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Struggling to write your Congress of Vienna thesis?

Crafting a thesis can be an arduous task,

especially when delving into complex historical events like the Congress of Vienna. This pivotal
gathering in 1814-1815 reshaped Europe's political landscape following the Napoleonic Wars,
making it a rich but challenging topic to explore.

From extensive research to meticulous analysis, writing a compelling thesis demands time, effort, and
expertise. Navigating through numerous historical documents, interpreting diplomatic negotiations,
and understanding the broader implications of the Congress can be overwhelming for many students
and scholars alike.

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He died defending his religious “base”, Zurich, from a Catholic attack. Several Polish secret
societies rebelled. 108 A Stirring of Polish Nationalism - 1830 Had the Poles been united, thisrevolt
might have been successful. Referenda are extremely important facets of Swiss political life. Restore
as many of the old monarchies as possible that had lost their thrones during the Napoleonic era.
Robert Grimm, a socialist Swiss politician, went to Russia right after their revolution to negotiate a
peace treaty between Russia and the Central Powers. It maintains its own currency (the Swiss franc),
and a majority of Swiss citizens believe that membership in the EU would interfere too much with
Swiss sovereignty and independence. 25 26 Democracy, Conscription, Federalism Since the Swiss
Constitution of 1848, Switzerland has operated under many aspects of direct democracy. There was
also bitterness over the alleged underrepresentation in the national legislature, since Catholic cantons
outnumbered Protestant cantons but Protestant cantons had more wealth and people. Austria was
represented by the Prince of Metternich, who also functioned as the president of the Congress. The
Cold War was a diplomatic crisis which occurred between the United States (and its Western bloc)
and the USSR (and its Eastern bloc). England John Locke Adam Smith France Jean Jacques
Rousseau Francois Guizot 71 The origins of Liberalism The Enlightenment introduced the idea of a
social contract based on natural rights and equality of men. Due to historical precedent and cultural
pride, Switzerland did not join the conflict at any point in its four-year duration. Metternich, in any
case, expected that Russia would turn out to be excessively amazing in this arrangement. Lived in
extended families in which the old were cared for by younger relatives. All Swiss males aged 18-21
must apply for military service, but it is optional for women. To this end, he urged the other
monarchs of Europe to create a form of collective security, in which they would support each other
in the event that any of their nations should experience a French-style revolution. Living conditions
in cities were growing worse, and there were no social services to deal with the growing urban poor.
132 Conclusion Unrest throughout Europe caused Revolution of 1848 Liberals desired greater
political participation Nationalities demanded independence Conservatives manage to put down
rebellions 133 1848 The Consequences The revolutions failed to pull popular support from working
classes. The leading statesmen at Vienna underestimated the new nationalism and liberalism
generated by the French Revolution. Stability longevity, not progress and change, mark a good
society. Coin Commemorating the Opening of the Congress of Vienna. He was forced to go back to
Switzerland by the Allies when they found out, and a high-level advocate of Grimm’s actions,
Arthur Hoffmann, had to resign. Europe in 1812. Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything
that Napoleon had done: Reduce France to its old boundaries. What were the political philosophies
that the Congress of Vienna was determined to crush? 17. However, the largest city by population is
Zurich, followed by Geneva and Basel. By continuing to use the website, you consent to our use of
cookies. It saw Beethoven's music coming to the attention of the international public for the first
time. In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: The Congress of Vienna
Prince Metternich Balance of Power Nationalism Nationality. Re-establishing Germany to its past
status as the riotous, divided Holy Roman Empire filled nobody’s needs. How to teach the
Document-Based Question. With Mr. Rodriguez. Write an essay that. This is an interesting
development, considering recent trends towards national and even slight European unity. Within
three months he was defeated yet again, and this meeting—the Congress of Vienna—set a
framework more hostile to France than before, which endured to a significant degree until
midcentury and beyond.
The liberal cantons’ alliance prevailed, and secession was suppressed. 14 Federal Constitution The
civil war may have been short, but the Swiss people learned many lessons from the intra-national
fighting. The World 1815. Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789. Europe in 1812.
Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that Napoleon had done: Reduce France to its old
boundaries. A series of meetings in Vienna Establish long-lasting peace and stability on the European
continent after the defeat of Napoleon. He did this to help the new socialist system survive from
infancy. Emblem of Jura 23 Jewish and Women’s Liberation Jews were given full rights in
Switzerland in 1879. The Congress was hosted by Emperor Francis I of Austria. Report this resource
to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. If you would like to replace it with a
different purchasing option please remove the current eBook option from your cart. The leaders
were captured and executed. 9 Aftermath of Revolts The revolt will rarely appear in mainstream
historical discussion. Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that Napoleon had done. The
new constitution helped assure that the civil war would be the last armed conflict in Swiss territory.
Here's Your Complimentary Cheat Sheet for 2-13-2024. The former minister is in fact considered to
have played a rather positive role during the Congress of Vienna. Remember the contrast between
political Liberalism and Conservatism. Our basic pricing system for History Presentations is 10 cents
per slide. They were always afraid I would go and conquer them, and when I did, I had ALL the
power! Page 14. In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: The Congress of
Vienna Prince Metternich Balance of Power Nationalism Nationality. In this lesson, students will be
able to define the following terms: The Congress of Vienna Prince Metternich Balance of Power
Nationalism Nationality. Not until the unification of Germany in 1870-71 was the balance of power
upset. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5 slideshow that includes
all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music, pictures, animations and transition
effects. Russia wanted that in France, no Bonaparte should ever be allowed to rule again. Main
Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that Napoleon had done. The congress was called in
order to adjust the borders of Europe following Napoleon Bonaparte's abdication earlier that year,
though ultimately it had far greater significance and determined the political order of Europe for
nearly a century. As a satellite state, strong centralization was imposed on the Swiss people. C o V
rejected Enlightenment ideas of the French Rev. Supported by Romantic writers, conservatives
believed in order, society and the state, faith, and tradition. Ulrich Zwingli 5 Intercantonal Religious
Wars Also known as the Wars of Kappel, these religious wars within Switzerland occurred in 1529
and 1531. George Dumitrache Radicalism in France Radicalism in France Matthew Caggia
France (r. 1824-1830) 1830 Election brought in another liberal majority.
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE RISE TO POWER George Dumitrache The french revolution
overview and timeline- version 2.0 The french revolution overview and timeline- version 2.0 Cam314
18.1 on the eve of revolution 18.1 on the eve of revolution MrAguiar When France Sneezes. The
Confederation remained deeply divided over religion, with some cantons advocating Catholicism
and some advocating the Protestant faith. Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that
Napoleon had done. This is an eerie situation of what was to come in the next thirty years. 16 World
War I (continued) In fact, trench warfare existed on the western front up until the border of
Switzerland. Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 determined and extension. The Swiss economy is highly
industrialized; therefore, it specializes highly in industry and services. Many surrounding countries
saw this as a threat! 28. The authorities killed many Protestants, and confiscated the property of
those who fled to less hostile cantons. However, in World War II, it was surrounded by fascist
countries. It's not unusual for a presentation to take between 3 and 7 hours of work. The
representative democracy would have an upper and lower house as well. June 9, 1815, to establish
lasting peace in Europe after the. The delegates at the peace settlement, later known as the Treaty (or
Peace) of Westphalia 8 1653 Peasants’ Revolts In 1653, Swiss peasants, mostly in the regions in and
around Bern, revolted. To learn how to manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy.
Although the leaders did brutally suppress the rebellious sentiment, it established a precedent. In
International Relations there are also many important. Operation Tannenbaum 19 Swiss Relations
with Nazi Germany As it was in World War I, Switzerland was surrounded by warring nations in
World War II. In any case, in spite of the endeavors to limit Russian and Prussian infringement in
Central Europe, the two nations managed to expand their impact west through the Congress of
Vienna. Ensure France would not become an aggressor Restore the “balance of power”. Hundreds of
teachers are using these lesson plans to bring history to life for students. He was forced to go back to
Switzerland by the Allies when they found out, and a high-level advocate of Grimm’s actions, Arthur
Hoffmann, had to resign. Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that Napoleon had done.
