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Why does the man go to see the professor?

To borrow research material about neumes
To clarify a concept he misunderstood in class
To discuss an assignment he must complete
To ask permission to change his presentation topic
What three required components of the man's presentation do the speakers mention?
Click on 3 answers.
Displaying how neumes appeared in early manuscripts
Explaining the origins of neumes
Playing an audio file of music that was notated using neumes
Explaining how neumes influenced later systems of musical notation
Describing how the neume system works
What point does the professor make about the use of neumes?
They were not used the same way from one composer to the next
They could not be interpreted as musical notes
They could be read only by choir directors
They were not recorded on the same pages as the lyrics of the songs of
Why does the professor mention a choir director?
To recommend someone with additional knowledge about neumes
To give an example of : profession where neumes are still used today
To point out that neumes are traditionally used in group performances
To present a possible origin of neumes
What is the man's opinion of the theory that links enumes to the medieval system of
punctuation marks?
He is somewhat doubtful of the theory.
He respects the origins of the theory.
He thinks the research for the theory may be outdated.
He was interested in further researching the theory.
Listen to a conversation between a student and his music history professor.
So the class has been really interesting so far looking at all the different ways music
has been written down notating over the centuries like I played the piano and I just
kind of figured that the music I read now that that's what Prince's music has always
looked like.

참석자 2
I'm glad you're enjoying the course so far.
Hopefully this upcoming presentation isn't changing your feeling about that.

참석자 1
No, not at all. And thanks for taking time to see me about that today.
So yeah, I've decided to go with Nomes as my topic.

참석자 2
Nms are an interesting choice.
You must be interested in how music was notated in medieval Europe.

참석자 1
Well, sort of I think it's just the weird appearance of the notation that attracted me
anyway I know there are a few things I need to include, right first is where they came
from, sort of how they began and I need to give a description of the notation system
and how it works you know, how people were able to read it to perform music.
And I also have to display some slides you know, show the class the way news
appeared in early manuscripts.

참석자 2
That's correct. And remember, I said you may also want to consider playing an audio
file for the class to hear a sample of the music but it's not a requirement.
And in the case of Nums, that may be difficult.

참석자 1
Yeah I wish I could play a sample of some music but it's basically impossible to
reproduce music accurately from noons.

참석자 2
That's because they were really only useful as a memory aid.
They didn't provide the notes that the singers would actually sing.
They just provided symbols over the lyrics of the song to remind the singers if the
next word they'd be singing was higher or lower than the previous word.
It's really well, not very specific at all

참석자 1
true. Well, I'll explain that and I'll also go into the fact that they were used to notate
religious songs.

참석자 2
Sounds like you've got a handle on things.

참석자 1
Yeah except one of the problems I'm running into is well, explaining how Noms
developed from earlier systems of notation right they couldn't have just appeared out
of nowhere yet.
The book says they're completely unrelated to any system that came before.

참석자 2
Well, there are theories about their origins.
One is that NES developed from early punctuation marks punctuation used in medieval

참석자 1
So the symbols, the way nons were written down may have been based on like
commas and stuff.

참석자 2
Well, that's one theory.
Another theory is that well, when a choir director is conducting and there's a group of
singers when they're conducting, sometimes they move their arms up when the
melody goes up down, when the melody goes down.

참석자 1
So with nomes where the printed lines go up or down, that's reflecting how someone
directing a choir, how their arms would go up or down.
Now that seems a bit more plausible.

참석자 3
Why does the man go to see the professor?

