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Group Number:

Name Phone Email Position Department

Number Address

Title: [The Research Project Title]

Type of Study:
(Qualitative study, quantitative study, MSc project, diagnostic,
therapeutic, clinical trial, systematic review, etc.)

Study Expected Timeline:

(State the approximate duration. Date of starting and finishing the

Team members information:

(Write the PI’s name first, if you don’t have a PI, start with the team
leader’s name)
1. Background:

- Review relevant articles and previous studies on your topic.

- Identify gaps in the existing research that your study will address.

- Explain how your research builds upon or diverges from previous work.

- Provide a brief overview of the research topic and its significance.

- Clearly state the research question.

- Why your research is important and how it contributes to the field

2. Research Objectives:

2.1 Clearly state aims of your research.

2.2 Specific Objectives

2.3 Secondary Objectives

3. Methodology:

3.1 Study Settings:

3.2 Study Design:

3.3 Study Subjects: (inclusion/exclusion criteria)

3.4 Sample Size:

3.5 Sampling Technique:

3.6 Data Collection Methods:

3.7 Data Analysis Plan

4. Ethical considerations:
(Ask for approval from a research centre if needed)

5. Project Funding:
(Outline the funding for your research project if needed, which institution or agency will
provide the funds)

6. Bibliographical References:
(List all the references cited in your proposal using Vancouver style)

7. Appendices:
(Include any additional materials or documents that support your proposal. e.g., survey
instruments, questionnaires forms, data collection tables)

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