ENGLISH 6 Second Quarter Test

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Second Quarter Test

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Grade: _______________

School: _______________________________________________________________ Score: _______________
Parents Signature: _______________________________________
I. Directions: Read the following sentences. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What reading text classifies, describes, and gives factual information about people, animals,
things and phenomena?
A. Information/Factual Text C. Reading Text
B. Pattern Text D. Type of Text

2.What text types uses transitional/signal words such as consequently, as a result, thus,
therefore, and so on?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem and Solution D. Time Order

3. What text type has two subjects that are being compared based on their similarities but are
contrasted on their differences?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Time Order
B. Cause and Effect D. Enumeration

4. Which of these text types is generally used in expository and persuasive writing explaining
reason why something happened and the results of something?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

5. What text type usually starts with the statement of the general subject that is broken down
into parts or classes and these parts are introduced by signal words?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

6. Which of the following text types is a pattern of a text structure whereby information is
expressed as a problem that should be solved?
A. Problem and Solution C. Pattern Structure
B. Problem Solving D. Time Order

7. Which of the following Time Order text types tells ideas that are build from the least important
detail to the most important detail and vice-versa?
A. Time Order (Sequence, Recounts, Process) C. Time Order (Sequence)
B. Time Order (Process, or How-to) D. Time Order (Recount)

8. Which Time Order text type gives explanations or directions telling the next step in carrying
out a process or in getting from one place to another?
A. Time Order (Sequence, Recounts, Process) C. Time Order (Sequence)
B. Time Order (Process, or How-to) D. Time Order (Recount)
9. Which of the following Time Order text types is being used in many short stories, novels,
biographies, autobiographies, and historical writing developed through logical order-time, or
chronological order and sequence of importance?
A. Time Order (Sequence, Recounts, Process) C. Time Order (Sequence)
B. Time Order (Process, or How-to) D. Time Order (Recount)

10. Actress Marian Rivera promotes Kopiko Café Blanca. Which propaganda technique is used?
A. Bandwagon B. Loaded Words C. Name Calling D. Testimonial

11. Which propaganda technique does the sentences show?

My best friend is a flipflop girl who cannot make up her mind. She changes mind with
the breeze.
A. Bandwagon B. Card Stacking C. Name Calling D. Plain Folks

12.What graphic organizer is extremely effective in comparing and contrasting content of

A. Problem-Solution Map C. Venn Diagram
B. Frayer Model Chart D. T-Hanger

13. Which of these text types gives information about a topic, idea, event, object, or person by
listing the important facts, characteristics or features of the topic in a certain order?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Enumeration
B. Cause and Effect D. Time Order

14. Which Time Order text type is being developed through logical order and the sentences are
arranged in the order in which the events they described happened?
A. Time Order (Sequence, Recounts, Process) C. Time Order (Sequence)
B. Time Order (Process, or How-to) D. Time Order (Recount)

15. What is shown in the paragraph?

I was surprised to see my sister at home. She was far away from home for quite
long because she was studying at the city. I hurriedly ran onto her and hugged her.
Then on the sofa and watched her unpacked her things.
She unpacked her suitcase – her hairbrush and toothbrush, her bathrobe and
slippers, her jeans and shorts, dresses and blouses, socks and sneakers, iPod and
laptop, books and papers – as if she would be staying forever.
A. Time-order C. Cause and Effect
B. Enumeration D. Comparison-and-Contrast

16. Which of these statements has NO biases and propaganda?

A. David, Crystal said, “The English language is an insatiable borrower.”
B. Only patients with PhilHealth cards are admitted to the hospital.
C. Filipinos have quite a number of superstitious beliefs.
D. Mrs. Andrada is the best teacher.

17. What type of propaganda exaggerates the positive facts and figures hiding the negative
A. Glittering generality C. Bandwagon
B. Card stacking D. Transfer

18. Which of these types of propaganda devices uses ordinary people as endorsers to encourage
everyone to use the products “folks at home” are using?
A. Name-calling C. Testimonial
B. Plain Folks D. Bandwagon

19. The following are classified as broadcast resource EXCEPT one. Which is it?
A. Public Service Announcement C. Weather Forecast
B. Advertisement/Commercials D. Publications

20. Which of the following sources of information are PRINT?

A. Workbooks and Newspapers C. E-books and Podcasts
B. Mobile apps and videos D. Sports and Comedies

21. What text type is shown in the paragraph below?

How Does a Car Work?

A car runs because of its engine. The engine is a machine that transforms fuel or
gasoline into heat energy, making the car’s wheels turn.
First, gasoline flows into the carburetor where it evaporates and mixes with air. Then,
the fuel-air mixture is compressed inside the cylinder as the piston moves up. A spark is
produced by the spark plug and ignites the mixture. This drives the -piston down to
make way as the burning fuel expands. The downward movement of the piston pushes
other parts of the car. The energy released by the gasoline is transmitted to the wheels.
Used gas is then expelled into the air as the exhaust valves open.