참석자 3
What three required components of the man's presentation do the speakers mention?
What point does the professor make about the use of names?
Why does the professor mention the choir director?
What is the man's opinion of the theory that links news to a medieval system of
punctuation marks?
What is the lecture mainly about?
The geological formations found in river basins throughout the world
The variety tree species found in different climate zones of the congo basin
The role of geology in tree species distribution within the congo basin
The ways that humans can influence tree species distribution within forests
What did research on tree species distribution in a forest in Panama demonstrate?
Rainfall can be the most significant factor in species distribution in some forests.
climate can make it difficult to conduct meaningful research on species distribution.
Some forests contain one predominant evergreen species.
Rainfall does not have as great an impact on species distribution as human activity
does in some forests.
What point does the professor make about the climate in the congo basin?
It is hotter in the congo basin han other forests.
It rains more in the congo basin than in other forests.
The climate in the congo basin is significantly influenced by the landscape.
The climate in the congo basin is more consistent than in other forests.
What are two characteristics of trees growing in sandy areas of the congo basin that
professor mentions?
Click on 2 answers.
They tend to have dense wood.
They rely heavily on nutrients.
They are mostly evergreens.
They grow relatively fast rate
What is the professor's attitude about research being conducted in the congo basin?
He is optimistic that it can help guide forest management practices.
He is excited about the benefits it will bring to logging companies.
He is hopeful that it will improve farming conditions in the area.
He is not yet convinced that can produce valuable findings.
Why does the professor say this:
To point out the difficulty of finding evidence of prehistoric farming
To emphasize that human disturbance seems to have had little impact on tree
distribution patterns observed in the congo basin today
To illustrate that only certain areas of the congo basin have been used for farming
To contrast the effect of prehistoric human disturbance with recent human
So we've been discussing forests and their composition, the different kinds of trees
that grow in forests.
Last class we reviewed some common factors that affect tree species distribution.
Factors that influence which trees grow where.
So for example, one factor we discussed was human disturbance.
Things like building roads and farming practices can certainly affect the forest
distribution patterns.
We also discussed environmental factors like climate.

참석자 1
So Mary, refresh everyone's memory.
What did we learn about climate?
Specifically rainfall in terms of species distribution?

참석자 2
Well, we said that rain can be an important factor.
And we looked at a study involving a tropical COR

참석자 2
was the most important factor in that force in terms of determ

참석자 1
I want to introduce a recent study that highlights another environmental factor,
In this study conducted in Western Equatorial Africa in the Congo River Basin,
researchers found that geological conditions were the biggest factor in determining
this forest's tree species distribution more influential than climate or human
This study took place in the northern part of the Congo Basin and it involved an area
of 700,000 square kilometers.

참석자 1
So we're talking about the distribution of tree species over a huge area.
The researchers studied 31 common tree species based on long records and they
noticed a strong association between the occurrence of certain species and the
composition of the underlying geological substrates.
The rock beneath the soil the type of rock determines the chemical properties of the
soil that's over it and this soil in turn determines the trees that grow there.
Yes Barry

참석자 2
So in this area, if species distribution is mainly due to geology, does that mean rainfall
isn't a factor?
I mean it must rain there right?

참석자 1
Well, the climate's influence is negligible probably because in the Congo Basin the
climate doesn't vary significantly.
Within some forests climatic variations allow tree species that thrive in wet
surroundings to dominate those wet areas.
Conversely, drier zones can be taken over by trees that don't need as much moisture.
But in the Congo basin we don't see that much variation in temperature or the amount
of rainfall during the year. And geology steps to the forefront.

OK Now within the study area there's a large sandstone plateau that's predominantly
covered by sandy Lan. Fanny soils like sandy loam are notoriously deficient.
This means that they don't retain water or nutrients. This ties into a point I made
earlier about the rock beneath the soil being important. Above rock like sandstone, we
find sandy deficient soils. Certain trees thrive in this environment trees that don't rely
heavily on nutrients or moisture.

The researchers found that trees growing above the sandstone plateau share certain
characteristics. They're mostly evergreen trees that grow slowly and have dense wood.
And when researchers examined trees in other parts of the study area in areas with
non sandy soils, they found mostly deciduous trees that exhibit fast growth and low
density wood. So the lack of available nutrients and water above sandstone may
exclude these deciduous trees from growing in sandy areas.