The congress was called in order to adjust the borders of Europe following Napoleon Bonaparte's
abdication earlier that year, though ultimately it had far greater significance and determined the
political order of Europe for nearly a century. Treaty of Paris of 1814 restored Louis XVIII, brother
of Louis XVI to the throne of France France got to keep 1792 frontiers including Alsace and
Lorraine (remember this for later wars against Prussia and WWI). Ulrich Zwingli 5 Intercantonal
Religious Wars Also known as the Wars of Kappel, these religious wars within Switzerland occurred
in 1529 and 1531. He was a product of the humanism of his era, especially Desiderius Erasmus.
Chapter 7 Section 5. I. Metternich’s Plan for Europe A. Men must resolve problemsthrough our
capacity tochoose how we ought to live. The leading statesmen at Vienna underestimated the new
nationalism and liberalism generated by the French Revolution. Conservatives vs. Liberals Which
group would fall under which category.
Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. What were the
political philosophies that the Congress of Vienna was determined to crush? 17. Our product
offerings include millions of PowerPoint templates, diagrams, animated 3D characters and more.
These seven cantons were Uri, Schwyz, Hidwalden, Zug, Luzern, Fribourg, and Wallis, as shown by
the map. Aurelie Aveta, Elena Borovskis, Diana Ferati, Danielle Galloway, Natalie Lin, Samantha
Mayer. After the downfall of Napoleon, Europe was in a state of chaos and it needed re-
organization. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. Rumors reached Poland that
Nicholas I was planning to use Polish troops to put down the revolutions in France and Belgium.
Creation of the Holy Alliance (Russia, Prussia, Austria. This “consent of the governed” mindset
greatly contributed to the absence of absolutism in Swiss politics. The Second War of Kappel ended
in Catholic victory. Besides, Congress made so minimal hard inclination and question that the entire
of Europe did not all do battle on the double for a century. They are all artistically enhanced with
visually stunning color, shadow and lighting effects. Lived in extended families in which the old
were cared for by younger relatives. I was very power-hungry and my fellow French citizens had
strong feelings of Nationalism. Not until World War I broke out in 1914 completed a monstrous,
Europe-wide clash happen. Decolonization began on Aug. 15, 1947, when India declared its
independence from the British empire. Upon completion students should: Explain the purpose of the
Congress of Vienna Identify key persons involved in the Congress of Vienna Summarize the goals of
the Congress of Vienna. Chapter 7 Section 5. I. Metternich’s Plan for Europe A. England John Locke
Adam Smith France Jean Jacques Rousseau Francois Guizot 71 The origins of Liberalism The
Enlightenment introduced the idea of a social contract based on natural rights and equality of men.
The congress would even have to deal with Napoleon's return to Paris in early 1815, and the
subsequent invasion of Belgium, which culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon, as we
remember faced defeat a year after he retreated from Russia (1813). The individuals from the
Congress were all scared of a solid France, so they created outskirt states. The World 1815. Congress
of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789. The National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany only
had negative comments regarding Switzerland, attributing its political system to French sources. The
Swiss Confederacy authorities soon made the deal null and void, and put down remaining rebellion.
The new constitution helped assure that the civil war would be the last armed conflict in Swiss
territory. The World 1815. Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789. Elated at
Napoleon's downfall, the various European monarchs decided to redraw the map of Europe,
effectively detaching much of what Napoleon had conquered from France. Characteristics of
Conservatism Conservatives viewed history as a continuum.
Upon completion students should: Explain the purpose of the Congress of Vienna Identify key
persons involved in the Congress of Vienna Summarize the goals of the Congress of Vienna. Austria
was represented by the Prince of Metternich, who also functioned as the president of the Congress.
He established a following in Geneva, and made Geneva a city run by the Calvinist model. Chapter
7 Section 5. I. Metternich’s Plan for Europe A. However, there was a close call with the Grimm-
Hoffmann Affair. Talleyrand---Malmaiso n National Museum This Bonapartist caricature criticizes
Talleyrand (shown here as acting under the devil's influence), who was accused of abandoning
Napoleon upon hearing of the Emperor's return from Elba (hence the text he is writing down).
