Igcse Short Story

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In the quiet glen where the sunlight filters through the ancient trees, a sense of

tranquility envelops the surroundings. Moss-covered stones line the forest floor,
bearing witness to centuries of whispered secrets. The babbling brook weaves its
way through the verdant undergrowth, its gentle melody harmonizing with the chorus
of birdsong above.

As the day wanes and dusk descends, the shadows lengthen, casting an ethereal
glow upon the landscape. The nocturnal creatures stir from their slumber,
emboldened by the cloak of nightfall. A symphony of crickets fills the air, their
rhythmic chirping a testament to the timeless rhythm of nature.

In this secluded sanctuary, time seems to stand still, offering respite from the hurried
pace of the outside world. Here, amidst the embrace of the wilderness, one finds
solace in the simple beauty of existence.

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