참석자 1
So you can see the importance of geological conditions in this area.

참석자 2
Yeah you mentioned something earlier about human disturbance.
So you don't think this factor was significant in the Congo basin.
참석자 1
That's right, recent human disturbance that took place within the past 100 years has
had a negligible effect on species distribution in this area.
And it appears that the same holds true for activity that occurred over 100 years ago
as far back as prehistoric times.
In fact, areas of the Congo that are now known to have undergone extensive
cultivation in prehistoric times today, look as if they've never been disturbed by
human activity.

참석자 1
So research like this, you know, determining species distribution and being able to
calculate the rate at which trees grow and so on is an important part of the equation
when it comes to say regulating logging practices.
I mean a slow growing tree needs to have a chance to grow, right?
So identifying the factors that influence species distribution is an important tool for
conservation and forest management.
It can help us devise better ways of logging that will help preserve the forest.

참석자 3
What is the lecture mainly about what did research on tree species distribution in
forests and panama demonstrate?
What point does the professor make about what are two characteristics of trees?
What is the professor's attitude about reason?

참석자 4
Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question.

참석자 2
Yeah you mentioned something earlier about human disturbance so you don't think
this factor was significant in the Congo basin

참석자 1
that's right recent human disturbance that took place within the past 100 years has
had a negligible effect on species distribution in this area.
And it appears that the same holds true for activity that occurred over 100 years ago
as far back as prehistoric times.
In fact, areas of the Congo that are now known to have undergone extensive
cultivation in prehistoric times today it looked as if they'd never been disturbed by
human activity.
Why does the professor say this