Europe had quite recently gone through two decades managing the French danger, and as of now, the
counter French alliance was part up, with Britain really aligning with France. Although the Swiss
tend to have a splendid reputation for respecting rights, the country was very late (comparatively) in
adopting women’s suffrage. In 1814-1815, after the French revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the
leaders of the most important countries in Europe gathered together to redraw the frontiers of their
continent. Examples of nationalities that did not rule themselves in 1815 were Germans, Italians, and
Poles. Edmund Burke, the founder of modern conservative thought, wrote The state was a
partnership, but one not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those
who are dead and those who are to be bornNo one generation therefore has the right to destroy this
partnership. 60 CONSERVATISM continued Legitimacy restoring the hereditary rule of monarchs on
their thrones of Europe. One was LEGITIMACY Only rulers from families before the French
Revolution should be put back on the throne. Napoleon, as we remember faced defeat a year after he
retreated from Russia (1813). Some gains lasted (abolition of serfdom, etc.) In the longterm, most
liberal gains would be solidified by the end of the century, Germany and Italy would be unified, and
the Austrian Empire would collapse at the end of World War I. 134 (No Transcript) 135 (No
Transcript) 136 (No Transcript). Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint
is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s
guaranteed to impress any audience. It can rightly be said that this kind of behavior can be a
negative consequence of neutrality in regional and world affairs, especially when the country is under
threat of attack, as Switzerland was. 21 Property of Holocaust Victims Council of Europe In 1963,
Switzerland joined the Council of Europe. Granted King Charles X of France (r. 1824-1830) 1830
Election brought in another liberal majority. In these goals, Metternich proved partially successful.
Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that Napoleon had done: Reduce France to its old
boundaries. The 19th century saw its share of conflicts between nations — the Crimean War, the
Prussian-Austrian War, the Franco-Prussia War— but never again did the century see a conflict as
large or as all encompassing as the Napoleonic Wars. We can't connect to the server for this app or
website at this time. They were always afraid I would go and conquer them, and when I did, I had
ALL the power! Page 14. The World 1815. Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789.
Polish intellectuals were deeply influenced by Romanticism. The roots of liberalism came from two
very different traditions of English French political thought. The representative democracy would
have an upper and lower house as well. Europe After the Congress of Vienna What was the legacy of
the Congress of Vienna. The authorities killed many Protestants, and confiscated the property of
those who fled to less hostile cantons. Want liberalism and nationalism BLOCKED as liberal and
nationalist uprising are what opened door to Napoleon. In Naples, Murat really kept his position of
authority for some time.
Again, history and culture are the largest influences. Continent, following several wars unleashed by
Napoleon Bonaparte. They united temporarily with urban working people who sought to relieve the
oppressive working conditions imposed upon them in the early industrial period. 129 The
Revolutions of 1848 Middle class people entrepreneurs, industrial managers, shopkeepers,
professionals, could not identify with the workers and their goals. Though occasionally forced into
an accommodation with France after military defeat, most monarchs continued to view Napoleon
unfavorably and hoped for his downfall. He liked to pose as a playful and idle dabbler, while at the
same time he waged diplomacy like a game of chess and did whatever it took to win.” The various
representatives and delegates from around Europe began to arrive in Vienna as early as mid-August
and their numbers swelled by late September. Battle of Navarino Br, Fr, Rus destroyed the Ottoman-
Egyptian fleet. 1828 ? Rus declared war on the Otts. 1829 ? Treaty of Adrianople 1830. A series of
meetings in Vienna Establish long-lasting peace and stability on the European continent after the
defeat of Napoleon. Contestants do not forget to Always phrase your question in the form of an
answer Hands on your buzzers it is time to play. The ExoGRAVITY project - observations of
exoplanets from the ground with opti. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version
of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. The 19th century saw its share
of conflicts between nations — the Crimean War, the Prussian-Austrian War, the Franco-Prussia War
— but never again did the century see a conflict as large or as all encompassing as the Napoleonic
Wars. Two hundred years ago, Vienna became Europe’s political, cultural, and social hub for a period
of several months. Metternich's second goal was to restrain a potentially powerful France and secure
the general peace of Europe. Famous products which are uniquely Swiss include watches, pocket
knifes, cheese, and chocolate, just to name a few. One was LEGITIMACY Only rulers from families
before the French Revolution should be put back on the throne. There had been very little popular
agitation for Belgian nationalism before 1830. After this, until the next 40 years, no wars were noted
to occur in Europe. If you would like to replace it with a different purchasing option please remove
the current eBook option from your cart. An extension of the franchise to include all men of
property. Life is like a rat raceeveryone has the opportunity to win. Members of the old Bourbon
royal family were returned to the thrones of Spain and Sicily. Congress of Vienna Effects The
Congress of Vienna was a standout amongst the most vital universal summits of European history; it
decided the future limits of Europe, limits that still affect Europe today. The congress would even
have to deal with Napoleon's return to Paris in early 1815, and the subsequent invasion of Belgium,
which culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Main Objectives. It’s job was to undo everything that
Napoleon had done. The World 1815. Congress of Vienna wants to go BACK to before 1789.
