SQL Performance Counter - User Connections

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lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016 21:57:13

SQL Performance Counter - User Connections

Performance Counters EDIT Performance Counter Details EDIT

Buffer Manager Edit Application Monitor Unmanage Poll Now
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Real-Time Process Explorer Service Control Manager
Lazy Writes/sec Real-Time Event Log Viewer
Free list stalls/sec Name
User Connections
Status Up
Cache Used/Min
Cache Object Counts Current Value 2.00
Cache Objects in Use Group Connections
Component Type Custom Performance Counter Monitor
Page Splits/Batch Request
Page Reads/sec Expert Knowledge Definition:
The User Connections performance counter identifies the number of different users that are connected to your SQL Server at the time the
Page Writes/sec sample was taken.
Page Splits/sec Information:
Page Life Expectancy You need to watch this counter over time to understand your baseline user connection numbers. Since each user connection consumes
some memory space, a high number of user connections can impact throughput and cause a performance slow-down. Once you have an
Free Memory idea of your high and low thresholds during normal usage of your system, you can then look for times when this counter exceeds these
high and low marks.
Page Faults/sec
Possible problems:
Database Pages If the returned value of this counter goes down and the load on the system remains stable, you might have a bottleneck that is not
Page Lookups/Batch Request allowing your server to handle the normal load. Keep in mind that this counter value might go down just because less people are using
your SQL Server instance. If you see this number jump by 500% from your baseline, you may be seeing a slowdown of your server
Connections activity.

User Connections Remediation:

You may want to boost the SQL Server configuration setting, Maximum Worker Threads to a figure higher than the default setting of 255.
Logins/sec The setting for Maximum Worker Threads should be higher than the maximum number of user connections your server ever reaches.
User Connections EXPORT EDIT HELP
Active Sessions
Inactive Sessions
May 23 2016, 8:00 pm - May 30 2016, 9:57 pm
System Sessions
User Sessions Zoom 1h 12h 24h

Latches and Locks

Lock Requests/sec
Lock Waits/sec
Lock Timeouts/sec
Average Latch Wait Time
Average Lock Wait Time

Lock Wait Time
Total Latch Wait Time/Latch Waits
Memory 2.50

Total Server Memory

Target Server Memory
SQL Cache Memory 0.00
Lock Memory
Optimizer Memory
Connection Memory -2.50
Memory Grants Pending 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May

Workfiles Created/sec
Worktables Created/sec 24 May 26 May 28 May 30 May
Cache Hit Ratio
f Average User Connections
Available MBytes
g Min/Max User Connections
Page Usage
Granted Workspace Memory
Memory Grants Outstanding
Target - Total Server Memory
SQL Server
SQL Compilations/sec
Full Scans/sec
Batch Requests/sec
Longest Transaction Running Time
Probe Scans/sec
Range Scans/sec
Auto-Param Attempts/sec
Failed Auto-Params/sec
Plan Re-Use
Average Disk sec/Write
Average Disk sec/Read
Physical Disk Time
Forwarded Records/Batch Requests

Portions of the component monitor information used in the AppInsight for SQL feature are provided courtesy of other resources. These resources are listed in the copyright and attribution section at the beginning of the SAM Administrator's Guide.

Orion Platform 2015.1.3, DPA 10.0.1, QoE 2.0, IVIM 2.1.1, SAM 6.2.3 © 1995-2015 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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