참석자 1
areas of the Congo that are now known to have undergone extensive cultivation in
prehistoric times today look as if they'd never been disturbed by human activity.
What is the main purpose of the discussion?
To discuss the origins unusual type music
To compare two very different music performances the class recently attended
To prepare students for an assignment for which they will compose electronic music
To analyze a particular type of electronic music
According to the professor, why are hemispherical speakers important in a laptop
They allow orchestra members to share the same speaker for certain compositions.
They allow each orchestra member to produce several different sounds once.
They project a broad range of volumes and pitches.
They project sound in all directions.
Why does the student mention email?
To explain how she heard about university laptop orchestra
To provide an example of how quickly new technologies can become accepted
To comment on what a laptop orchestra performance looks like
To point out that laptop orchestra members communicate during performances
What point does : a student make about the music she has heard played at live laptop
orchestra performances?
It does not contain any melodic patterns.
It was probably written for traditional instruments.
It often includes improvisation.
It does not include sounds made by an electronic keyboard.
Why does a student use the term "virtuoso"?
To identify the founder of the first laptop orchestra
To question whether laptop orchestra members are real musicians
To describe a particular laptop orchestra composer
Their innovations have had a positive impact on traditional orchestras requires
specialized skill
What is the professor's opinion about laptop orchestras?
A.They may contribute to the development of new types of music and musicians
B.They will probably appeal only to a limited audience
C.They could provide a means of preserving music that is seldom played
D.Their innovations have had a positive impact on traditional orchestras
Electronic Music
(Professor) I was pleased that most of you were able to attend Friday's concert. The
timing couldn't have been better for us since we are now examining postmodern and
electronic music. Remember electronic music has been around since the 1950s when
the first synthesizers which generated and modified sound electronically were
invented. And in the 1960S keyboards were attached to synthesizers. But to some, the
electronic music created has always seemed pretty conventional, relying on traditional
notions of melody and harmony. But this performance was something entirely
different. So first, could someone please describe what you saw.
(Male student) Well it was a performance by the university laptop orchestra, and there
were about 15 people on stage, and each one had a laptop computer. Connected to
each computer there was a big speaker. It looked like a huge upside-down bowl, to
amplify the sound.
(Professor) It's called a hemispherical speaker. It has 6 car stereo speakers built into
its sides. The hemispherical shape allows sound to radiate in all directions which is
what happens with most traditional musical instruments.
(Male student) So each person had a laptop and a speaker and what looked like
additional audio equipment, wires and stuff. And the orchestra director stood up and
introduced the pieces, the compositions they would play. But for most of it, the
musicians so to speak, were working on their computers. And that's what produced
the music. And, well, when you first said we'd be seeing a laptop orchestra, I kind of
wondered why. Why attend a live performance? Isn't the music just programmed into
the computers? I mean, what did the people playing the music actually do?
(Female student) Yeah, I have friends in that orchestra. So I've been to a few of their
performances, and I used to feel like I was just watching a bunch of people writing
emails to each other. I mean, the music is cool, but I used to think what's the point of
watching it live. But it turns out they create a lot of the music right there on the spot
that improvisation makes it kind of like a jazz concert, which makes it exciting to
(Professor) Tell us more about that Cheryl.
(Female student) Well, it's true that some of what we heard was pre recorded and
saved in the computer, but a lot of it was improvised. So as you watch, all those
musicians are contributing to the compositions by generating sounds with computer
programs right then and there, and those programs also later the sounds with the
prerecorded music.
(Professor) Can you describe the music itself? How would you characterize it?
(Female student) I'd say it mostly has that electronic sound, like you hear from
electric keyboards and sometimes you hear beeps and tones like in video games or cell
phones. And this one piece, part of it was like the sound you get when you run your
finger around the top of a crystal glass, but there's fragments of melody too.
(Male student) Yeah but, if they're just blending pre recordings with sounds generated
by the computer, that doesn't sound like making music. I mean, could you ever
imagine a virtuoso laptop player?
(Professor) Well, that's a valid point George. Let's think of that term, virtuoso. A
virtuoso is a musician of outstanding skills. not everyone can attain virtuosity, but it's
the absolute height That musicians aspire to. A piano or any other traditional
instrument produces very different sounds depending on who plays it and how. It
reacts to the slightest variations in finger movements for instance.
(Male student) And you can't get those fine variations from a laptop. Right now it
seems like they just generate strange sounds. But to me, that's not really musicianship.
(Professor) Except that, it's not like they turn on the laptop and leave. As Cheryl points
out, the sound is dependent on live performers and is highly individualized, and it's
performed in a way that's close to a traditional orchestra. The group of individual
instruments are played together to create a unified sound. It seems to me that this
medium is still evolving. It is a bit more than just an integration of electronic sound
into existing musical structures. In this field is changing so quickly, down the line we
might well see a new kind of hybrid musician, part virtuoso and part computer
Why does he come to talk to the woman?
To make her aware of a maintenance problem
To ask her to write him a letter of recommendation
To ask about a position he applied for
To request permission to move to a different room next semester
Why does the man suggest that calling the maintenance department would not be
believes that the maintenance department would not make the repair today.
He believes that the problem can be solved without calling the maintenance
He found out that the maintenance department has already been notified of the
He found out that the university maintenance department is not responsible for
repairing the heating system.
What does the woman imply about the staff at the university housing office?
They are finding it difficult to meet the demand for student housing.
They have recently changed the housing office's business hours.
They will probably be willing to extend the deadline for reserving a room.
They are not involved in the process of selecting students to fill resident assistant
What does the man offer to do for the woman?
Make temporary repairs to the heating system
Alert other students about the problem with the heating system
Meet the members of the maintenance crew when they arrive
determine the extent of the problem with the heating system
What can be inferred about the man when he says this:
He is aware that the woman does not want to call the emergency maintenance
number. the
He has changed his mind about calling the emergency maintenance number.
He thinks the extremely cold weather may be causing the problem with the heating
He still does not think the woman should call the emergency maintenance number.
참석자 1
Between the student and the director of this residence hall.

