). Although, the correlation between the two parameters was
it implies that the SMBH growth in the obscured phase is higher also strong when we split the dataset into two redshift intervals,
Article number, page 11 of 15
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NH > 1022 cm−2 , we opted to exclude these sources and repeated

the correlation analysis. However, even after this exclusion, we
median difference: 0.10 still did not observe a significant correlation between the two
1:1 parameters for sources with elevated NH values. It’s essential to
1 note, however, that this refinement in the analysis leaves us with
a considerably reduced sample size, comprising only ten AGN
with NH > 1022 cm−2 .
0 The X-ray spectral index is sensitive to the properties of the
log nEdd

accretion disk, such as temperature and ionization state. There-

fore, a correlation between the X-ray spectral index and nEdd
1 for AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 may imply that changes in the
accretion rate can alter the structure and properties of the accre-
tion disk, influencing the X-ray emission. The X-ray emission
is also associated with a hot, optically thin corona of electrons
above the accretion disk. The properties of the corona, such as
3 its temperature and optical depth, can impact the X-ray spec-
3 2 1 0 1 2 tral index. Thus, changes in the nEdd may lead to variations in
log s, BHAR the corona properties, affecting the X-ray spectrum. AGN with
NH < 1022 cm−2 allow for a clearer view of the inner regions
Fig. 15: nEdd vs. λ sBHAR for the 271 AGN that are common be- of the accretion disk and the corona. Furthermore, in AGN with
tween the XMM sample and the Wu & Shen (2022) catalogue. low NH , the more direct view of the accretion disk may allow for
a better determination of the Eddington ratio.
Additionally, we investigated if this lack of correlation be-
at 0.7 < z < 1.9 the p − value appears higher compared to the tween the two parameters for the AGN population with NH >
p − value obtained at z < 0.7 (see legend in the top panel of 1022 cm−2 is due to the small number of sources available. For
Fig. 14). This is, most probable, due to the different lines used that purpose, we randomly selected an equal number of AGN
for the calculation of the MBH and not a result of cosmic evolu- with NH < 1022 cm−2 to that with NH > 1022 cm−2 and we
tion. Risaliti et al. (2009) reported a strong correlation between measured the correlation between Γ and nEdd . After 500 repe-
the two parameters when the MBH was calculated using the H β titions of this process, we got a median p − value from Spear-
line and a weaker correlation when the MBH was measured us- man analysis of 0.047 (Kendall’s correlation analysis yields p-
ing the Mg ii line. There are only 12 sources in our dataset with value= 0.091). The p − value obtained for the simulated AGN
0.7 < z < 1.9, that have MBH calculations from both lines, there- with NH < 1022 cm−2 are about an order of magnitude lower
fore we could not test, in a robust manner, this hypothesis fur- compared to those obtained from the AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2 .
ther. We also split the dataset into high and low LX , by apply- This indicates that the lack of correlation between Γ and nEdd
ing a cut at log [LX (ergs−1 )] = 44. A strong correlation is found for AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2 is intrinsic and not due to their
both at high and low LX . Application of the Spearman corre- smaller sample size. This result aligns with the Comptonization