A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect

B. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

22. This 21st century, cities have grown so large that now about fifty percent of the
world’s population lives in urban areas. Why is this so? For one reason, many industries
and job opportunities abound in cities. These jobs attract many people from the rural
areas because of perhaps a better material life. Another reason is that many big schools,
colleges, and universities are to be found in the cities, even in newly created ones.
Parents are lured to send their children to these institutions due to the promise of better
education. Still another reason is that as cities grow, people put up places of leisure,
entertainment, and culture. For rural folks, these facilities make city life appear more
interesting and exciting than life on the farm.

What text type is used in the paragraph above?

A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

23. What text type is used in the paragraph?

Anton and Dalton are twins. They have many traits in common. They love listening to
music, eating fruits and vegetables, playing basketball, and watching TV.
However, they differ in favorite colors. Anton loves dark blue while Dalton loves light
A. Time-order C. Problem-and-Solution
B. Enumeration D. Comparison-and-Contrast

24. Which of the following text types is shown below?

Telescopes make things that are faraway look nearer. They work by gathering the light
from an object and bending it to make a tiny picture called an image. The image in then
made larger. Two kinds of telescopes do this job.
The lens or refracting telescope uses two lenses fixed in a tube to keep unwanted light.
A large lens at one end of the tube collects the light. A smaller lens called the eyepiece
makes the image larger.
The other kind telescope is called the reflecting telescope. Instead of a lens it has a
curved mirror to collect light. The eyepiece is at one side of the telescope, near the top.
Light from the object passes down the tube and is reflected back by the concave mirror
at the bottom. A small flat mirror directs these rays into the eyepiece.
The invention of the telescope has paved the way to astronomical studies through the
A. Time-order C. Problem-and-Solution
B. Enumeration D. Comparison-and-Contrast

25. What kind of propaganda is being used?

A. Plain Folks B. Name-calling C. Bandwagon D. Testimonial

26. Which of these advertisements shows repetition?

A. B. C. D.

27. What sources do you use in gathering information for your assignment and other school
A. Printed Materials, Non-printed Materials, Broadcast Materials
B. Printed Materials, Online Materials, Casted Materials
C. Printed Materials, Digital Materials, Broadcast Materials
D. News, Online Materials, Facebook

28. Which of the following materials are consisted of all written/ printed material and have been
printed or produced in hardcopies?
A. Unplugged sources C. Printed Sources
B. Broadcast sources D. Online Sources

29. Which of the following is the purpose of the text when it tells a story that could interest the
reader, or appeal to emotions such as pleasure, sadness, anger or humor?
A. To describe C. To persuade
B. To entertain D. To inform

30. What is the purpose of the selection?

A. To entertain C. To describe
B. To inform D. To persuade

31. Which of these is the purpose of the paragraph below?

Marijuana should be legalized. We are putting too many people in prison and
spending too much money to imprison them for nonviolent crimes.

A. To persuade C. To describe
B. To entertain D. To inform

32. What skills are necessary in enriching one’s knowledge in finding reliable and credible
sources of data?
A. Reading and Writing C. Listening and Speaking
B. Comparing and Contrasting D. Drawing and Painting

33. Which of the following shows the type of this text?

The Olympic symbol consists of five interlocking rings. The rings represent the five
areas – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America – from which
athletes come to compete in the games. The rings are colored black, blue, green, red, and
yellow. At least one of those colors is found in the flag of every country sending athletes to
compete in the Olympic games.

A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect

B. Problem and Solution D. Enumeration

34. What is shown in the passage?

Don’t you know that trees help prevent water pollution? They control the sudden flow
of rainfall into the earth below the tree. This prevents pollutants to be carried to the
ocean. Trees act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge
groundwater supplies.

A. Comparison and Contrast C. Cause and Effect

B. Problem and Solution D. Time Order

35. what does the advertisement show?

A. Card Stacking B. Plain Folks C. Testimonial D. Bandwagon

36. Which shows “Testimonial”?
A. B. C. D.

37. What graphic organizer will you construct to give comparison and contrast about the two
characters in the story?
At five o’clock in the morning, the sun came up. A friendly ladybug flew in from the
left. It saw a leaf with many aphids on it, and decided to have them for breakfast. But
then, a grouchy ladybug flew in from the right. It, too, saw the aphids and wanted them
for breakfast.
A. Venn Diagram C. Picture Chart
B. Story Log D. Idea Wheel

II. Directions: Read the selections below. Write the correct purpose, key structural and
language features of the following text types. Choose from the answer.

A. To describe B. To Entertain C. To inform D. To persuade

__________38. The underground railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves
escape to freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors
and station matters. The southern states were free states and slaves were free
once they arrived in the North. Secret codes and signals were used to identify
the conductors and station matters.

__________39. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar
winds. There are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like
clouds of balloons caught in a blender. Sunset is the opposite of sunrise. The
sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon races to
take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl,
entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that still must be done. There is a
coolness, a calmness, when the sun does set.
__________40. It was a glorious morning in Alabama. The sun was shining through the
trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go
fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took
their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished. It
was so funny to watch those dogs paddle around the lake.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I



Principal I



District Supervisor
Second Quarter Test
Key Answers

1. A 27.C

2. C 28.C

3. A 29.B

4. C 30.C

5. D 31.A

6. A 32.B

7. C 33.D

8. B 34.B

9. A 35.D

10.D 36.A

11.C 37.A

12.C 38.C

13.C 39.A

14.D 40.B













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