참석자 2
Hi Miss Hamilton

참석자 3
Hi Jack What brings you to my office?
So early on a Sunday morning

참석자 2
I wanted to ask you

참석자 3
sorry for interrupting but is it cold in here or is it just PAL?

참석자 2
No it's definitely chilly in here.

참석자 3
Okay and the thermostats set for the right temperature.
So I guess I'm going to have to call maintenance.

참석자 2
You might not want to bother him.

참석자 3
Why not?

참석자 2
Well, the heat in my room's not working that great either.
So I was going to call them earlier this morning but when I went to the housing office
website to get the numbers, the only number they had that you could call on the
weekend was the emergency number.
And they said that unless it was a real emergency, you should wait and call the
housing office during regular working hours.

참석자 3
No, it's okay. It's really just the after hours maintenance number.
They just don't want students calling to ask for someone to replace a burnout light
bulb but we can call for any urgent maintenance problem.

참석자 2
Well, the weather is supposed to get really cold tonight.

참석자 3
Yes so I'd better go ahead and call.
Okay so

참석자 2
oh yes about my application to become one of your resident assistants next semester
You wrote me a letter of recommendation for it Yes well, I was supposed to hear back
by the end of this past week but I didn't and I was wondering if you might know
anything about it.

참석자 3
Yes one of the people in the housing office had to go out of town unexpectedly and
they're postponing the decision until she gets back, which will be around the end of
next week.
I think

참석자 2
well, that's kind of a problem for me because Monday's the deadline for letting the
housing office know whether or not I plan to rent a room in this residence hall next
And as you know, if I get the resident assistant job, I won't need to rent a room
because the university will give me one of the rooms they have reserved for resident

참석자 3
right Hmh how about this?
Why didn't you drop by the housing office Monday morning explain what's going on
and tell them you'll know in a few days.
I'm sure they can be somewhat flexible.

참석자 2
Okay I'll do that.

참석자 3
Thank you before you go. Do you know if any other rooms are having problems with
their heat?

참석자 2
No most of the residents like to sleep in on Sundays so I haven't seen anyone else yet
this morning but I could knock on some people's doors and ask,

참석자 3
would you maybe a few doors on each floor?
Great The more information I can give the maintenance department the better.

참석자 4
Why does the man come to talk to the woman?
Why does the man suggest that calling to me?
What does the woman imply about this?
What does the man offer to do?

참석자 3
No, it's okay. It's really just the after hours maintenance number.
They just don't want students calling to ask for someone to replace a burned out light
But we can call for any urgent maintenance problem.

참석자 2
Well, the weather is supposed to get really cold tonight.

참석자 1
What can be inferred about the man when he says this?

참석자 2
Well, the weather is supposed to get really cold tonight.
What is the main purpose of the lecture?
To explain why Earth based observatories are expensive to build and maintain
To explore the connection between an observatory and a nearby city
To emphasize why light pollution has become a serious problem for astronomers
n To review the factors involved in selecting sites for large observatories
According to the professor, why did the United States government decide to build a
national observatory?
To postpone the need to develop space telescopes
To encourage university students to study astronomy
To provide research opportunities for professional astronomers in the United States
To create a model for future observatory planning committees worldwide
According to the professor, what factors must be taken into consideration when
selecting a site for an observatory?
Click on 3 answers.
The dryness of the air
The darkness of the night sky
The number of clear nights
The frequency of cold weather
The availability of room for a maintenance facility
Why does the professor mention far observatory staff will have to travel?
To propose a reason for building living quarters onsite
To suggest that a national observatory should be situated near a city with an airport
To give an example of an important practical issue facing observatory planning
To explain why the Kitt Peak observatory was built on a university campus
What does the professor imply when he mentions the water problem at kitt Peak?
The absence of a supply forces the observatory to during the summer.
The site lacks adequate roadways for bringing water in by truck.
The planning committee applied creative thinking to reduce the staff's water usage.
The planning committee found a way to make good use of the rainy season.
What does the professor imply about Tucson's laws regulating outdoor electric
They have served as role models for other cities.
They have had minimal impact on public attitudes toward light pollution.
They may not be adequate to deal with the problem of light pollution.
They are beneficial, but too costly for consumers.
참석자 1
Listen to all of the lecture in an astronomy class.
Now before we get to our discussion of space telescopes, I'd like to talk about the
process of choosing locations for Earth based observatories using the Kitpeak National
Observatory near Tucson, Arizona as an example.
The Kitpeak National Observatory was established in 1958.
Before that time, research astronomers had to use whatever telescopes were available
at their own universities regardless of the qualities important research wasn't getting
done for lack of facilities.
The United States government therefore decided to build a national observatory for
use by astronomers nationwide.
The planning committee spent three years looking for the right site and after
evaluating more than 100 different locations, they ended up picking Kit Peak.
Very large observatories like Kit Peak are hugely expensive to build and maintain so
the right environment is crucial.
So what do you think? What kind of sites are we looking for?