lation analysis gives p-values= 5.3 × 10−4 and 3.1 × 10−9 , for models, wherein variations in the accretion rate have a more pro-
log [LX (ergs−1 )] > 44 and log [LX (ergs−1 )] < 44, respectively. nounced impact on the soft spectral component (which gets lost
We, furthermore, examined if this correlation between Γ and in absorbed sources) compared to the hard power-law photon in-
nEdd holds for different NH values. The results are shown in the dex
bottom panel of Fig. 14. A strong correlation was found between As already note, λ sBHAR is often used as a proxy of nEdd .
Γ and nEdd for AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 . Application of the Lopez et al. (2023) used X-ray selected AGN in the miniJPAS
Spearman correlation analysis yields p − value = 1.35 × 10−6 footprint and found, among others, that the nEdd and λ sBHAR have
(p − value = 1.44 × 10−6 , applying Kendall’s correlation anal- a difference of 0.6 dex. They attributed this difference to the scat-
ysis). No correlation was found, though, for the AGN popula- ter on the MBH −M∗ relation of their sources. A difference be-
tion with NH > 1022 cm−2 (p − value = 0.47 and 0.53, from tween nEdd and λ sBHAR was also reported by Mountrichas & Buat
Spearman and Kendall correlation analysis, respectively). The (2023), albeit lower (∼ 0.25 dex), using AGN in the XMM-XXL
different lines shown in the Figure, represent the best fits of field. Fig. 15, presents the comparison between the two parame-
the Γ−nEdd relation, for the total AGN sample (black, dashed ters for the 271 X-ray AGN that are common between the XMM
line; Γ = 0.315× nEdd + 0.294), the AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 catalogue and the Wu & Shen (2022) catalogue. We find that
blue line; Γ = 0.306× nEdd + 2.303)) and for AGN with NH > overall there is a good agreement between nEdd and λ sBHAR , with
1022 cm−2 (red line; Γ = 0.083× nEdd + 1.565)). Similar results a median difference of 0.10 dex. We stress that this comparison
were obtained when we split the two AGN populations in two includes only broad line AGN. We also confirm that this differ-
redshift intervals, at z = 0.7. Furthermore, our observations hold ence does not depend on NH , at least up to NH = 1022.5−23 cm−2 ,
when considering the associated uncertainties of Γ and nEdd , by probed by our dataset.
utilizing the linmix module (Kelly 2007) that performs linear re- Since the nEdd measurements are in agreement with the
gression between two parameters, by repeatedly perturbing the λ sBHAR calculations, we then examined the correlation between
datapoints within their uncertainties. Γ and λ sBHAR . Similar results were found with those between Γ
It is worth pointing out that in Fig. 14 there are some sources and nEdd . Specifically, a strong correlation was found between
with non-physical values (Γ > 2.5 or Γ < 1.5). Although their the two parameters for AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 (p − value =
occurrence is relatively low among AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 2.8 × 10−3 ), but no correlation was detected for sources with
(15%), it becomes more pronounced (57%) for AGN with higher NH > 1022 cm−2 (p − value = 0.95). Prompted by these results,
NH values. To examine whether this might be influencing the we utilised the larger AGN dataset used in Sect. 5.1 (i.e., be-
absense of a correlation between Γ and nEdd for AGN with fore matching the XMM sources with the Wu & Shen 2022,
Article number, page 12 of 15
Mountrichas et al.: The link among X-ray spectral properties, AGN structure and the host galaxy

