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"The school objects"


1. Book Libro
2. Notebook Computadora portatil
3. Board Junta
4. Table Mesa
5. Chair Silla
6. Clock Reloj
7. Scissor Cortar con tigeras
8. Pen Boligrafo
9. Pencil Lapiz
10. Crayon Lapiz de color
11. Dictionary Diccionario
12. Paper Papel
13. Ruler Gobernante
14. Chalk Tiza
15. Door Puerta
16. Window Ventana
17. Computer Computadora
18. Folder Carpeta
19. Map Mapa
20. Glue stick Barra de pegamento
21. Pencil case Estruche
22. Pencil sharpener Sacapuntas
23. Calculator Calculadora
24. Flag Bandera
25. Eraser Borrador
26. Film proyector Proyecto de cine
27. Photocopy Fotocopia
28. Photocopier Fotocopiadora
29. Staple Grapa
30. Stapler Engrapadora
31. Garbage can Basura
32. Desk Escritorio
33. Cd player Reproductor de CD
34. CDs CD
35. Lunch box Caja de almuerzo
36. Schoolbag bolsa para la escuela
37. Backpack mochila
38. Briefcase maletin
39. Box of paints caja de pinturas
40. Hole punch Perforadora
41. Whiteout apagon.
42. Bulletin board tablón de anuncios
43. Flash cards Tarjetas didacticas
44. Pictures Fotos
45. Classroom Aula
46. Teacher Maestro
47. Student Alumno
48. Brushes Pinceles
49. High lighter Alto encendedor
50. Modelling clay Plastilina
51. Fan Admirador
52. Air conditioner Aire acondinado
53. Radio Radio
54. Marker Mercador
55. Bookshelf Estante para libros
56. Clip Acortar
57. Printer Impresora
58. Headphones Auriculares
59. Cassette Casete
60. Notepad Bloc
61. TV Televisor
62. Colored pencil Lápiz de color
63. Post it Públicalo
64. Textbook Libro de texto
65. Tape recorder Grabadora
66. Glove Guante

2) Complete using the vocabulary :

1) You can watch different programs on ___TV_________________

2) You can write and erase with a __ Eraser__________________

3) You see the time on the _____CLOK____________________

4) Sit in the ___Chair_______________

5) the ___Teacher_______________ is who teaches you

6) You use the __Calculating______________ in math classes

7) You can cut papers and objects with _Scissors___ Scissor________________

8) the teacher erases the board with the __Draft_______________

9) Children use the __Cd player_______________ to play in different shapes

10) The place where students go to receive classes is called __Classroom_________________

11) ____Flag____________ is a national symbol, and ours has 3 colors

12) You can throw away the trash in the __Garbage can_______________

13) Inside the __Pencil case___________, you can keep your small school supplies

14) You can carry all your school objects inside the _Backpack__________________

15) People receiving classes are the __Student_____________

16) In your free time you can read a _Book_______________

17) You can take your lunch to school inside the __Lunch box________________

18) You listen to music on the ___Headphones__________________

19) You can search the meaning of many and different words in the __Dictionary________________

20) Children use _Colored pencil________________ for coloring

21) You can use the _Computer________________ to do office work and connect to the internet

22) The __Brace_________________ allows you to correct written pen mistakes

23) There are many tables, chairs and a board in the ___Desk_________________

24) You can search many and different countries' location on the ___Map________________

25) You can put on a __Film proyector____________________ different information , so that they can be

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