Journal 10 Tribunalo

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My Practice Teaching Portfolio

Journal week 10
Date:05-06, 2022

“Inquiry-Based Learning”

Inquiry-based learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the

student's role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they
need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and
share ideas. It is an approach to learning that encourages students to engage in
problem-solving and experiential learning.The teaching method is a way for teachers to
present their teaching in the classroom. This method is the essence of teaching and
learning in the social science program to develop the learning skills that are meaningful
to students. (Abdul Rahim Abdul Rashid 1989: 147) The inquiry method is a
studentcentered teaching and learning method. This method emphasizes knowledge
related to “how” and not “about,” which means how knowledge is acquired and not
about knowledge. The inquiry method is trying to instill curiosity among individuals
about something. This method requires a student to question the truth and accuracy of
the information obtained. The importance of this method requires students to make
sense of what they have learned. According to Beyer B.K, Inquiry is one way of making
out of what we experience. It requires requires learners to make their
meaning out of what they experience. ( Barry K.Beyer, 1971: 6).

The philosophy of inquiry method is a process rather than

contentoriented. It is conceptual instead of factual emphasis. It is student-centered, not
teacher-centered. It is active, not passive. (Barry K.Beyer, 1971: 159).Although the
inquiry method is student-centered, it does require a lot of teacher involvement. The role
of the teacher in the inquiry method is to be the primary mentor, advisor, and planner. In
the early stages of the implementation of the inquiry, teachers should provide topics
consistent with students’ cognitive thinking and development so that they understand
and are interested in a topic. Teachers should also plan the objectives of their students’
goals, looking for resources that can guide their students toward their goals. In this
regard, teachers must also ensure that students use legitimate resources in their
studies. Teachers can tell students where and how a resource is available for reference.
This will help students find the right information if they are having trouble finding
important information; students should do their research. Besides that, teachers should
encourage different interpretations of an idea so that not all the students give the same
answers. Accordingly, the teacher will receive different answers from the students.
Teachers should, therefore, be prepared to listen to and accept different responses from
students to a problem. In this regard, teachers should create an atmosphere that
promotes and strengthens the relationship or interaction between students and teachers
and students with students. Also, teachers should help students through questions,
comments, and suggestions so that students can gain additional knowledge.

An inquiry-based approach encourages students to develop self-awareness by having

them question and evaluate their performance, and communicate their observations
within the group. Instead of placing a stigma on a student's failures or reticence,
mistakes are encouraged — allowing for an opportunity to grow.When the students use
inquiry-based learning in argumentative essay writing lessons, they generate and
organize ideas through investigation and discussion, and later produce sound written
texts. The students develop reasoning skills, collaborative working, and make
connections to real life experiences when they learn through inquiry-based learning.
The critical thinking skills that the EFL students develop through the inquiry-based
writing instruction are relevant to their future working environment to write convincing
texts and critically evaluate what other individuals have written. The abilities to interpret,
analyze, evaluate, infer, explain, and self-regulate help the university students to be
lifelong learners, and to be competitive enough in their future working life.

Therefore, inquiry-based writing instruction is suggested as a means to improve EFL

students’ critical thinking skills because the method incorporates activity oriented
learning, logical arguments, and collaboration. This is to imply the need to promote
inquiry-based learning which is based on a discovery approach that mostly involve
students in seeking, collecting, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information
based on students’ interest. It is because using inquiry-based learning in writing classes
promotes students’ academic performance and makes students active, problem solver,
autonomous, and lifelong learners. Accordingly, EFL teachers should use inquiry-based
learning in their language classrooms in order to develop students’ critical thinking skills.
Similarly, teaching material developers need to consider the inquiry-based learning
principles in developing language teaching materials so that students’ improve their
critical thinking skills. Students should also use the inquiry-based learning techniques to
produce effective argumentative texts, to be critical thinkers, and become lifelong
learners.The above discussion clearly shows that the inquiry method emphasizes
student-centered learning, where students are required to look at problems and solve
them. The importance is, this method can sharpen the thinking and give students a rich
and immersive learning experience. This method can also instill learning and self-study
among students. The inquiry method is very suitable and can be used effectively in the
social studies classroom, for instance, in the teaching and learning of history and other
subjects as well.

it concluded that the teacher do all procedures of Inquiry Based Learning Approach in
teaching and learning process at MTsN Lawang Mandahiling related to indicator, and
teachers make students active and more understand.In implementing of Inquiry Based
Learning approah in teaching learning process, the researcher found that the teacher
always gave phenomena to stimulated students. Teacher also asked the student to
share knowledge based on the teachers gave phenomena. The teacher also guide the
student to investigated problem in group discussion, students present the result and
also teacher and students concluded materials together. To improve that, the
researcher did the descriptive research at MTsN Lawang Mandahiling to conduct it.
While doing this research, the researcher used observation checklist, field note and
video recording as instrument to gathered the data. Based on research finding, the
researcher found some result when the teacher implemented Inquiry Based Learning
approach related to question of the research ” how do the English teachers implement
the Inquiry Based Learning Approach in teaching and learning process

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