Lecture Noted B 1

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Fundamentals of Database System

Presentation · October 2019


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1 author:

Esraa Adnan Hadi

University of Technology, Iraq


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Lecture One

Lect. M.Sc Esraa Adnan

ALLPPT.com _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Lecture’s Objectives

After this lecture, student will be able to know:-

1. What is the database?
2. What is the Characteristics (properties) of database?
3. The difference between Database and Traditional
File System?
Introduction to the Database
Today, people use computers in order to perform many tasks for
merly done by other tools.

1. Computer has replaced typewriters for creating, storing and

modifying documents.
2. Computer has supported scientific calculators as the best
way to do mathematical operations.
3. Computer also replaced millions of papers and file folders as
the principal storage medium for important information.

Compared to those old tools, computers do much more, much

faster and with greater accuracy.
Introduction to the Database
• What is Database???
Database (DB):- is a collection of information organized in
such way that a computer program can quickly select desired
pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing
• Data :- It’s a facts or raw materials, and it can be a character ,
number or image, which are stored and processed by
• Information:- To understand these data, they (data) need to
translate or interpret to became information. Information is the
meaning that is given to the data through interpreted
Introduction to the Database
Database applications:-
1. Google
2. You Tube
3. Hospitals
4. Banks
5. Many other applications
Note::- Database can be any size and complexity
Introduction to the Database
Databases (DBs) are organized by Table, fields and records,
as follows:
• Table -> is a set of rows which represent (records), and a set of
columns that represent (fields), each row in the table has the same
number of fields, but differ in the value, and each field in the table
share the same type and size in a column.
• Field-> represents a set of data
elements. The field may be the
name of the student, department
(dept.), stage, all these elements are
fields in the a table of students.
• Record -> is a group of fields in the
table, although a group of fields
student’s name, dept., and stage
represents a one record to a student
in the student table.
Introduction to the database
In order to access information from a database, you need a
database management system (DBMS).
 Database management system (DBMS) is a collection of
programs that enables you to enter the data to the database,
organize the data in the database, and select data from the
 Database Management System (DBMS) manages the process
of storing and retrieving data, as well as providing users
access to the database, they serve as liaison between users and
the database, it receives the requests from users, and transfer
them to the database and execute the programs to do these
requirements and then provide the user with the desired results.
For example:- VFP (visual Fox Pro) , Microsoft Access, SQL
server, Oracle.
Introduction to the Database
Introduction to the Database
• A Database Management System (DBMS) controls the –

1. Creation of the database

2. The storing and organization of the data in the database
3. Maintenance the database
4. Searching ,data retrieval and the use of a database.
Database System
 What is the major components of the database system
Ans. There are four major components of the database system, as
1. Data :- The term data means groups of information that
represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or
set of variables. Data are typically the results of measurements
and can be the basis of graphs, images, or observations of a set of
2. Hardware (H/W):- Need two basic components:
o secondary storage memory.
o Processor with associated memory.
Database System
3. Software (S/W):- Between the physical database (DB) and the
users is software. This software is referred to as the database
management system (DBMS).
4. Users :- there are three different types of database system
1. Database Administrator (DBA):- Who manages databases,
controls the permissions, monitor the system and improve the
performance of databases.
2. Database Designer:- He is designing databases to be created
and built with highly efficient manner according to user
3. Database End User:- Some users have a sufficient experience
to the preparation of the inquiries by query language, and the
others have no experience therefore a special programs are
created for them (Wizard for example).
Database abstraction
The major purpose of a database system is to provide users
with an abstract view of the data. That is , the system hides
certain details of how the data are stored and maintained.
** Internal level (also known as the storage level or Physical
level) : the lowest level of abstraction, describe how the data are
actually stored.
** Conceptual level (also known as a Logical level): This level
describe what data are stored in the database and what
relationship exist among those data. The logical level is used by
the database administrator, who must decide what information is
to be kept in the database.
** External level (also known as the user level or View level) :
is the one closet to the users. It is concerned with the way the data
is seen by users.
The three
levels of the
Traditional File
Database (Characteristics)

• Why Database???
1. Compactness.
2. Speed. • Benefits of DB approach:
3. Less drudgery. 1. The data can be shared.
4. currency. 2. Redundancy can be reduced.
5. protection. 3. Inconsistency can be avoided.
4. Integrity can be maintained.
5. Security can be enforced.
6. Standards can be enforced
Traditional File System
1. What is the main difference between data and
2. What is the main difference between the database and
traditional file system?
3. Explain in details, the concept of the DBMS?
4. There are three levels of the database ................,
............and ................
5. Database system is consist of ............and ...........
6. databases are organized of ......., ............ , .........
7. A table is consist of two parts, explain them?
8. A database administrator is ..................................
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program

Visual FoxPro (VFP) is dedicated to manage the relational

database. This system can use Structured Query Language (SQL).
The begin of development of this system since 1980 with the
spread of the personal computer and its evolution, since started as
FoxBase and which was characterized by fast, and then evolved
to FoxBase + , FoxPro 2.6 for Dos, FoxPro For Windows, and
lasted until Visual FoxPro 3.0, which was a quantum leap to shift
from just a database programming language and then the latest
version is Visual FoxPro 9.0 after passing versions that preceded

1. Start
2. All programs
3. Microsoft visual studio
4. Microsoft visual fox-
pro 6.0
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program
Enter to the VFP program:-
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program
Another Example:-
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program
SET COLOR TO color1/color2

1. Black-> N
2. Blue-> B
3. Brown-> GR
4. Green-> G
5. Magenta-> RB
6. Red-> R
7. White-> W
8. Yellow-> GR+
Practical Part – Visual FoxPro Program
SET COLOR TO color1/color2
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