catalogue), to examine the correlation between Γ and λ sBHAR of the AGN. Our analysis demanded stringent selection crite-
for the two AGN populations. This allowed us to investigate ria to ensure that only AGN with dependable X-ray spectral and
the Γ − λ sBHAR relation using a significantly larger sample of SED fitting measurements were incorporated in our investiga-
obscured sources (130 AGN) that has been defined with more tion. There were 1 443 AGN that fulfilled these requirements.
strict criteria (i.e., taking into account the uncertainties asso- We, then, applied strict criteria using the NH values and their as-
ciated with NH ) and, more importantly, to include narrow-line sociated uncertainties to classify sources into obscured and un-
(type 2) AGN in our investigation. Spearman correlation analysis obscured and compare their SMBH and host galaxy properties.
yielded a p − value of 1.8 × 10−11 for AGN with NH < 1022 cm−2 Our main findings are the following:
and 0.31 for AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2 . We conclude that Γ and
nEdd are correlated at all redshift and LX probed by our dataset. • Obscured AGN tend to live in more massive systems (by
However, we do not detect such correlation for AGN with in- ∼ 0.1 dex) compared to unobscured. The difference, al-
creased NH values (NH > 1022 cm−2 ). though small, appears to be statistically significant. Obscured
Previous studies have found contradictory results regarding sources also tend to live in galaxies with lower SFR (by ∼
whether there is a correlation between Γ and nEdd . Shemmer 0.25 dex) compared to their unobscured counterparts, how-
et al. (2008) used 35, unabsorbed, type 1 radio quiet (RQ) AGN ever, this different is not statistically significant. The results
at z < 3.2 (25 out of the 35 sources were at z < 0.5) and found a do not depend on the NH threshold used to classify AGN
significant correlation between Γ and nEdd . They concluded that (NH = 1023 cm−2 or NH = 1022 cm−2 ), but the differences are
a measurement of Γ and LX can provide an estimate of nEdd and not statistically significant at high LX (log [LX (ergs−1 )] > 44)
MBH with a mean uncertainty of a factor of ≤ 3. Brightman et al. or if we disregard the errors associated with the NH measure-
(2013) used 69 RQ AGN in the COSMOS and ECDFS fields, at ments.
z < 2 and found a significant correlation between the X-ray spec- • Unobscured AGN have, on average, higher specific black
tral index and nEdd . However, based on their analysis, the scatter hole accretion rates (a proxy of the Eddington ratio) com-
of the Γ−nEdd relation is large and thus the relation is only suit- pared to unobscured sources. The difference is 0.1 − 0.2 dex
able for large samples and not for individual sources. We note, and appears to have a high statistical significance.
though, that the Lbol of their sources have been calculated fol-
lowing a mix of different methods (SED fitting and bolometric Furthermore, we cross-matched our dataset with the cata-
correction to the LX ) that may contribute to this scatter. Trakht- logue of Wu & Shen (2022) that includes measurements for the
enbrot et al. (2017) used 228 hard X-ray selected AGN from the MBH , Lbol and Eddington ratio, among others, for ∼ 750, 000
Swift/Bat AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS) and found a very QSOs from SDSS. There are 271 type 1 AGN common in the
weak, but statistically significant correlation between Γ and nEdd . two datasets, up to redshift of 1.9. We studied the nEdd and
Nonetheless, their MBH measurements come from several differ- MBH /M∗ ratio of the two AGN populations and we examined
ent methods (see their Sect. 2.3) and they reported that the cor- if there is a correlation between Γ and nEdd . Our main results are
relation was weaker or even absent within their different subsets. summarized as follows:
More recently, Kamraj et al. (2022) used 195 Seyfert 1 AGN
in the local Universe (z < 0.2) with NuSTAR and Swift/XRT • Type 1 AGN with NH > 1022 cm−2 tend to have higher MBH
or XMM observations. They studied the correlation between the compared to type 1 sources with lower NH values, at similar
X-ray spectral index and nEdd , using three models to fit the X- M∗ .
ray spectra of their sources. They found considerable scatter and • For type 1 AGN, the MBH /M∗ ratio is nearly constant with
no strong trend between Γ and nEdd for all spectral models they NH up to NH = 1022 cm−2 . However, our results suggest that
applied. They concluded that the Γ−nEdd may not be universal the MBH /M∗ ratio increases at higher NH values.
or robust and could vary with the choice of the sample, the lu- • A correlation is found between the spectral photon index, Γ,
minosity range probed and the energy range of X-ray data used and the Eddington ratio, nEdd , for type 1 AGN with NH <
in the analysis. We note, that their MBH estimates come from the 1022 cm−2 .
second data release of optical measurements from the BASS sur-
vey and are inferred using a compilation of different techniques The findings of our study indicate that the inconsistent results
(e.g., broad-line measurements from optical spectra, stellar ve- among previous studies regarding the host galaxy properties of
locity dispersions, reverberation mapping) which could increase obscured and unobscured AGN could be, mainly, due to the dif-
the scatter in the Γ−nEdd and weaken any possible correlation. ferent luminosities probed. Additionally, our analysis indicates
Combining the results of our analysis with those from pre- that during the obscured phase, SMBH growth exceeds that of
vious works, we conclude that caution has to be taken when the host galaxies, potentially implying a sequential growth pat-
compiling results from different studies that have used differ- tern where MBH develops first, while early stellar mass assembly
ent methods to measure the MBH and the Lbol . Furthermore, might not be as efficient. Furthermore, the disparities in previous
the correlation between Γ and nEdd may not be universal and research regarding the correlation between Γ and nEdd may also
could (also) depend on the level of the X-ray obscuration of the be partly attributed to differences in the fraction of obscured and
sources. unobscured AGN within the samples used in these previous stud-
6. Conclusions Acknowledgements. This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement
The parent sample of this work includes ∼ 35 000 X-ray AGN no. 101004168, the XMM2ATHENA project. This research has made use of data
included in the 4XMM-DR11 catalogue, for which there are obtained from the 4XMM XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue com-
available X-ray spectra fitting measurements. To measure the piled by the 10 institutes of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre selected by
ESA. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey V has been provided by the Al-
host galaxy properties of these sources, we matched them with fred P. Sloan Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the National Science
multiwavelength datasets and constructed their SEDs. Using the Foundation, and the Participating Institutions. SDSS acknowledges support and
CIGALE SED fitting algorithm, we calculated the SFR and M∗ resources from the Center for High-Performance Computing at the University

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