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE RISE TO POWER The french revolution overview and timeline-
version 2.0 The french revolution overview and timeline- version 2.0 18.1 on the eve of revolution
18.1 on the eve of revolution When France Sneezes. France, long the pariah nation of Europe, now
boasted a restored monarchy in the person of Louis XVIII, younger brother of the beheaded Louis
XVI. That is, a depression and sporadic famine and high unemployment were involved. NAPOLEON
REVOLUTION MODULE. They were always afraid I would go and conquer them, and when I did,
I had ALL the power! 30.
Napoleon’s last battle 1810: focus on crushing Russia 1812: leads Grand Army into Russia and is
utterly defeated The Restoration of the French monarchy. Even so, it took the Russian army a year to
suppress this rebellion. Trench warfare during World War I, known as the Great War at the time. 17
Swiss Preparation (WWII) 435,000 Swiss citizens were mobilized for defensive warfare, starting in
1939. He merged Lockes ideas of civil society with economic theory. C o V rejected Enlightenment
ideas of the French Rev. Great Depressions 1873-1896. 81 Until the Revolutions of 1848, Liberals
did NOT want democracy (or Universal Manhood Suffrage) Why. What key factors combined to
produce the Great Depression. Not simply a territorial arrangement it was, more importantly, a
strategic and military balance. The Treaty of Westphalia was partly an attack on the deteriorating
Holy Roman Empire. Were they were successful, old guard was left in place and they turned against
them. John Calvin (1509-1564) was the next religious reformer to have an impact on Switzerland.
Although the leaders did brutally suppress the rebellious sentiment, it established a precedent.
Middle class Nobles City workers Nationalists 12. 13. 14. 15. France - Louis XVIII - returned to the
throne of France I do love legitimacy! 16. Conservatives believed that self-interests do not lead to
social harmony, but to social conflict. Government leaders in Europe wanted to bring peace and
stability back to the continent. For all the inconvenience France had caused, the Congress was
amazingly mellow towards France, which essentially got the chance to keep its conventional, pre-
Revolution limits. Europe in the 18th century.pdf 1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 1.
Government leaders in Europe wanted to bring peace and stability back to the continent. The
Netherlands and the Italian Kingdom of Piedmont were built. Also, modifications to the constitution
had to come from referenda. Traditions feudal privileges, social hierarchies and orders, traditional
Catholicism. Metternich, in any case, expected that Russia would turn out to be excessively amazing
in this arrangement. The settlements on which they agreed upon were pretty fair enough, leaving no
country to have a grudge on Europe. Tore apart centuries-old empires Gave rise to the nation-state
Opposed by conservatives 87 Types of Nationalism Unification merges culturally similar lands
Separation splits off culturally distinct groups State-building binds separate cultures into one 88 (No
Transcript) 89 How is nationalism demonstrated. The Conservative Backlash to Napoleon and the
Revolution HWH UNIT 5 CHAPTER 6.4. The Congress of Vienna September 1814-June 1815.
Text edit file of the outline of the presentation and presenter's notes.? The package is a digital
download (Zip File) of these three items. Modern World History Presentations We have a number of
PowerPoints related to Modern World History. I will tell you a problem in Europe under Napoleon,
and you can tell me how Metternich helped solve the problem! 25. Due to historical precedent and
cultural pride, Switzerland did not join the conflict at any point in its four-year duration. The belief
that the greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people who share a common culture history What
was the effect of nationalism. I overthrew all the kings, and placed my own family members on the
throne! 26.

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