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EDU 609

Coherence Assessment Tool

Complete the assessment below and attach to the discussion board.

Component Evidence
Fostering Direction Shared purpose drive action. The staff is committed to a shared
purpose of providing thorough
education for children and young
people through its Children’s
Services program. Our preschool,
school age, and after school
programs are tailored to actively
include and instruct children with
exceptional needs.
A small number of goals tied There are three specific goals that
to student learning drive are tethered to decisions in the
decisions. student learning which are:
-Student attendance
-The Three B’s (BE Safe, BE Kind,
BE Helpful
And the creative curriculum focus
A clear strategy for achieving For my school the strategy is not as
the goals is known by all. clear for achieving the goals has it
changes frequently throughout the
year before one can fully understand
Change knowledge is used There is a hierarchical leadership
to move the style that might make personnel feel
school/district/system. disregarded and unheard at times.
The agency has initiated most of the
reform, although displeasure is
sometimes aimed at leadership. The
agency does
not implement procedures to get
input from personnel before
implementing changes related to the
© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT
curriculum that can best suit the
needs of the children and their goals.
Creating Collaborative A growth-mindset underlies Regrettably, this is an essential area
Cultures the culture. where many staff members need to
enhance their skills. Teachers often
focus on what high ups need to
improve rather than considering
other approaches to enhance
performance. Most times staff is
quiet during meeting that could help
improve and grow.
Leaders model learning The principal and assistant principal
themselves and shape a are accessible and willing to support
culture of learning. us in our learning. A team of
employees assist in exemplifying
and maintaining our corporate
fundamental principles.
Collective capacity building is There are little prospects for
fostered above individual communal growth. We have three
development. primary opportunities each year to
come together and share
experiences and training.
Structure and processes There is no room for collaborative
support intentional work has staff members tend to
collaborative work. avoid working alongside one another
to avoid extra work.
Deepening Learning Learning goals are clear to Learning goals are established
everyone and drive based on each child individual IEP’s
instruction. that come forth. Which make each
learning goal different per class even
with the same curriculum.
A set of effective pedagogical Teachers must provide weekly
practices is known and used lesson plans. The plans must
by all educators. demonstrate the plans for the week
(i.e centers, theme, books, etc..).
All personnel are aware of the
school-wide practices. But some
educators switch it up at times to
suite their own needs.
Robust processes Monthly enrichment meetings are

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT

(collaboratively inquiry and used among class staff and support
examining student work) are staff ( A.P, social worker, therapist
used regularly to improve and counselor), to help improve the
practice. need of the students and how best to
improve on certain methods being
Securing Accountability Capacity building is used to Not seen as much in my school.
continuously improve results. Accountability is something is lacked
by most staff and high ups.
Underperformance is an Unfortunately, underperformance
opportunity for growth, not often leads to a blame game that
blame. creates hostility among senior
management and employees.
External accountability is Progress Is solely benchmarked on
used transparently to how many students we can get
benchmark progress. enrolled in our system.

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


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