참석자 2
They have to be on mountain tops because the higher up you are, the less interference
you get from the atmosphere, dust, clouds and even air pollution.
I suppose

참석자 1
that's right what else?

참석자 2
You have to avoid humid conditions because humidity can make the telescope
In fact, I think deserts might be a good place to build a telescope.

참석자 1
Yeah they are even though dust and sand might get blown around.
Usually the telescopes are high enough up that it doesn't reach them.

참석자 2
Well, the weather is pretty important in general, isn't it?
You'd have to have a lot of clear nights for making observations
참석자 1
good. In fact, out of all the possible sites, some of them were high enough and dry
enough but they were ruled out because they had too many overcast nights and above
all, there's the darkness of the night sky.
Light pollution is a real threat to astronomical research.
Kitpeak was far enough away from TSCI to ensure that there wouldn't be a problem
with glare from electric lights, which would have made it impossible for astronomers
to see dim objects in space. And Tucson had a relatively small population at that time.
Okay let's summarize with Kickpeak the planning committee had a remote
mountaintop, a very dry desert with a dark night sky and good weather for most of
the youth it was superior to the other sites in all aspects except for one it has a
monsoon season every summer when it rains all the time. But they decided that they
could close the observatory every summer and use that time to do maintenance work
on the equipment.
But some of the issues involved in planning observatories are not scientific practically
for example, is there an adequate water source?
Are there roads or places to build roads?
You're going to be trucking in an awful lot of construction.
How about commuting? Will the staff members have to travel long distances to get to
Do they need living quarters on site?

참석자 1
These are the kinds of things that have to be considered on Kit Peak.
They did in fact have a problem with water.
There was no water on site and no easy way to bring it in.
So they built a concrete basin on the mountain top to collect all the rain that falls
during the monsoon season.
Then they put in a water purification system and some sorage tanks.
This is a great example of how practical problems can be solved through creative

참석자 1
Getting back for a minute to the light pollution issue I want to say something else
about that.
As I said, Tucsan was a fairly small city in the 1950s.
Afterward, though, the city grew enormously and so did the amount of electric light
coming out of.
There was some concern that the light pollution from Tucson might put the Kit Peak
Observatory out of business.
However, the night sky at Kpak actually hasn't gotten very much brighter.
And here's why the people in Tucson are required by law to limit the amount of light
that escapes into the sky.
In fact, Tucson's laws regulating light pollution are among the most stringent in the
United States.
Many outdoor lighting fixtures have for edge yields so all the like things downward.
There are a lot of advantages to these modifications.
They also helped to bring down energy costs, which has made them popular with local
And interestingly, a few places have adopted similar regulations.

What is the main purpose of the lecture?

According to the professor Why did they unite?
According to the professor What why does the professor mention?
What does the professor imply when?
What does the professor imply about Tucson's laws regulating outdoor electric

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